Foreign Policy Flashcards
Big Stick Policy
• He believed in, and quoted often, the West African proverb that says “speak softly and carry a big stick. He was often quoted using this proverb. The proverb advises the use of caution and non-aggression, backed up by the ability to do violence if need be. (work though the peace negotiations while welding a lot of military power tends to get the desired effect.)
Any disorder in regions would force US to send in troops to protect its interests, investments $$$
Keep Europe out of region if nation defaults on loans
Any disorder in regions would force US to send in troops to protect its interests, investments $$$
Keep Europe out of region if nation defaults on loans
US takes over Panama Canal construction (complete in 1911) yellow fever
US offered to pay Columbia, but it was slow to respond
US urges Panama to revolt, sends US ships to back rebels
Panama declares independence & US buys canal rights from new country
Dollar Diplomacy
However, Taft brought with him “dollar diplomacy.” He defined this as “substituting dollars for bullets.” The term was new but the concept wasn’t.
• During his administration the US deepened its economic influence through “dollar diplomacy.” When the administration talked about dollar diplomacy
Improve financialopportunities for American businesses.
Use private capital tofurther U. S. interestsoverseas.
Therefore, the U.S. should create stability and order abroad that would best promote America’s commercial interests.
Elihu Root
• Elihu Root, Secretary of War, publically explained that the US would follow a policy of “intervention” not “interference”. He stated that intervention would only come to ensure Cuba’s government and preserve Cuba’s independence…not interference in internal matters.
Hay-Bunau-Varilla Treaty
• The Hay—Bunau-Varilla Treaty of 1903 was way better than the Hay-Herran Treaty. It established: US got a 10 mile wide strip of land for the canal (canal zone), US would pay $10 million and $250,000 yearly (beginning after 9 years), the US was granted COMPLETE control over the zone (Panama did maintain civil control in Colon and Panama City)…”to exercise if it were the sovereign territory”. The treaty also stated that the US would “maintain the independence of the Republic of Panama.” This essentially established Panama as a protectorate…B-V had essentially created a Platt Amendment for Panama.
Hay-Pauncefote Treaty
• The Senate approved the treaty in December of 1901. The Hay-Pauncefote released the US from the Clayton-Bulwer Treaty and further progressed the rapprochement between the US and GB.
• Prior to his death (obviously), McKinley created the Walker Isthmian Canal Commission to find a suitable place for a canal
Philander Knox
• Taft and Philander Knox (Secretary of State) set a goal of stabilizing governments by preventing financial collapse. Taft felt that Roosevelt was too militaristic in his policies and that would hurt the US’ reputation in Latin America. Basically, the US would increase influence by investments. This would most often take form by the US loaning money to nations that owed money to European countries…thereby insuring that European countries would not need to come looking for their money. (TR did not agree with the policy)
Reciprocity Treaty
• In 1902, the US and Cuba entered into a Reciprocity Treaty which lowered duties on Cuban exports to the US. This only tied the two countries together even more.
Roosevelt Corollary
- What resulted was the Roosevelt Corollary. The Roosevelt Corollary was an addition to the Monroe Doctrine (technically called Roosevelt Corollary of the Monroe Doctrine).
- The Corollary was actually established in several speeches/letters. The most important statement on the matter came in December 1904 in a statement to Congress. There he declared that the US would exercise “international police power.” He also stated that the MD did not allow European countries to occupy/seize territory; however, this may be the only way for foreign governments to collect the overdue payments…unless there was interference by the US.
- In other words, the US could intervene in the domestic affairs of Latin countries who proved themselves unable (incompetent, according to TR) to protect themselves. It was stated by Root that the Panama Canal (at that point under construction) had place Latin America “in the front yard of the United States” and forced it “to police the surrounding premises.”
Root-Takahira Agreement
• The Root-Takahira agreement was signed in November 1908. It recognized the need for a status quo in China as well as the Open Door. Implicitly, it recognized that US interests were guaranteed in the Philippines and that Japan was dominant in Korea and Manchuria.
Dollar Diplomacy
Treaty of 1846
The Treaty of 1846 between Colombia (at that time New Granada) and the US. The treaty was meant to represent an agreement of mutual cooperation (trade and such). The US also promised the use of military powers to suppress social conflicts and independence struggles targeted against Colombia. Several times, the US had gone to Panama to put down insurrections b/c of the treaty.
Treaty of Portsmouth
• Peace talks began in August 1905 in New Hampshire. After long talks and compromise, the Treat of Portsmouth of 1905 (September) was signed. Japan emerged as the dominant force in East Asia.
William Gorgas
• The building of the Panama Canal became possible only after Dr. William Gorgas found a way to control the mosquito population that caused malaria and yellow fever.
Canal in Panama rather than Nicaragua
Nicaragua was a back-up
Platt Amendment
- The Platt Amendment had set a precedent for similar actions to be taken in other areas of Latin America.
- Except for Anti-Imperialists, it was strongly agreed that the US had a responsibility to safeguard Cuba. And, the Platt Amendment gave the US that ability.
Russo-Japanese War
• TR realized at the outcome of the Russo-Japanese War would determine the balance of power in that area of the world and hence would affect US interests in China and the Philippines.
Algeciras Conference
• In January 1906 TR sent representatives to Algeciras, Spain. It ended in April with a treaty. Henry White, US ambassador to Italy, was the ranking member and was able to settle the issue. It was decided that Morocco’s borders would not be changed (Germany wanted a piece of Morocco) and France would be allowed to be the policing force in Morocco.