foot and ankle palpations Flashcards
head of the first metatarsal
find:follow 1st phalange proximally, space, head of 1st metatarsal (will be tender
clinically: turf toe- hyperextension of mtp
first metatarsal shaft and base
find: continue to palpate along 1st metatarsal
clinically fractured metatarsals, stress fracture of metatarsal
2nd and 3rd metatarsals
find: adjacent to 1st metatarsal
1st metatarsal cuneiform joint
find: palpate metatarsal proximally- small divot (articulation of mt and medial cuneiform)
clinically: tenderness could mean joint disruption which could mean Lis Frank Fx
navicular tubercle
find: 1st cuneiform-move slightly posterior/proximally, slightly medial- bony projection
clinically: keeps an arch from falling, attachment for spring ligament, can be fractured
Head of Talus
find: immediately proximal and superior to navicular, pronation and supination, and eversion can make more prominent
clinically: any fracture will be tender, ostrigonum
medial malleolus
find: most prominent
sustentaclum tali
find: one fingers width below inferior medial malleolus
clinically: arch problem, tender at ST
deltoid ligament
-pain under medial malleolus
-1) Posterior tibiotalar ligament
-2) Anterior tibiotalar ligament
-3) Tibiocalcaneal ligament
-4) Tibionavicular ligament
tibialis posterior
find:medial malleolus, behind move ankle- tendon moves
clinically: move indigenous of deterioration of tib posteiror-tendonitis
flexor digitorum longus
posterior to tibialis posterior
flexor hallicus longus
posterior to FDL
Tibial artery and nerve
behind medial malleolus
base of 5th metatarsal
find: marked by lateral projecting styloid process
clinically: fracture won’t heal well due to low blood supply might need a pin- Jones Fracture
Lateral Malleolus
self explanatory
peroneal tubercle
find: inferior, slightly anterior to most distal part of lateral malleolus
clinically: issue w/ brevis and longs
sinus tarsi
find: depression anterior to lateral malleolus
clinically: anteriorfibular ligament located within it
find: anterior sinus tarsi, move posterior to other ligaments
Inferior tibiofibular joint
between tibia and fibula above lateral malleolus
find: within first metatarsals
find: palpate from insertion to origin
clinically: nodules can be a sign of tearing or fraying
tibialis anterior
find: invert and dorsiflexion
extensor hallicus longus
find: extend big toe
extensor digitorum brevis
muscle belly is prominent in sinus tarsi when toes are extended