FOM VOL II Flashcards
What is the difference between AC206–299, AC301–399, AC601–699, and AC701–799, in other words, which tail numbers correspond with A320 vs A321 and which tail numbers correspond with CEO vs NEO aircraft?
AC 206-299: A320 CEO Aircraft.
AC 301-399: A320 NEO Aircraft (LEAP Engines).
AC 701–799: A321 CEO aircraft.
AC 601–699: A321 NEO (Pratt & Whitney Engines).
Where can you find a list of abbreviations and symbols?
FOM VOL II, Sec 00.10
Chapter 0, abbreviations, and symbols section
Where can you find unit abbreviations and a unit conversion table?
FOM VOL II, Sec 00.15
Chapter 0, conversions section
What does an asterisk * mean on flows and checklist?
FOM VOL II, Sec 3.01
Asterisk * items must be checked/accomplished before EVERY flight. If a crew switches aircraft in the middle of their day, every item must be completed again, as it is now the crew’s “first flight in the new aircraft”.
When must radio tuning be performed by the pilot monitoring (PM)?
FOM VOL II, Sec 3.01
The tuning of radios may be accomplished by either pilot. However, radio tuning must be performed by the PM whenever the auto pilot is not engaged or whenever below FL180.
What is RVSM and when does it begin and end?
Reduced vertical separation, minima or minimum (RVSM) is the reduction, from 2000’ to 1000’, of the standard vertical separation required between aircraft flying between FL290 and FL410.
Is the auto pilot required to be engaged during RVSM?
FOM VOL II, Sec 3.01
An auto pilot is required to be operative and engaged during operations in RVSM airspace, except when turbulence or other circumstances required disengagement.
While the autopilot is off, the PF must command the PM to make any automation changes necessary.
May the pilot flying (PF) engage the auto pilot himself?
FOM VOL II, Sec 3.01
The PF may command the autopilot engagement from the PM, or may engage the autopilot themselves.
If the Flight Directors are engaged, while hand flying, must the Flight Director orders be obeyed?
FOM VOL II, Sec 3.01
Yes. When the PF hand flies the aircraft using the flight director, the flight director orders must be obeyed.
Should both flight directors be either on or off? In other words, should one pilot have his FD on and the other pilot have his FD command bars off
FOM VOL II, Sec 3.01
Both flight directors should be either on or off, If the PF does not wish to fly the flight Director orders, both pilots must turn off their flight directors.
When must A/THR be disconnected for a manual thrust landing?
FOM VOL II, Sec 3.01
If the pilot is going to perform the landing using manual thrust, the PF will advise the PM prior to disconnecting the A/THR and ensure A/THR is disconnected prior to 1000’ AFE.
What are some of the “Rules of the FMGS“?
FOM VOL II, Sec 3.01
– Below FL180, the PM will perform all MCDU entries.
– At or above FL180, the PM will normally perform all MCU entries.
– When route modification is made, the pilot making the change will announce “Confirm” and the other crewmember, once it verified, will reply “ Insert.“
– Verify the AP/FD/ATHR and engagement status on the FMA.
– All FMA changes will be announced by the PF as defined in section 3.40 FMA.
– Monitor the AP/FD/ATHR resulting guidance on the basic flight instrument scales of the PFD (HDG, SPD, ALT, and attitude).
– Use extra vigilance during high workload. Or during an ECAM action – the flight crew will be aware of, and acknowledge transition or reversion mode (e.g., “Triple click “).
– If the PF is not satisfied with the guidance, he or she must.
*Revert to basics.
*Fly the aircraft.
Are the sidestick inputs added together?
FOM VOL II, Sec 3.01
Yes. The flight crew should keep in mind that sidestick inputs are algebraically added. However, the inputs combined are never more than max deflection from a single side stick.
When is the preliminary cockpit preparation performed?
FOM VOL II, Sec 3.07
Before the application of electrical power, to avoid inadvertent, operation of systems and danger to the aircraft and personnel. The procedure also includes a PE start, safety, checks, system, status, checks, and the establishment of electrical and pneumatic power.
During the preliminary carpet preparation, what should the flight crew check on the PBE?
FOM VOL II, Sec 3.07
– Protective, breathing equipment (PBE) stowed and serviceable.
– Check that humidity indicator is “Blue” and “Green” tamper evident seal is installed.
Who is responsible to check the expiration date of the emergency equipment?
FOM VOL II, Sec 3.07
MCC. 🎚️ Denotes that all inspections placarded compliance dates are the responsibility of the maintenance department.
During the preliminary cockpit preparation, and prior to adding electrical power, what must we check regarding battery voltage? Is a battery voltage system check required if the electrical system is supplied with AC electrical power?
FOM VOL II, Sec 3.07
Check battery voltage with BAT switches off – 25.5 volts minimum to ensure a charge above 50%. ELEC system is supplied with AC power, BAT VOLTAGE check is not required.
During the pre-flight phase, if there is no water pressure in the labs, what could you do to get water pressure?
FOM VOL II, Sec 3.07
It may be necessary to use APU bleed air to provide water pressurization.
What may occur if the flight crew presses the APU FIRE test PB for more than 3 seconds?
FOM VOL II, Sec 3.07
The automatic shutdown of the APU and the discharge of the APU FIRE extinguisher bottles may occur if the flight crew presses the APU FIRE test PB for more than 3 seconds.
Will the AP start if BAT1 and BAT2 are selected off?
FOM VOL II, Sec 3.07
APU will not start unless BAT 1/2 are in Auto.
When is a full a DIRU alignment required? How about a fast alignment?
FOM VOL II, Sec 3.07
A complete alignment must be accomplished in the following cases:
– before the first flight of the day.
– When there is a crew change.
– When GPS is not available and NAVAID coverage is poor on the expected route.
– When GPS is not available and expected flight time exceeds three hours.
– All international and Alaska flights.
– Flight in class two airspace.
A fast IRS alignment must be performed. If a complete IRS alignment is not necessary and the difference between the IRS position and the MCDU position is at or above 5nm ( see MCDU POSITION MONITOR page).
How long after gate arrival (BLOCK IN) should we wait before selecting the ADIRS to off?
FOM VOL II, Sec 3.07
5 minutes, this ensures the FMGC and AOC has entered the pre-flight phase.
When any brake temperature exceeds _______, avoid applying the parking brake unless operationally necessary?
FOM VOL II, Sec 3.07
500°C , or 350°C with brake fans on, avoid applying parking brake unless operationally necessary, at least one of the pilot stations will be manned anytime the parking brake is released.
How can you recharge the accumulator pressure if the accumulator pressure gauge is showing out of the green band? What must you be aware of before recharging the accumulator pressure?
FOM VOL II, Sec 3.07
- The ACCU PRESS indication must be in the green band if required use the electric pump on Yellow hydraulic system to recharge the brake accumulator.
-Get ground crew clearance before using the electric pump.