FOM and SOP Flashcards
What is the definition of a stabilized approach?
At 1000ft above TDZE
- Final landing configuration selected
- Correct vertical path and no more than 1,000FPM
- On correct lateral path
- Airspeed trending toward calculated approach speed
At 500ft above TDZE
-At calculated approach speed.
Describe Exemption 3585.
A flight can be dispatched with a second alternate when the weather for the destination and the first alternate are below minimums as long as the weather that is below mins in conditional and the main body is above minimums TEMPO, etc. The second alternate must be above derived alternate mins.
The WX at the destination and 1st alternate can be as bad as 1/2 of the minimums. VIZ only at destination, Ceiling and Viz at alternates.
When do we need a takeoff alternate?
When the weather at the departure airport is below plate mins for an immediate return.
What weather mins are required for a driftdown or depress alternate?
Per the Dispatch Procedures Manual Driftdown alternates only need to meet plate minimums.
Depress alternates must meet derived alternate airport minimums.
When do we need a destination alternate?
1-2-3 Rule
1 hour before or after scheduled arrival
2,000 ft ceilings or less
3 miles vis or less
Describe Method I vs Method II driftdown.
Method I - Starts at V1 and provides the aircraft’s net (1.1% climb gradient) altitude will clear all obstacles 5SM either side of planned route by 1,000ft until reaching destination. Also provides a positive rate of climb at 1,500AGL at destination.
Method II - Starts at top of climb and provides the aircraft will be able to divert to a suitable diversionary airport with one engine inoperative while clearing all obstacles 5SM either side of diversion route by 2,000ft and have a positive rate of climb at 1500AGL at destination. All Method II solutions use a Method I profile up to top of climb.
Explain C055 Derived Minimums.
With one IAP add 400ft and 1SM to the minimums.
With two IAP to two different runways (may be same pavement) add 200ft and 1/2SM to the higher minimums.
When does Republic require a second alternate?
3585 or
Destination and alternate airport weather is “marginal”
Destination - 1000ft and 3sm or less
Alternate - 600ft and 2sm or less
What is the lowest RVR the FO can conduct at takeoff at?
When does Method II assume you turn to your diversion airport and how far away can they be?
Abeam the diversionary airport and within 130nm of the abeam point.
How is the route to a takeoff alternate determined?
Takeoff alternates are always Method I.
What are the time intervals for MEL Repair Category A, B, C AND D?
Category A: Time interval specified by MEL.
Category B: 3 calendar days.
Category C: 10 calendar days.
Category D: 120 calendar days.
What are the maximum holding speeds and leg lengths?
6000-14000: 230
Above 14000: 265
1 minute legs below 14000 and 1.5 minute legs above.
How many hours prior to scheduled report must crew not consume alcohol?
What acronym do we use for automation inputs?
What acronym do we use for FA communication in Emergencies?
Nature of the emer
Time to landing
Special instructions
Bracing required?
What are the permissible errors for VOR checks?
VOT, surface check or Dual VOR are all 4 degrees.
When is LAHSO allowed?
Dry runway Must have a visual or electronic GS Ceiling no less than 1500ft Vis no less than 5sm Can be 1000&3 with a PAPI No tailwind or wind shear in previous 20 min
When is a new release required?
Change in Flt Number Change in CA 2hrs since authorized departure Change of AC Diversion or return to field Aborted T/O with return to gate Change of Destination
What can be amended on a release?
Change or addition of Alternates Change of more than 50 miles in route of flight Change of cruise alt over 4000ft More than 300lb ramp fuel difference MEL Actual T/O weight more than 4000lb Change of crewmembers