Focused concepts and theories Flashcards
Name the functionalist theories of beliefs
Durkheim- Religion creates social solidarity, value consensus, studied Totemism, socialisation
Parsons-Mechanism of adjustment
Malinowski- Trobriand islanders, use religion life crises, times of uncertainty
Bellah- Civil religion of Americanism replacing traditional religion
Name the marxist thinkers and there beliefs on religion
- Marx= Opium of the people, instrument of oppression, cushion of the effects of oppression
- Lenin=Spiritual gin
Name the neo marxists and there beliefs on religion
Gramsci= Religion reinforces hegemony, but it can be used to create a new hegemony and educate the working class about their oppression
- Maduro=Religion was used to liberate the oppressed people in Latin America – Liberation Theology
- Althusser= Religion as an ISA can attempt to create change but will often be pushed back by RSAs e.g. Burmese monks
Name the feminist thinkers
- Woodhead and Heelas =Orthodox Judaism gives women clear roles which they find gives them status and purpose
- Aldridge Religion is patriarchal e.g. the veil, religious practices such as triple talaq
- Holm Women are seen as polluting in religion e.g. not allowed to pray during menstruation
- Woodhead Religion is beginning to respect women more e.g. they can be priests
Name the postmodernist key thinkers
- Hervieu-Leger Spiritual shoppers – pick and choose religious beliefs which suit us
- Lyon Religion has become disembedded from traditional churches and moved online/to commercial places
- Bauman Postmodernity has led to a crisis of meaning and religion can offer a universe of meaning
Name the social action theorists
- Weber Religion gives meaning to every day actions e.g. Calvinism gave meaning to hard work etc.
- Berger Religion is a sacred canopy
Who argues that religion acts as a conservative force ?
Functionalists such as:
Durkheim- Religion is a conservative force and helps maintain stability in society
- Marx= Religion is a conservative force, maintains capitalism
- New Right=Religion can help maintain traditional values e.g. anti-abortion
- El Sadaawi= Religion is a tool used to maintain Patriarchy
Who argues that religion can cause social change
- Weber- Calvinism led to social change in the form of the creation of capitalism
McGuire - Nelson =Religion can spearhead the resistance
- Gramsci/maduro= Religion can overthrow existing hegemony
McGuire- Religion can create change under the right conditions
Name the globalisation theorists
Davie=Globalisation and modernisation have led to uncertainty and instability and so religion is growing as a response to this
Castells=Religion is growing as a resistance identity, migrants use it to maintain a source of identity
Bruce=Religion is cultural defence for migrants to defend their identity
Huntington= Conflict has increased due to more religions competing with each other and being in close contact with each other
Name the secularisation theorists
Wilson=5 measures of secularisation – disengagement, participation, pluralism, rationalisation, internal secularisation
Bruce=Church and state are more separate now
Bruce= Religious pluralism increases competition between religions and they undermine each other
Weber =Disenchantment of the world and rationalisation have occurred
Herberg= Religious practices like going to church are less about the spiritual experience and more about being ‘American’ and part of a community
Davie=Belief without belonging
Kendal Project= Spiritual revolution thesis – traditional religion is declining, spirituality is growing
Religion an social group theorists
Ashworth and Farthing=Those in professional occupations (middle class) more likely to attend churches
Neibuhr= Denominations appeal to more marginalised groups
Bruce= Cults appeal to middle class who are lacking in spiritual fulfilment
Voas and Crockett The ageing effect and generational effect
Miller and Hoffman= Women are the guardian of family life so more interested in religion
Bruce and Trzebiatowska= Men are more influenced by secularisation than women as they are more likely to be in the public sphere
Bruce= Females are socialised to be caring and nurturing and therefore more interested in this aspect of religion
Bruce= Ethnic minorities use religion for cultural defence and cultural transition
Define religion :
: a belief system based on faith and involving collective rituals and practices, can involve a belief in the supernatural
Define ideology
a belief system which supports the interests of a particular group, biased in nature
Define science
Science: a belief system which claims to be based on evidence and the pursuit of objective knowledge/fact
What is a scared canopy? and who looks at this
- a scared canapoy is developed by Berger who claims that religion acts as a scared canopy which protects its believers from all of the danger in the world and comforts its followers by answering the big questions of the world