10 MARKERS Flashcards

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Outline and explain two ways in which religious interpretations of the world might differ from scientific ones


one way - Empirical evidence - religion
does not require empirical evidence which means that there interpretation of the world will be different because religions accepted the blind faith and believe tha god is the center of the universe and created everything ie adam ane eve which differs from scientific interpretations because they require empirical evidence. Empirical evidence is .. such as Darwins theory of evolution they do not belive that god is the center of the universe. Furthermore

Way 2- closed system. Religion operates under a closed system which means that as time goes on religious interpretations of the world do not change or keep in touch with modern society which differs from scientific ones because they operate under a open system which means that information is always gathering and changing to fit modern society and information can be falsified which ensures validity thus shows the differences in religion and science and there interpretations of the world. Furthermore Popper suggests that science opeates under a paradigm system which means that the world view has shifted .. Where as Durkehim

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Outline and explain two ways in which churches may act as a conservative force.


One way - Through collective worship because it maintains social solidarity and stability in society thus maintain a value consensus where everyone is treated the shame and shares the same ideologies.., furthermore parsons argues that religion acts as a mechanism of adjustment this means that religion can be used in times of uncertainty and chose which provides a stable and direct lifestyle eg cults , sects etc provide stability in times of chose

Another way according to Marxist is through maintain capitalism, marx suggests that religion acts as an instrument of oppression transmitting ruling class ideologies and exploiting the w/c through doing jobs that do not benefit them but make a profit for the ruling class , this is also known as a surplus profit. Furthermore Religion cushions the effects of oppression caused by religion , mark uses the term opium of the people to describe this which suggests that religion numbers the proletariat from oppression and exploitation for example the hindu caste system. Therefore

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Outline and explain two ways in which globalisation may affect the extent of secularisation.( item)


One way- religion has increasingly been used as an avenue for anti-globalisation activity. While one feature of globalisation is a sort of cultural homogenisation (the creation of a single, global popular culture) religion is often seen as the opposite of that: a symbol of how people are culturally different from one another, rather than the same. This has contributed to a rise in fundamentalism and is a feature of political conflict in many areas of the world. which has decreased secularisation

Another way- Using postmodernism globalisation has affcted the extent of secularisation to a large extent which a clear decrease in traditional religious religious values.

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Applying material from the Item, analyse two differences between the religious belief and participation of young people compared with those of older people.

  • As suggested by the item one difference between religious beliefs and participation of young people comapred with those of older people… is that younger people are often less religious this may be because of the generational affect as socitey goes on there is less religious socialisationtv whereas older people were socialised into that environment through faith schools and traditional conservative values. Furthermore younger people are less likely to express their religious views and beliefs this can be seen through church attendance which is often much higher with an older audience
  • Another difference between the religious belief and participation of young people compared to those of older people is that although younger people are less interested in formal religion such as churches they are more attracted to new aged spirituality such as yoga and meditation. because this supports their values, where as traditional religions such as Christianity and islam undermine their liberal western values such as gay marriage, abortion and sexualisation, this differs from the older generation where they see this as the norm thus are more religious. Furthermore, voas and cricket argue that the ageing effect is also why the older generation is more religious , this is because they are coming closer to the end of their life so want to seek forgiveness etc
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Applying material from the item, analyse two ways that religion can be considered a force for social change. [10 marks


As suggested by the item one way religion can be considered as a force for change is through religious contributions to capitalism. This shows religion being a force for change because it shows how religion can developed the economy this can be seen through WEBERs study of calvanism and there religious beliefs of saving and not spending their money lead to the develoment of capitalism thus being a force for change. Furthermore …

Another way religion can be used as a force for change according to the item is by fighting inequalties and corruption - this can be reinforced through Maduro a neo marxits-

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Outline and explain two ways that science is more influential on individuals and people than religion.


Way one- Because there is a significant decline in church attendance in the UK which shows that only 5% of the population regularly attend church.. supported by Wilson who illustrates that vonly 32% of weddings and baptisms attend in church.. furthermore Weber would argue that we are going through the process of demystification this is the decline in mystery and superstition and the increase of more rations thinking.. therefore suggesting that science is more influential in todays society.

Way 2- Disengagement - the state is becoming separate from the church and people are becoming disengaged from religion .. Wilson .. Bruce. Furthermore because of the decline in religious socialisation due to the generational effect people are no longer influenced by religion but by science ..

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Outline and explain two ways in which religious interpretations o the world may differ from scientific ones.


Way 1 - Religion is a closed system which means that evidence is not updated and thoroughly explained where as science is open which means that studies and information can be developed not just blamed on God for example recent developments about God and covid… Furthermore Popper suggests that science operates in a paradigm system this takes the view that the world has shifted

Way 2 -Empirical evidence is needed for science this differs from the interpretations of religion .. furthermore science uses theory’s such as Darwin’s theory of evolution which conflicts the traditional Christian view that we developed from Adam and eve and works of Galliano who proved that god is not the centre of the earth

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Outline and explain two functions that religion plays according to marxists


Function 1 - Cushion the affects of oppression - this has been developed by mark who suggests that religion cushions the affects of religion by acting as an opium of the people that numbs the pressure and feelings op exploitation of the proletariat.. Furthermore Lenin suggests that the working class learn to love the system he calls the a spiritual gin

Function 2- Instrument of oppression this means that religions function is to transmit ruling class ideologies ensuring that the working class submits the rulling class . furthermore weber suggests that religion actas as a theodicy of disprivillegede which upholds inequality … promotes hedgenomy

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Outline and explain two ways which the growth of sects and new aged movements may be related to secularisation


Way 1 - Crisis of identity - traditional religion is less appealing which means that people are finding their identity in new forms of religious movements such as nrms and sects because they are less traditional than previous religions such as Christianity- this contributes to secularisation because it shows the decline of influence in traditional religions

Way 2 - Filling a vacuum around peoples daily lives - new aged movements are related to secularisation because they are not as time consuming for example yoga , mediation.. furthermore woodhas and heelas evidence from the Kendal project suggests that people are religious

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Outline and explain two reasons why people from some ethnic minority groups seem to participate more in religious activity than other social grouos


One reason - Cultural defence - as a response to racism and marginality according to Bruce.. FOR EXAMPLE the growth of Islamic young people who defend their religion from islamophobia and Pentecostalism in response to racism and being outcasted from British churches.

Another reason- Cultural transition - to help the transition from one cultural to an unfamiliar one such as Britain this enbales those who share the same beliefs , cultural to be socialised together reinforced the idea of religion reinforcing social solidarity according to durkhim

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Outline and explain two ways in which a decline in religious institutions may not mean that society is becoming more secular.


One way 1- Privitisation of religion - people are no longer choosing to parade their religious beliefs actively or agree that they are religious on surveys and interviews but do practice religion in a private setting this is known as believing without belonging, this is particularly highlighted by davie specifically amongst young people

Another way 2- The growth in Nrms mean that people are no longer attracted/ appealed to traditional religious institutions such as the church that restricts and constrains individual identity, instead people are interested in new religious movements that have the same affect as a traditional religion but are just ess time consuming and more liberal and open for example yoga , increased spirituality enables individuals from all backgrounds to express themselves

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Outline and explain two problems of using church attendance stats as a way of measuring the extent of secularisation.


One problem - states regarding church attendance are problematic because they focus on Christianity whilst ignoring the growth of NAMS . This shows although there may be a decline in chriatnity and traditional religious people are still religious and spiritual which means that church attendance is not effective in measuring the extent to secularisation. Furthermore the Kendal project found that there has not been a decline in religion but that religion is changing which would not have been identified in quantitative data such as statitsistics

Another problem- according to Davie people are now believing without belonging which means that people are still religious but are no longer worshiping collectively in paces such as churches they are now practicing religion in a private and personal way. this is also known as the rise in the sacred self. Furthermore Church attendance stats ignore the fact that religions such as Islam are rising in popularity and people are becoming much more religious in other forms.

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Outline and explain two ways in which religious beliefs and practices are changing to reflect a new era of diversity


Way one - one way religious beliefs and practices are changing to reflect a new era of diversity is through globalisation. Globalisation has led to greatly increased movements of ideas and beliefs across national boundaries which has westernised and increased the kinds of religious practices and beliefs;such as religious fundamnetalism which is the response to liberal western values ie gay marriage/abortion which is evident through the radicalisation of islam and the growth of nrms Furthermore , traditional religious ideas have become disembedded he media has lifted them from their original local contexts and move them to a different place and time. An example being how the “electronic church” and televangelism disembedded religion from real local churches and relocate it to the internet. Therefore this has lead to NEW ERA OF DIVERITY AND CHOCIE.

Way 2- According to postmodernists we now have a choice as consumers of religion, this is known as “spiritual shoppers” as argued by Hervieu-Leger which suggests that religion is now individualized that gives meaning to our lives which reinforces the idea that religious beliefs and practices are changing to reflect and new era of diversity because we are now in charge of the religion we choose because of increased choice . Furthermore,

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Outline and explain two ways in which churches may act as a conservative force


one way- According to functionalists religion acts as a conservative force by maintaining social stability , and harmony through collective worships this has been argued by Durkehim who argues that religion promotes social cohesion by acting as a social glue that unites and provides a value consensus. Furthermore functionalists view religion as a conservative force because it helps integrate individual’s and allow thme to realise the collective conciousne

Another way - is through preventing revolutionary change . marks argues that religion mainatins the status quo and prevents change through a false class consciousness. according to mark religion acts a conservative force through religion acting as an opiute of the people which numbs the oppression and hardships of the working class by promising them a place in the afterlife furthermore, feminists agree arguing that not only does religion prevent class inequality but gender equlity

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Outline and explain two ways in which religion can act as a force for change in society ?


One way- Maduro liberationtheology - in society ?ireligion can act as a force for change in society is by encouraging people to challenge social injustices and help them fight for a better society. inequality, maduro argued that in certain societies where the church is a central institution it acts as a force for revolutionary change by fighting against inequality..

Another way -weber- calvanism - through shaping the economic system

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Summarise how religion acts as a conservative force


One way- Functionalists would argue that religion acts as a conservative force by maintaining social order, harmony.. This is done through collective worship which promotes social cohesion…

  • Malinowski argues that religion supports society through crisis religion supports, comforts and helps people cope during times of crisis or change, such as death or puberty, which helps people cope and prevents radical change
  • Examples hindu cast system , 7/7 terrorist attack in London

Summarise two ways in which religious beliefs are changing to reflect a new era of diversity


One way- Gloablisation

Another way- the idae taht people can believe without belonging this has been argued by Davie.. this suggests that religion is changing to take a new form because religion is becoming more private thus reflecting a postmodern era

  • furthermore Lyon agrees with davie that belief without belonging is becoming popular and there is beginning to be a shift from a modern to a postmodern age for example
  • Another way is through globalisation . this has lead to the increase in movements of ideas and beliefs across national boundaries previous religious ideas have become disembeded example being how the “electronic church” and televangelism
  • Furthermore- there has been a growth in religious fundamentalism and Nam’s and NRMS as a result…

Summarise two ways in which a decline in religious institutions may not mean that society is becoming more secular


One way- Privatisation of religion- people no longer to parade there religious beliefs instead they choose to practice they privately-n this is known as belief without belonging- Davie. Furthermore - Davie vicarious religion ..

  • Another way in which the decline in religious institutions may not mean that society is becoming more secular is because of the growth of nams, nrms. this means that people are no longer attracted to traditional beliefs .. examples are in the forms of cults ie yoga , meditation , astrology. Furthermore Stark and Bainbridge support this suggesting that religious beliefs are always changing and will always have an influence over society

Summarise two problems with using church attendance stats as a way of measuring the extent of secularisation


One problem- ignore the growth of New religious movements and the growth of other types of religions ie islam. This means that people are still religious and attending a religious institution but it isn’t being recorded.. This is because church attendance takes a Christocentric approach which only identify the decline in Christianity Example Islam the fastest growing religion.. Furthermore, the growth in new religious movemnets ie cults and denominations prove this

-Another problem- Ignores the growth in online religion , According to Helland this link to globalisation and can be seen in 2020 during the global pandemic thus suggesting that church attendance is not effective in looking at the growth of new forms of religious practices. Furthermore Davie belief without belonging


Summarise why some ethnic minority groups participate more in religious activity than other social groups