Beliefs religion Flashcards
According to Yinger what is the definition of religion ?
, Yinger (1995) defines religion as ‘a system of beliefs and practices by
means of which a group of people struggles with the ultimate problems of human life.’
What are some differences between science and religion
- Empirical evidence is favoured and seen as a characteristic of science. Empirical evidence is needed to prove that something is true wher4e as religion concerns itself with the supernatural .
- Religion focuses on closed systems this means that knowledge does not change or evolve where as science is concerned with open systems which means that knowledge can evolve and be tested. popper would argue that scientists attempt to failsify findings.
- Religion is concerned with the spiritual and sometimes claims its the monopoly of truth where as
When did religion emerge ?
In the pre modern era- this was the earliest form of belief system
- science emerged in modernity , curtesy of the enlightenment
What are some examples of religion
- Catholic Church - strong links to state
Who argues that religion is ideological ?
Marxists - this means that religion supports powerful groups in society, effectively keeping the existing ruling class, or elites in power
How would marx’s talk about religion ?
Marxists would argue that religion:
- creates a false consciousness. it teaches the idea that social inequality is good ,
- acts as an opium of the people - numbing class oppression arguing that there is a better life for the poor
Who would critique the marxists view on religion ?
Maduro- Neo marx - latin America
- he would argue that religion acts as a safe heaven against corruption and the bourgisee. it can be used to cope with
- revolutionary force creating social change
What other theory would argue that religion is ideological ?
Rad fems - supports patriarchy and reinforces gender inequality,
- Mary Daly argued that Christianity was as set of Patriarchal myths. She sees the Catholic Church
as especially bad: it downplayed the role of women in the bible and legitimated sex role
What are some criticism against the Rad fem view
El Saadawi suggests that Islam itself has been hijacked by Patriarchy in many countries but
is not necessarily ideological: women can fight back.
• Carol Christ’s work shows that religion does not have be ideological: her idea of ‘embodied
spirituality and focus on women ‘finding their Goddess’ stands against monotheistic religions.
It is empowering for women and challenges existing power structures.
What are the new emerging types of religion ?
- NRM’s ( new religious movements)- started to become popular in 1960s
- NAM’S ( New aged movements) became popular in 1980s
Bruce- argues that nams appeal to the middle class because they have the time. Nams are increasing because they do not require any drastic life changes that can be seen in World Rejecting NRMs ie peoples temple
Who argues that religion can cause social change ?
Weber - calavnism and its links to capiatlism , how this
- Maduro -beration Theology in Latin America to demonstrate that religion can act as a force for social change. He further suggested that this is
especially the case where the marginalized have no other outlet - MARTIN LUTHER KING
How has science replaced religion ?
Who argues that we are going through the process of demystification?
How is religion still relevant today ?
Has religion changed form ?