Beliefs, science and ideologies summary Flashcards
What are some differences between science and religion
- Empirical evidence is favoured and seen as a characteristic of science. Empirical evidence is needed to prove that something is true wher4e as religion concerns itself with the supernatural .
- Religion focuses on closed systems this means that knowledge does not change or evolve where as science is concerned with open systems which means that knowledge can evolve and be tested. popper would argue that scientists attempt to failsify findings.
- Religion is concerned with the spiritual and sometimes claims its the monopoly of truth where as science does not claim to be a monopoly of truth
When did religion emerge ?
17th century postmodernity
Name some new forms of religion
NRM’s ( new religious movements)- started to become popular in 1960s
- NAM’S ( New aged movements) became popular in 1980s
Bruce- argues that nams appeal to the middle class because they have the time. Nams are increasing because they do not require any drastic life changes that can be seen in World Rejecting NRMs ie peoples temple
Is religion still relevant/influential today ?
- 84% of the population is still religious
- causes conflict and draws matters of public concern example Afghanistan, Syria , Palanstine
- religious texts can be interpreted to serve the needs of powerful groups i.e ruling class , terrorists etc
- Religion is changing its form ie to nrms( new religious movments)
- There has been an overall decline in traditional religions because of the process of disembodiment( weber) this is the idea that those once mystical , superstitious elements of life are now dis embedded from society and replaced with rational judgments and scientific knowledge
Is religion ideological ?
1. According to Marxists - religion is ideological because religion supports powerful groups in society, effectively keeping the existing ruling class, or elites in power
- According to Rad Fems- religion is ideological because supports patriarchy and reinforces gender inequality. evidence Daly argued that /..
What is the definition of science
Science is a concept that aspires to be free from ‘beliefs’ and claims to be objective and value free
-Science is the pursuit of facts that are supported by empirical evidence, it believes in cause and effect relationships. It is interested in establishing laws of society known as ‘social facts’
What is meant by an ideology?
- This refers to a set of beliefs and principles which serve the interests of a social group in society
When did science emerge ?
- Modernity - 19th century as a process of the enlightenment. where where rational principles and logic were applied to understanding.
Give some evidence of science challenging religion.
- Darwin’s theory- debunked creationists myths that a supernatural god created humans and the earth
- Galillo’s findings - this proved that the earth was not the center of the bible which was expressed in the bible
Is science influential today ?
- . Because of globalisation science has contributed to the spread of liberal values
- improved once poor living standards
- medicine- cured illnesses etc
- Contributed to the loss in faith of religion( securalisation)
- Religion is the oldest form of belief system - still highly influential
What are the key characteristics of a religious belief system ?
- Closed knowledge system which means that basic beliefs within the religion are not changing over time, religious information is not open to criticism like scientific information is.
- • Empirical evidence is not necessary in order to have religious beliefs
- • Some religions claim a monopoly of the truth, that is, they claim to be able to answer questions in life.
Give some key characteristics of science as a belief system
It makes claims which are based upon empirical, observable evidence
- It is an Open Belief System (Popper 1959), meaning that scientific knowledge is true until it is falsified, when other knowledge will replace it
- Kuhn (1970) argues science operates in paradigms or particular frameworks until they are challenged and then shift or change.
Name some contemp examples and problems with science today
Drug companies are motivated by profit, and cut corners, Marxists would argue that science simply furthers capitalist’s pursuit for profit
• Feminists criticise science as being malestream, heavily male dominated and therefore reflecting the views and interests of men. In fact, many women’s scientific achievements have been overlooked in history for example
Explain the characteristics of ideologies
Applies to a specific group to promote their aims
You can believe in multiple ideologies (pluralism)- similar to religion
Does not need empirical evidence - similar to religion in this way
What are the aims of ideologies ?
Secular, can be political parties- ie new right
Usually want to create policy changes