FLY 3 Flashcards
Which practical test should be made on the electric gyro instruments prior to starting an engine?
Turn on the electrical power and listen for any unusual or irregular mechanical noise.
Practical Test Gyro: Turn on & Listen
When converting from conventional instruments to a primary flight display (PFD), experienced pilots of conventional instruments tend to
fixate on correcting for altitude deviations as smalls two feet.
Pilots converting conventional to PFD : Tend to fixate
(Refer to figure 162.) You are on a visual approach to RWY 16R at Eugene Mahlon Sweet Field at night, and you know not see the centerline lights. You are likely
lined up on the wrong runway.
Eugene lined up wrong
(Refer to figure 149. Ignore the arrow; instead, assume the directional gyro indicates a turn to the right.) During your instrument crosscheck, you notice the instruments disagree. What is the flight attitude, and which instrument has failed.
Level turn to the right with a failed turn coordinator.
DG Right Failed: LVL to Right w/Failed TC
(Refer to figure 148. Ignore the arrow; instead, assume the directional gyro indicates a turn to the left.) Which system has malfunctioned if both the artificial horizon and directional gyro are providing false indications?
Vacuum pump or AC power.
DG turns left; System malfunction: Vacuum & PWR
(Refer to figure 149.) Which system has malfunctioned?
Gyroscopic vacuum system.
149 Malfunction: Gyro Vac
In the event of an Attitude and Heading Reference System (AHRS) failure, what becomes your primary pitch instrument?
PFD altimeter.
(Refer to figures 87 and 88.) You are westbound on V222, and ATC asks you to report reaching FALSE intersection. To identify FALSE intersection, you should
adjust the OBS for #2 to 142 and expect the needle to center soon.
ID FALSE: Turn OBS 2 Center Soon
(Refer to figure 247.) You are enroute to RAL, and ATIS indicates they are landing RWY 09. Inbound from PIRRO to JASER, you experience complete two-way radio failure. How should you proceed?
Proceed inbound, complete the approach, and land RWY 09.
PIRRO: Proceed inbound, Complete APPH, Land
(Refer to figure 230.) The weather delayed your arrival and the sun is setting. You are still 90 minutes from 7D3, and the ceiling is 800 feet with 4 miles visibility. You should
divert to another airport.
Wx Delay 7D3: Divert Another
(Refer to figures 208 and 209.) You are at FL270. ATC instructs you, ‘JET 123AB, proceed direct AUDIL for the STELA ONE arrival, cross SWEDE at FL230.’ You should fly the procedure as cleared,
cross SWEDE at FL230, but you must receive further verbal instruction from ATC before descending to cross STELA at 11,000 feet.
JET 123AB STELA : Cross SWEDE @FL230, Cross STELA @11
During a left turn, the primary flight display indicates a high airspeed and nose low pitch attitude. What actions are required to return the aircraft to level flight?
Reduce power, level the wings, and bring the pitch attitude to level flight.
Left turn Return: Reduce power, LVL Wings
(Refer to figure 168.) You are flying a turbojet aircraft when ATC gives you the following clearance, ‘Cessna 209NB, cleared to KARLA, BONHAM SIX arrival, cross KARLA at one one thousand, expect runway 13L.’ When does ATC expect you to commence your descent?
At the pilot discretion.
KARLA : Pilots Dis.
A system or instrument failure could be indicated by
Inconsistency between indications on the attitude indicator and the supporting performance instruments.
Instrument Fail: Inconsistency B/t indications