FLK2 Land Flashcards
What is the test for a fixture/chattel?
- The degree of annexation test.
This creates the presumption that if something is fixed/attached/bolted to the building it is a fixture.
If it is moveable or resting on its own weight then it is a chattel.
- The purpose of annexation test
This asks whether the chattel was put there to make use of the chattel more convenient or to improve the property.
The presumption created by the degree test can be rebutted by the purpose test if there is a discrepancy between them.
What are examples of fixtures?
a) Bathroom fittings
b) Kitchen fittings
What are examples of chattels?
a) Curtains
b) Blinds
c) Fitted carpets
How can fixtures be transferred?
By conveyance/deed
How can chattels be transferred?
What happens to property that is a fixture on the date of the sale/mortgage?
It is part of the sale/mortgaged property so cannot be removed without express permission.
What are interests in land?
They are lesser rights over land that fall short of granting possession.
These are generally rights over land which a person has over land owned by someone else.
There are two types of interest in land: rights which are recognised by law (legal interests) and rights which are only recognised by equity (equitable interests).
Which interests in land are capable of being legal?
a) Leases
b) Mortgages
c) Easements
Which interests in land are only capable of being equitable?
a) Freehold covenants
b) Estate contracts
c) Matrimonial home right
d) Beneficial interest under a trust of land
Can a lease be both equitable and legal?
Yes, it can be either, depending on the formalities used to create it.
What is the distinction between a lease and licence?
A lease is a proprietary interest in land, granting the owner the right to exclude all others, including the landlord from the land for the duration of the term.
A licence gives the licensee personal permission to be on the land.
Licences can be granted formally or informally.
A licence is not a proprietary interest so it will not bind third parties and can only be enforced against the original licensor.
A court will likely grant damaged for breach of licence.
What is a lease?
A lease is capable of being either a legal estate in land, or an equitable interest, depending upon the formalities used to create it. A lease allows multiple parties to exploit the benefit of owning an estate in land simultaneously.
A lease is a proprietary interest in land, granting the owner the right to exclude all others, including the landlord, from the land for the duration of the term.
What is a licence?
A licence merely gives the licensee personal permission to be on the land - “no man (sic) can set his foot upon my ground without my licence”.
Licences can be granted formally or informally.
A licence is not a proprietary interest, so it will not bind third parties, and can only be enforced against the original licensor. Even so, the court will not necessarily enforce a licence by granting the licensee access to the land but may grant damages instead.
What are the requirements for a lease?
There are three requirements essential to a lease, as established in Street v Mountford:
1: Exclusive legal possession of defined premises…
2: … for a term and… (certainty of term)
3: … at a rent.
NOTE: the requirement for rent is no longer an essential component of a lease. However, Street remains the leading authority.
Certainty of term
This means that the beginning and end of the lease are known. There are two types of term:
Fixed term - Where the maximum duration of the lease is known from the outset. A certain date must be known - stating “for the duration of (the war)” is not certain. It must be expressly created. It can only come to an end when the term expires, if the lease is forfeited, or if there is a break clause in the agreement.
Periodic term - Where the duration of the lease runs in periods that are automatically renewed, unless either party serves a notice to quit. It may be expressly created by a written agreement, or impliedly by the payment of rent on a periodic basis.
Exclusive possession
This means that the tenant has the legal right to exclude anyone from the property, including the landlord.
The court will look at all the circumstances to see whether there is exclusive possession. Where an employee is required to live in a place to do a job, that does not confer a tenancy, even though rent might be paid.
The courts have held that the burden of proof is on the tenant Claimant to show that they had the power to exclude all others from the property.
Where there is multiple occupancy (i.e. where two or more people share premises) the occupants can still have exclusive possession if they have the right together to exclude all others.
To have exclusive possession they must have the four unities laid out in AG Securities v Vaughan:
1: Possession - everyone has equal right to occupy all of the premises;
2: Interest - everyone has the same leasehold interest for the same term;
3: Time - all the interests start at the same time; and
4: Title - all the interests derive from the same document, or from separate identical documents.
What is a mortgage?
A mortgage is a proprietary interest in land given by the mortgagor (the landowner) as security for a loan. The mortgagor receives a loan in return for giving the mortgagee (often a bank) security over the land. A mortgage has been defined as “a conveyance of land … as a security for the payment of a debt or the discharge of some other obligation”.
What is the difference between legal and equitable mortgage?
- A mortgage is an interest capable of being legal.
- To be legal it must be created by deed (i.e. signed, witnessed, dated, and headed a deed). If the requirements for a deed are not met, but there is a valid estate contract to create a mortgage (i.e. in writing, signed by both parties and containing all agreed terms, then it will instead be an equitable mortgage). It would also be equitable if the landowner only had an equitable interest.
- A mortgage is a triggering event for the purposes of land registration. A legal mortgage must be entered on the charges register of the title in order to be protected against a purchaser for valuable consideration. For unregistered land, the mortgagee / lender takes the title deeds instead of registration.
- Land can be mortgaged several times. A second mortgage is known as a puisne mortgage. It must be registered as a C(i) at the Land Charges Department or it will not be
A mortgage should be solely security for a loan, with no extra benefits or terms added.
How is this ensured in light of the date of redemption?
The date of redemption
In Equity, the mortgagor is described as having the “equity of redemption” which represents the mortgagor’s equitable interest in the property and consists of the sum total of the mortgagor’s rights in relation to the land. There is a general rule that there must be no “clog” (i.e. impediment) on the equity of redemption.
Redemption (the first date that mortgage can be repaid in full) cannot be prevented altogether, but it can be postponed if the date of redemption is not so far in the future as to render the right to redeem illusory - which is a question of degree.
Options to purchase
- Will generally be held void if included in a mortgage.
- Can only be valid if granted afterwards in a separate agreement.
A mortgage should be solely security for a loan, with no extra benefits or terms added.
How is this ensured in light of options to purchase?
- Will generally be held void if included in a mortgage.
- Can only be valid if granted afterwards in a separate agreement.
A mortgage should be solely security for a loan, with no extra benefits or terms added.
How is this ensured in light of collateral ties?
These arise, for example, in circumstances where a mortgage might be granted over a pub with a requirement that the mortgagee will buy all its beer from the mortgagor. These will be struck out if unconscionable, a penalty, a restraint of trade or a “clog on the equity of redemption”.
A collateral advantage will be allowed if wholly independent of the mortgage arrangement.
A mortgage should be solely security for a loan, with no extra benefits or terms added.
How is this ensured in light of interest rates?
The court can strike down a penal rate of interest, i.e. one that is:
1: Exorbitant, extravagant or unconscionable; or
2: In conflict with the:
- Consumer Rights Act 2015;
- Unfair Terms in Consumer Contract Regulations 1999; or
- Consumer Credit Act 2006.
The rate must not arise from an unfair relationship (Consumer Credit Act 2006; also Financial Services and Markets Act 2000).
It must not be an unfair term, i.e. contrary to good faith and arising from significant imbalances in the parties’ rights to the detriment of the borrower (CRA 2015).
NOTE: the CRA applies between traders and consumers, so this is only relevant to retail banking.
Compare the case law:
Examples of unconscionable interest rates:
* The court reduced a 19% interest rate (that increased to an effective rate of 38% if the borrower defaulted) to 7%.
* A double interest rate (8.99% increasing to 13.99% if the borrower defaulted) was held to be unfair under the UTCCR 1999 (now replaced by the CRA 2015).
Examples of acceptable interest rates:
* Mortgagees do not need to reduce their interest rates following a Bank of England rate cut, as this is acceptable commercial practice.
* Commercial agreements between two parties of equal bargaining power are likely to be upheld.
* A mortgagor with a bad credit history may be subject to interest rates which are higher than high street lender’s rates.
What are the lenders powers?
1: Debt action
This will be the lender’s first option to reclaim the loan and interest, but the mortgagor may be unable to pay, so consider the following alternative options.
2: Other options
An equitable remedy (very rarely) awarded at the court’s discretion; the land is taken in satisfaction of the property and the lender keeps any surplus proceeds of sale.
Appointing a receiver:
Someone who oversees the sale and prevents the lender being liable for a negligent sale.
3: Right to take possession
- Lenders can take possession as soon as the mortgage is signed. This is as a prelude to sale; it allows the lender to make the best financial recovery by selling with vacant possession.
- Self-help is possible, but entry must not be forced, so this is risky.
- Lender could instead apply for a court order, though this gives the mortgagor extra protection: possession will be postponed (at the court’s discretion) if the borrower can repay within a reasonable period (i.e. the outstanding mortgage term).
- The court will postpone an order for possession if the mortgagor has a sound financial plan to repay the instalments. Postponement is less likely to be awarded by the court if the lender is prejudiced by falling property prices and there is no clear repayment plan.
- The lender is liable to account to the mortgagor for any rent they could have made whilst in possession.
- Lenders should follow pre-action protocol by discussing alternatives with the mortgagor before taking possession as a last resort.
4: Power of sale
This power arises as soon as the first capital instalment is due. NOTE: this means falling behind on a repayment mortgage, but not on an interest-only mortgage.
* This power can be exercised by the lender even if the lender has not taken possession - but the land’s resale value will be less because the mortgagor will still be in possession.
* But the power can only be exercised if notice is served, and if the mortgage is in arrears or there is some other breach.
What are the lender’s duties?
Lenders must take care to obtain a proper price. The “proper” price does not mean the “best” price - it means the true market value of the land. The lender should get one or more independent valuations of the property. The duty to obtain a proper price is not necessarily breached if the court merely has misgivings about the price - the market value is not an exact figure.
Lenders can sell whenever they choose, even if they could have obtained a higher price by waiting but must do so in good faith (i.e. advertise the sale property and obtain independent advice and valuations).
Lenders can choose how to sell the property. Auctions are often used, as they are public events, with adverts for opportunities to view the property in advance, with a price set through a clear and transparent bidding process. This means auctions help to show that a proper price was obtained in good faith, even if the auction is poorly attended and the bidding is low. Reserve prices (the lowest amount that a property may be sold for) should be determined by a qualified valuer.
Any surplus proceeds of sale remaining after the lender has sold the property are held on trust for the borrower (or for the second mortgagee if there is one, then the borrower).
What is the priority order of mortgages?
1: Legal mortgages of registered land: the first mortgage to be registered is repaid in full before any other mortgages.
2: Equitable mortgages of registered land: the first mortgage to be created is repaid in full before any other mortgages.
3: Mortgages of unregistered land: the first mortgage takes priority over the