Flight Planning Flashcards
What is the difference between a dry V1 and a wet V1?
Wet V1 will be lower than a dry V1 IOT stop in the same distance. Screen height is reduced to 15’ but you only need to be at V2 at 35’ still.
Describe Gross vs Net Flight Paths
The difference between the net and gross flight paths/ performance is as follows: The gross performance is the average performance that a fleet of aircraft should achieve if maintained satisfactorily and flown in accordance with the techniques established during flight certification and subsequently described in the aircraft performance manual. Gross performance therefore defines a level of performance that any aircraft of the same type has a 50 percent chance of exceeding at any time. The net performance is the gross performance diminished to allow for various contingencies that cannot be accounted for operationally, e.g., variations in piloting technique, temporarily below-average performance, etc. It is improbable that the net performance/ flight path will not be achieved in operation, provided the aircraft is flown in accordance with the recommended techniques, i.e., power, attitude, and speed. Normally, performance graphs show net performance; however, some performance charts, especially for three-engined aircraft, assume gross is equal to net performance. This means that no margin exists between what the graph suggests the aircraft will achieve and what the aircraft will achieve.
What are WAT limits?
Weight/Altitude/Temperature limits.
Related to making the second segment climb. Minimum height you can achieve if WAT limited is 1500’ above the airfield.
Takeoff distance available = runway + clearway. Must achieve screen height at V2 by the end.
Must not exceed 1.5 x TORA.
In loading an aircraft to obtain maximum range, would you load it with and aft or forward CoG?
Aft - so that the tailplane provides a lifting force.
What is the effect of weight on V1?
If ASDR limiting, increasing weight will require a reduced V1 in order to stop within the ASDA as long as its not below Vmcg.
If TODR limiting, increased weight will require a faster V1 IOT make the screen height. Must still be less than Vr and Vmbe.
This is an unbalanced field case.
How does pressure altitude affect takeoff performance?
Increases TODR.
Define V3
The speed reached at screen height all engines operating
How does a contaminated runway affect TORR/ASDR/V1?
TORR increased because of slower acceleration.
ASDR will increase for the same V1 because of degraded braking.
V1 will need to be lower if ASDA becomes limiting.
How does slope affect takeoff performance?
Downslope = accelerate faster = less TORR/TODR. However may increase ASDR.
Formula for an ETP?
Distance from start to ETP =
(Total Distance x GS Home) / GS Out + GS Home
Takeoff run available - the runway
Accelerate stop distance available - runway + stopway.
Accelerate stop distance required = (distance required to accelerate to V1, suffer a single engine failure, abort the takeoff and come to a stop) x 1.10(?)
Define V4
The speed reached at 400’ all engines operating.
What three things are required to be confirmed at the speed check when rolling (40-100kts depending on type).
- Thrust has been set within a time appropriate for the calculated performance.
- Rudder authority is available.
- Airspeed is working.
What is a clearway?
An area upwind of the runway which allows obstacle-free climb to achieve the screen height. Must be a minimum of 75m either side of the extended centreline and under the control of the airport authority.
What speed for max endurance?
WAT Limits Vs Field Length Limits?
WAT - Weight/Altitude/Temperature:
- MTOW limited so that aircraft meets second segment and missed approach climb performances.
Field length - limits the MTOW so that the aircraft meets the required TOR/D/ASD performance.
What options open up with a range of V1 speeds? How would there be a range?
TORR and ASDR might dictate a maximum V1 of 135, whilst TODR might only dictate a minimum V1 of 125. You then have a 10kt spread to pick a V1.
A faster V1 will result in better second segment climb performance. A slower V1 will get you airborne quicker.