Flight Planning Flashcards
Flight planning rules are governed by rules contained in
IR OPS which incorporates ICAO annex 6 part 1
EASA common technical req
Take off alternate
Alternate aerodrome at which an a/c can l/d should this become necessary but cannot l/d at the dep airfield
En-route alternate
An aerodrome en route which an a/c will be able to l/d after experiencing an abnormal/emerg
ETOPS en route alternate
An adequate aerodrome which contains an ATS facility and at least 1 inst aprch
Destination alternate
Alternate aerodrome to which an a/c can safely l/d at if it is inadequate/ impossible to l/d at the destination
Extended range operations for two engine aeroplanes
Approved by the authority to operate beyond the normal threshold distance (60mins) from an alternate aerodrome
En route alternate selected for the purpose of reducing contingency fuel to 3%
T/o alternate must be located within
1 hr flight time 1 eng inop in still conditions
The operators approved ETOPS diversion time up to a max 2 hours
Whichever is the lesser
The operator must have at least 1 dest alternate unless
Planned flight does not exceed 6 hours
2 separate r/y are available at the destination - met forecasts for 1 hr before and after are adequate - ceiling is below 2000 and vis is at least 5km
Whichever is the greater
The operator must select 2 destination alternates when
Wx forecasts indicate the wx may be below minima 1 hr before and after arrival
There’s not met info available
T/o alternate planning minima
Forecast must indicate 1 hr before and after ETA that conditions are above the l/d minima
Cloud ceiling use be taken into account when the only approaches available are n/p or vm(c)
Selecting a dest
RVR vis must be as specified in accordance with a/p operating minima
N/p aprch/ vm(c) - ceiling will be at or above MDH
These limits do not apply if 2 acceptable destination alternates have been selected
To do an ILS cat 2 and 3
Planning minima = cat 1
Min factor to be taken into account = RVR
In order to do an ILS cat 1
Planning minima = n/p aprch
Min factor to be taken into account = RVR with ceiling at or above MDH
In order to do a n/p aprch
Planning minima = n/p aprch
Min factor to be taken into account = RVR + 1000m MDH +200ft
In order to do a vm(c) aprch
Planning minima = circling
Min factor to be taken into account = vis minima with ceiling at or above MDH
Methods to establish min flight alts
Must be approved by the authority
Operator must establish them
Possible factors the operator must take into account when determining flight alts
Nav equip fixing accuracy
Probable inaccuracies in altimeter indications
Terrain characteristics
Probability of encountering unfavourable met conditions
Pos inaccuracies with charts
Fuel management in flight and what should he do
Carried out each hour - given wrk
Compare the actual consumption with planned consumption
Confirm that there is sufficient fuel to complete the flight
Calc the expected fuel on arrival to the dest
If the calc fuel is less than the final reserve fuel
Where no alternate is required - must divert
Found in ops manual part A
Operators fuel policy plans must take into account
Procedures contained in the ops manual Data provided by the manufacturer Current a/c specific data derived from fuel consumption monitoring system Realistic fuel consumption data Anticipated masses Expected wx ATS restrictions and sops
Req for an eng failure
Operator must ensure
A/c can operate above the MSA for the route
2 eng inop - flight path must permit the a/c to continue the flight and clear obstacles within 5nm of the track by at least 2000ft while flying to a suitable diversion a/p