Flight instruments, Displays Flashcards
When does the RAD ALT display a digital readout?
Between 2500’ and 1000’ AGL
True or False:
During ILS approach on the radio altimeter remaining perimeter and pointer turns amber and flashes for 3 seconds because the aircraft has descended below the selected radio altitude?
True … Oh so very true!
True or false:
3 DEU’s are fitted to the aircraft?
False - There are two!
Speed trend vector shows predicted airspeed in how long?
10 Seconds.
When is the Mach speed displayed at the bottom of the speed tape?
Above Mach 0.4
Below this speed it displays Groundspeed.
What happens to flap manoeuvring speed bugs when Flaps 30 or 40 are set?
They are removed.
When is V2+15 (White bug) removed?
At first flap retraction or when VREF is entered into the CDU
Amber no VSPD is displayed on the ground .. Why?
V1 and VR haven’t been selected on the CDU or with the SPD REF selector
Minimum Manoeuvre Speed (Amber) is displayed when?
First flap retraction after Take-off or when a valid VREF is entered. - It provides
1.3g manoeuvre capability to stick shaker below approx 20,000ft
1.3g manoeuvre capability to low speed buffet above 20,000ft
When do the PLI (Pitch limit indicators or “Eyebrows”) display?
When the flaps are not up or slow speed with the flaps up.
If there are disagreements with ILS frequencies or approach courses on the PFD for a certain amount of time they will turn amber and have a horizontal line put through them — What is the period of time?
1 Minute.
At what altitude does the “Rising runway” start to rise?
200’ RA
Radio Altitude is displayed above the Alt tape when?
From 2500’ AGL
The digital display disappears at 1000’ AGL
Box highlighted white for 10 seconds after passing 2500
Round dial appears below 1000’ AGL
Turns amber and flashes for 3 seconds below Rad Alt minimums.
What is different on the vertical speed when V/S pitch mode is engaged?
There will be a Magenta bug for the selected vertical speed.
When is digital vertical speed displayed?
When vertical speed is greater than 400fpm.