ICAS msg: Rudder Overboost
If both systems running > 135 kts
Normally sys #1 shut off >135 kts
Flap System consist off:
- FECU (flap electronic control unit)
- FPDU (flap power / drive unit)
- 2 motors
- Flexible shaft
- Jackscrews for each flap
If one flap motor fail
Flaps will extend slower
Pitch Trim components
- HSCU ( horizontal stab. Control unit )
- Main channel
- Backup channel
- Actuator
- Main motor
- Backup motor
- 2 Jackscrews
HSA Excessive load protection
Trim system shuts off a channel if switch actuated for period of time that totalizes 16sec when Horizontal Stabilizer Actuator is stalled
Rudder Hardover Protection
The rudder systems auto shut off if:
- Both engines > 56% N2
- Rudder deflection above 5° +-1°
- Force above 130lb opposite pedal
Trim switch logic
- CA overrides FO
- Both override Autopilot
- Limited to 3 sec operation
- Backup vs Main- first operated
Rudder Panels
- FWD Rudder
* AFT Rudder ( deflects further )
FECU will stop flap movement if flap difference is ..°?
2° ( by flap velocity sensors )
Trim switch protection
If 1/2 of any pitch trim switch in stuck for 7 seconds continuously, Control Unit will deactivate that faulty switch
What some of the systems attached to HSCU?
- SPS ( during stick shaker no trim up )
- ADC ( adjust the trim rate for different speeds )
- Spoilers ( retrims when spoilers are open )
What HSCU main channel control?
What trim?
Control column (yoke) trim (Main trim)
How many degrees can you pitch horizontal stab up/dn?
Up - 10°
Down - 4°
Can you lock gust lock in-flight?
How do you trim ailerons?
You move the center position of the aileron
What do you lose when you disconnected ailerons if:
- Left aileron jammed
- Right aileron jammed
• Left aileron
• Autopilot servo
• Pusher
• Right aileron
• Artificial feel unit
What type of Rudders do we have?
Two in-tandem rudders
Rudder on rudder
Do you have a feel unit on the elevators?
Aileron Disconnect Pull
What control do you have?
- Captain side - left aileron
* FO side - right aileron
What type of flaps?
Two double slotted flap panels
How many Jack screws are there to move horizontal stab?
- Spring Tab
* Servo Tab
- Spring Tab (inner tab)- moves at high speed
- Servo Tab (outer tab)- moves at low speeds
- Assist with elevator movement
- Both move opposite the elevator
Pitch control consists of:
- Conventional cable operated elevator
* All moving horizontal stabilizer
Control Column / Cabin Vibration
could be caused by?
How to check?
Elevator horn when elevator is not aligned with horizontal stabilizer
•Pitch slightly up or down