How many people allowed on the stairs?
Max 3
Aircraft measurements?
Length: 98ft
Height: 22ft 2in
Wingspan: 65ft 9in (68ft 11in XR)
What does the crew awareness system do?
It provides a variety of visual, aural and sensitive to notify the crew regarding the system status, malfunctions and abnormal aircraft configurations
What is Vfs?
Best rate of climb SE
T/O and LDG speeds:
T/O: |V1| |Vr| |V2| |Vfs|
LDG: |Vap| | Vref| |AC| |Vfs|
(AC-Approach climb)
Aft electronic bay is cooled by?
- Gasper Fan
* Outflow valves
Avionics Integration (7)
2- IC600..... 2- ADC...... 2- AHRS...... 2- DAU (2 channels A,B)....... 4- FADEC (A,B)....... 1- Aural Unit (2 channels A,B)........ 1- SPS (2 channels A,B)
Will auto pilot disconnect if you get shaker or pusher?
Abbreviations: • EGPWS • TCAS • SPS • AHRS
- Enhanced Ground Proximity Warning System
- Traffic and Collision Avoidance System
- Stall Protection System
- Attitude Heading Reference System is
Windshear Guidence engagement:
Manual: TOGA pressed in Windshear
- Go around or T/O mode in Windshear
- TLA above 78° (windshear warning)
PFD msg: WSHR ➡ ️ROL
SPS is composed of: (4)
1 SPS computer (2 channels)
2 AOA sensors
2 Stick shakers
1 Stick pusher
IC-600 build in tests: (3)
- Power Up
- Continuous (comparison test: “CAS” msg on PFD if IC-600 disagree
- Pilot Initiated: (2 tests, second starts after 6 sec)
PLI indications:
Green: 10-5°
Amber: 5-2°
Red: 2-0°
Different Windshields
- Sierracin (busses are vertical)
2. PPG (busses are horizontal)
What’s the purpose of ATTCS?
ATTCS will provide full power (TO-1) in case of Emergency
Where does DAU take its info from?
DAU #1 monitors #1 engine and forward systems
DAU #2 monitors #2 engine and aft systems
If you turn right/left and your wingtip clears
will tailtip clear?
Not necessarily
What is Amber windshear?
Increasing performance
When do you need to drain water tank?
When freezing or 2°C is to be forecasted
Parking overnight
What do red msg or Amber represent? On ICAS
Red - deeply out of range
Amber - out of range
Sierracin Windshield
heating sensors
- Senses heat
- Senses overheat
- Can be used for either above
ICAS Messages
Warning (RED)
Caution (Amber)
Advisory (Blue)
What is a red windshear?
• Decreasing performance
Compensation to stall AOA for flaps 9° and 22° only
- ICAS msg is present after ice detection
- Low-speed awareness goes up on airspeed tape