Flight Controls Flashcards
Flight control computers
2 ELAC’s function as primary flight control computer. Sends the need for spoiler roll to the SEC’s and rudder movement to the FAC’s
3 SEC’s Direct control of the spoilers and backup of elevator and trimmable horizontal stabilizer. SEC 3 does not provide any backup control
2 FAC’s Provide control of the rudder and associated rudder functions. Compute flight envelope limits. Only one active at a time while the other acts as a backup. Not depicted on F/CTL page. If both lost a mechanical connection to rudders is used
Normal to Alternate to Direct Law
Normal to Alternate:
Both ELAC’s fail or
All 3 SEC’s fail or
Both FAC’s fail
Alternate to Direct:
More significant failures
Pitch control
Autopilot or stick movement to ELAC’s to servos on elevator
Servos operate in one of three different modes:
F/CTL page elevator indicator turns amber when both associated hydraulic systems are unable to provide pressure and changes to amber xx when position cannot be determined caused by both ELAC’s and SEC’s 1&2 have failed or turned off
Pitch Trim on F/CTL page
The word PITCH is normally white and turns amber when trim jams
And the numbers change from green to amber if hydraulic pressure is low.
With the loss of both G and Y systems THS movement is not possible
Flight control overview
AP or side stick to
ELAC’s to
Aileron servo and SEC’s and FAC’s and elevator servos
Roll Control
ELAC’s to aileron servos
On F/CTL page normally white and turns to amber if hydraulic systems G and B cannot provide pressure.
If both ELAC’s have failed or been turned off they’re two amber xx’s
On F/CTL page:
Green: normal
Amber: fault arrow while extended and failed spoiler number if failed when retracted
Rudder control
Side stick to FAC’s (one is active at a time)
FAC’s to servos. 3 separate hydraulic servos each powered by separate system.
Dual FAC failure rudder peddles mechanically move rudder with at least one hydraulic system required
F/CTL page turns amber when all three hydraulic systems are unavailable
Amber xx indicates loss of both FAC’s and total loss of rudder trim
Rudder trim automatic with autopilot on
Speed Brakes/Spoilers
A320 limited to 1/2 with auto brake
Partial extension when only one landing gear compressed and at least one thrust lever REV
Amber SPEED BRK on E/WD indicates brakes are deployed with engines above idle
SFCC receive input from handle then they signal slat/flap motors
SFCC also control WTB (wing tip brake) in the event of assemetric
Two motors for slats B and G and two motors for flaps Y and G. 1/2 speed if one system is lost.
Slats move independently of flaps
Position 1 flap handle
T/O: 1+F which is first slat and flap position
Landing: position 1 give slat 1 only
Inflight: Position 1 from position 2 or greater gives 1+F
Slat/Flap indicators
Provide info to E/WD
If these sensors fails amber x’s appear on E/WD
Since they are separate from the SFCC’s function of the slat/flaps is still normal and position is verified from cabin and pylon labels
Slat/Flap abnormal
Hydraulic failure or both SFCC results in amber indications on E/WD
Amber F-LOCKED or S-LOCKED on E/WD means asymmetrical or runaway
Slat/Flap protections
With slats/flaps extended and speed exceeds 210kts the flaps auto retract but slats remain.
Slat Alpha/Speed Lock:
Prevents slats/flaps from retracting during slow speed or high angle of attack
Mechanical Backup and Abnormal Law
Mechanical Backup: rudder peddles, thrust levers, and pitch trim wheels
Abnormal Law:
Provides sufficient control for recovery from an unusual attitude
Pitch Trim Normal Law
Automatic with or w/o autopilot with less than 33 degrees bank
Normal Law Protections
Maneuver: +2.5G’s up to -1G down flaps up. +2G’s to 0G flaps down
Pitch Attitude: 30 degrees up to 15 degrees down
Overspeed: ELAC’s automatically pitch aircraft up (will not protect against exceeding vmo/mmo
Alpha (ALPHA PROT): VLS lowest safe speed. (Amber hook on airspeed indicator
Alpha Prot changes logic to load factor to alpha demand so the side stick controls alpha directly. Top of amber and black band on a/s indicator
Alpha max: top of solid red band. The a/c will descend if not sufficient thrust available
Alpha Floor: TOGA power applied approximately half way between alpha prot and alpha max regardless if auto thrust is on (as long as it’s functional)
Reminder all these available in NORMAL LAW
Roll Normal Law
Max bank 67 degrees. 45 degrees in alpha or high speed protections
Bank angle hold: <33 degrees bank a/c will hold bank angle and introduce the required level of back pressure to maintain level flight called automatic pitch
Positive spiral stability: 67>33 degrees bank if you let go the side stick automatically returns to 33 degrees bank. Additionally PSS becomes active at any bank angle if overspeed or Alpha protections are active. In this case it will bring the a/c to 0 degrees bank if the side stick is neutral
Flight control Ground mode
No load control and roll rate required so side stick and control surfaces directly related and proportional. Enables a flight control test and to rotate o. Take off
Landing Mode
Gives conventional feel to the landing. Radar altimeter required
Unavailable in alternate law so you wouldn’t get that conventional feel so if in alternate law when the landing gear is lowered flight control reverts to direct law
Alternate Law Indications
Amber x’s replace the green = symbols on PFD. Alpha prot and alpha max symbols are replaced by stall warning indicator which is red and black barber pole.
Also abnormals in the E/WD
Pitch control is identical to normal law however ground and landing modes are not available and pitch protection is greatly reduced. No 30 degrees up to 15 degrees down and high speed protection replaced by high speed stability…still nose up protection but can push thru with the side stick.
Alpha protection is replaced by low speed stability…adds gentle nose down but can be overridden and cause a stall
No automatic turn coordination
Alternate law roll
No protections (max bank, bank angle hold, automatic pitch trim, positive spiral stability)
Now have ROLL DIRECT which results in roll response varying with a/s similar to conventional a/c. Could be up to twice the roll rate
Direct Law
Side stick has direct relationship with flight controls
No protections and stability
No auto trim
No yaw damp