Flat roofs for low rise residential property – pathology Flashcards
When it all goes wrong, what can be damaged? Diagram
Why splitting happens on a felt flat roof due to thermal stress, diagram:
Asphalt roof coverings are not able to accommodate movement well without a movement joint cracking will appear
Lead roof coverings expansion and contraction diagram
Repeated expansion and contraction of trapped air/moisture diagram
The linkage of the flat roof through to the cavity tray is also critical.
When looking at an adjacent wall consider:
Building pathology can be split into three distinct parts:
Ponding on about the flat roof of the Victorian property reasons diagram:
Likely causes of lead flat roof defects table 1
Likely causes of lead flat roof defects table 2
More Likely causes of flat roof defects including lead flashings table 1
More Likely causes of flat roof defects including lead flashings table 2
Likely causes of felt flat roof defects table 1
Likely causes of felt flat roof defects table 2
Likely causes of green roof defects table
Likely causes of flat roof defects used for access or balcony table
Likely causes of GRP roof (warm and cold) defects table
Likely causes of single ply roof (warm and cold) defects table 1
Likely causes of single ply roof (warm and cold) defects table 2
Likely causes of asphalt ply roof (warm and cold) defects table 1
Likely causes of asphalt ply roof (warm and cold) defects table 2
Likely causes of defects to structure of deck table
Likely causes of defects to insulation table
Useful references/sources of information table 1
Useful references/sources of information table 2
Re-roofing works – key considerations
Building regulations:
Re-roofing works – key considerations
Detailing of adjacent elements:
Re-roofing works – key considerations
Ventilation, vapour barrier and acoustic performance:
Re-roofing works – key considerations
Rainwater drainage, surface finish appropriate for access required and guarantees: