Fitness And Training Priciples Flashcards
What is fitness
This is the ability to meet the demands of the environment——— there is physical and skill related components
- strength e.g. hand grip
- speed e.g. 30 m sprint
- flexibility e.g. sit and reach
- cardio vascular endurance e.g. cooper run
- muscular endurance e.g. 1 min sit up
- body composition e.g. bmi skin fold
- balance
- coordination e.g. ball
- power e.g. vertical jump
- agility
- reaction time e.g. ruler drop
What is the purpose of fitness testing
- Find an average
- See if you’ve improved
- See how well your doing
- Identify any strengths and weaknesses
- Talent identification
- Can measure the state of health
What are the categories of tests
- field
- laboratory
- maximal
- submaximal
Define validity
Does the test measure what you want it to
Define reliability
Can the test produce the same or very similar results if the test is repeated and there is no change in fitness level
A substance located within the muscle that has a high affinity for oxygen
Anaerobic glycolic system
The breakdown of glycogen into lactate and hydrogen irons in the absence of oxygen
Adenosine di phosphate the breakdown of ADP to release the stored energy
Aerobic system
The breakdown of fat and glucose via the use of oxygen to support ATP resynthesis
The development of new capillaries within tissue to support oxygen transport and diffusion
ATP-PC energy system
The breakdown of phosphocreatine to support ADP resynthesis
Located within cells these are the site of oxygen utilisation via the Krebs cycle and the electron transport chain
The incorporation of high intensity exercise within a warm cool down to boost oxygen kinetics