Fish Flashcards
What are chondrichthyes?
cartilaginous fish
(sharks, skates, and rays)
What are osteichthyes?
bony fish
(catfish, pike, salmon)
What are swim bladders?
two gas-filled sacs located in the dorsal portion of the fish (air or gas bladder)
How do swim bladders function?
Allows precise amount of buoyancy
control because they can regulate the
amount of gas with relative ease
What are physotomous?
connection (pneumatic
duct) to the gut - ‘gulp
What are physoclistous?
regulate gas
physiologically in
circulatory system
How do swim bladders affect chondritheyes and orinchytheyes
cartilinaginous finsh dont have swim bladder because they move up and down in the ocean constantly
What are the caudal fin types?
round,forked,indented, square lunacate, pointed
What is the most diverse order of sharks?
The Carcharhiniformes (Ground Sharks)
What are the orders of sharks, skates and rays
What are iteroparous?
reproduces several times throughout a lifetime.
What is semelparous?
single, highly amount of reproduction once
What is hermaphroditic?
possessing both male and female reproductive organs
What is protogynous?
having the** female** reproductive organs come to maturity before the male.
What is oviparous?
an egg is hatched externally
What is viviparous
embryo is inside the mother
What are nares?
small sacs which contain smell receptors
What are rosettes?
darker spots on their shoulders and pectoral fins,
What are ampullae of lorenzini?
electroreceptors, sense organs able to detect electric fields (commonly found on sharks)
What are spiracles
small hole behind each eye that opens to the mouth in some fish
used to **take in water **and **ventilate **the gills
What are otoliths?
“Ear stones”
allow fish to hear and sense vibrations, and navigate surroundings
How are otoliths different in pelagic and costal fish?
fast pelagic fish have smaller otoliths because they don’t need to hear well when they are fast swimmers
How to fish swim?
the fish’s body **pushes against the water and moves the fish forward.
How do fish accelerate?
muscles contract sequentially along the body to generate a backward-moving wave of body bending
How do fins help with swimming and acceleration?
The pectoral and pelvic fins steer up or down. They also help fish turn and stop.
The** dorsal** fin and** anal** fin keep the fish upright in the water
The caudal, or tail, fin adds an extra forward kick to the fish’s swimming.