First Trimester Flashcards
What is a gamete?
male and female reproductive cells (ovum and sperm)
pg. E 82
What is a zygote?
sperm and ovum joined in infundibulum of fallopian tube
pg. E 82 O 353
What is a blastomere?
fertilized ovum that begins to divide loated in ampulla of fallopian tube
pg. E 83
What is a morula?
clusters of cells, 4 days after fertilization located in fallopian tube
pg. E 83 O 353
What is a blastocyst?
implants into endometrium 7 days after fertilization
pg. E 83 O 353
When does fertilization occur?
24-36 hours after ovulation
pg. E 83
What lines a blastocyst?
trophoblasts - which produce hCG
pg. E 83
What possibilities are there when hCG levels are higher than expected?
Further along than expected
Gestational trophoblastic disease
Multiple gestations
pg. E 83
What possibilities are there when hCG levels are lower than expected?
Not as far along as suspected Ectopic pregnancy Embryonic demise Abnormal IUP pg. E 83
At what level is hCG when you can see a gestational sac TV?
1000 mIU/mL
pg. O 356
How often does hCG double and for how many weeks?
Doubles about every 2-3 days for the first 6-9 weeks
pg. E 83 O 356
When does the embryonic period end and the fetal period begin?
End of the 10th week
pg. E 84
What is the decidua basalis?
Maternal side of endometrium
pg. E 84
What does decidua mean?
Name for endometrium during pregnancy
pg. O 353
What is the decidua capsularis?
Fetal side of endometrium
pg. E 84 O 353
What is an amnion?
Extraembryonic membrane that lines the chorion
Contains fetus and amniotic fluid
pg. E 85 O 353
What is the chorion?
Outermost of fetal membranes
Fuses with amnion and not seen after 12-16 weeks
pg. E 85 O 353
When should a gestational sac be seen?
LMP > 5 weeks
hCG levels 1000-2000 mIu/mL
pg. E 86
What shape and location should a gestational sac be?
W/in the endometrium towards the fundus
pg. E 86 O 357
What is a double decidua sign?
Thick hyperechoic rim surrounding a sonolucency, an IUP
pg. E 86 O 353
At what pace does a gestational sac grow?
1 mm/day
pg. E 86
A yolk sac should be present when the gestational sac is how many mm?
8 mm
pg. E 86 O 357
How is mean sac diameter calculated?
How is the mean sac diameter calculated?
length + height + width / 3
pg. E 86 O 356
What is the chorion?
outermost of fetal membranes; shrinks by wks 12-16
pg. E 85 O 353
What is the amnion?
extraembryonic membrane that lines chorion and contains fetus
pg. E 85 O 353
When should a gestational sac be visualized?
hCG values 1000-2000
LMP > 5 wks
pg. E 86 O 359
What is the double decidua sign?
thick hyperechoic rim surrounding an IUP
pg. E 86 O353
When should a yolk sac be visualized?
5th gestational week (TV)
GS = 8 mm
pg. E 87 O 359
How should a yolk sac be measured?
inner to inner; < 6 mm
pg. E 87 O 358
When should an embryo be seen?
6th gestational week
GS = 16 mm
pg. E 87 O 359
What is a rhombencephalon?
Normal anechoic structure in the posterior brain seen between 8-11 weeks
pg. E 88
What is a complete abortion?
all products of conception expelled
pg. E 90 O 359
What are the clinical findings associated with a complete abortion?
bleeding, cramping, low hCG levels
pg. O 359
What is an incomplete abortion?
some products of conception are expelled while some remain in uterus
pg. E 90 O 360
What are the clinical findings associated with an incomplete abortion?
asymptomatic, bleeding, cramping, hypotension
pg. O 360
What are the sonographic findings of an incomplete abortion?
thickened endo with fluid, and possible gestational sac
pg. E 90 O 360
What is a missed abortion?
Embryo without cardiac activity
pg. E 91
What are the clinical symptoms of a missed abortion?
Asymptomatic, low hCG levels, brown vaginal discharge
pg. E 91
What is an inevitable abortion?
gestational sac in cx
dilated cx
bleeding and cramping
pg. E 91
What is a threatened abortion?
pregnancy may abort in future
patient usually has bleeding and cramping
pg. E 92
What is another name for an anembryonic pregnancy?
blighted ovum
pg. E 92 O 359
What is an anembryonic pregnancy?
the embryo fails to develop
pg. E 92 O 359
What are the clinical signs of a blighted ovum?
asymptomatic hCG levels decline small for dates no fetal heart tones pg. 359
What are the sonographic findings of an anembryonic pregnancy?
large gestational sac
absent yolk sac, amnion, and embryo
pg. E 92 O 359
What is a septic abortion?
abortion with non-sterile instruments resulting in infection of RPOC (retained products of conception)
pg. E 92
What is an ectopic pregnancy?
pregnancy in an abnormal location
pg. E 93 O 360
Where can an ectopic pregnancy be located?
fallopian tube (most common: ampulla) cervix abdominal abnormal UT position pg. E 93 O 360
What are the clinical findings of an ectopic pregnancy?
pelvic pain vaginal bleeding palpable adnexal mass low hCG levels hypotension cervical tenderness pg. O 360
What are the sonographic findings of an ectopic?
no IUP fluid in endo "sliding sac sign" - can move GS with TV unusual fetal presentation free fluid oligohydramnios pg. E 94 O 360
What is a heterotopic pregnancy?
extrauterine and intrauterine occuring at the same time
pg. E 94 O 360
How can you distinguish an ectopic pregnancy from a corpus luteum?
“ring of fire” - Color Doppler surrounding gestational sac will show flow, corpus luteum will not
pg. E 95
What is the most dangerous location for a ectopic pregnancy?
pg. E 95
What are the most common treatments for an ectopic pregnancy?
Methotrexate administration (MTX)
pg. E 95
What is gestational trophoblastic disease (GTD)?
abnormal proliferation of the trophoblastic tissue
pg. E 96 O 360
When does GTD typically occur?
during/after implantation of a fertilized ovum
pg. E 96
Why might gestational trophoblastic disease occur?
Lack of chromosomes in ovum
Ovum fertilized by 2 sperm
pg. E 96
What are the clinical findings of gestational trophoblastic disease?
Enlarged UT High hCG levels Vaginal bleeding Hyperemesis No fetal heart tones preeclampsia pg. E 96 O 360
What is a complete hydatidaform mole?
Most common form of trophoblastic disease
Chorionic villi are hydropic
no fetal tissue identified
pg. E 96
What are the sonographic findings of a complete hydatidaform mole?
enlarged UT echogenic mass in endo can be cystic in 2nd tri hypervascular, low resistive flow theca lutein cysts pg. E 97
What is a partial molar pregnancy?
one set of maternal chromosomes and 2 sets of paternal
chorionic villi hydropic and normal
abnormal fetal tissue, but mild trophoblastic tissue
pg. E 97
What are the sonographic findings of a partial mole?
deformed gestational sac
growth restricted fetus w/ triploidy
enlarged placenta with cystic areas
pg. E 97
What is a molar pregnancy with a coexisting fetus?
2 conceptions. one in normal other is GTD
very rare
pg. E 97
What are the sonographic findings of a molar pregnancy with a coexisting fetus?
Similar to partial, but placenta is identified
fetus is normal
pg. E 97
What is persistent trophoblastic neoplasia (PTN)?
commonly follows GTD
can also occur after normal term delivery, spont. abortion or ectopic
hCG levels to not decline
pg. E 98
What are the clinical findings of PTN?
hCG levels do not decline
vaginal bleeding
pg. E 98
What are the types of PTN?
Invasive mole
pg. E 98
What is another name for an invasive mole?
chorioadenoma destruens
pg. E 98
What is an invasive mole?
most common form of persistent trophoblastic disease malignant, nonmetastatic penetrates myometrium can cause UT to rupture pg. E 98
What are the sonographic findings of an invasive mole?
echogenic material in endo and myometrium
irregular sonolucent areas surrounding trophoblastic tissue
What is choriocarcinoma?
vascular invasion, hemorrhage, and necrosis of myometrium
malignant, metastatic
pg. E 98
What are the sonographic findings of choriocarcinoma?
enlarged UT
irregular mass with vascularity
What is psuedocyesis?
false pregnancy
psychological condition
pg. O 360
What are the clinical signs of psuedocyesis?
nausea/vomiting abdominal distention amenorrhea negative pregnancy test pg. O 360
What is a subchorionic hemorrhage?
low pressure bleed from implantation of blastocyst
pg. O 361
What are the clinical findings of a subchorionic hemorrhage?
vaginal spotting
pg. 361
What is Fitz Hugh Curtis syndrome?
Inflammation of the peritoneum due to PID
What is the most common form of gestational trophoblastic disease?
Complete hydatidaform mole
What is methotrexate used for?
Cause inovulation of early ectopic pregnancies and preserve fertility
URR Exam
What causes nausea and vomiting in the first trimester?
URR Exam
What hormone is responsible for stimulating the contraction of the Fallopian tubes to propel the egg toward the UT?
URR Exam
At how many weeks is a gestational sac visualized?
4 weeks gestation
At how many weeks is a yolk sac visualized?
5.5 weeks gestation
What are chorionic villi formed from?
Trophoblastic cells
Where is the yolk sac located?
Between amnion and chorion