Firearms Flashcards
Firearms - NZ Police is responsible for ensuring compliance with the Arms Act 1983. To achieve this, Police will focus on tailored interventions, in line with what factors of the individual themselves ? (3 things)
- The levels of risk
- The actual or potential consequences
- The behaviour, attitude and capability of firearms license holders
Firearms - Police will focus on two aspects of risk, what are they ?
- The Magnitude of the consequences that may eventuate should an Event occur
- The Likelihood of an Event occurring
Firearms - What is the Police approach to compliance ?
Compliance means meeting or exceeding the requirements of the regulatory framework. It is designed to ensure personal and public health and safety, security of, and the responsible use of firearms.
Police seek the highest possible level of voluntary compliance.
Firearms - Compliance Interventions/Decision Making
Decisions regarding Police Interventions will take into account the attitude towards compliance, and be … what ? (6 things)
- Logical, timely and considered
- Evidence-based
- Made impartially and without fear, favour, bias, prejudice or improper motive
- Sufficiently robust and well documented to withstand judicial review
- Proportionate to the risk posed by the non-compliance behaviour
- Consistent with Law, public interest and Police policies and values
Firearms- What are the range of interventions Police can impose to non-compliance with the Arms Act ? (6 things)
- Education
- Warnings
- Improvement Notices
- Prescribe conditions on licences
- Suspension
- Revocation
** All based on risk, attitude, behaviour and capability
Firearms - What are some of the Intervention “factors for consideration” when assessing a F/L holder? (4 things)
- Extent of Harm or Risk, OR … Risk of harm
- Conduct (behaviours, intent and capability)
- Public Interest
- Attitude to compliance
Firearms - Under Sect. 22H of the Arms Act 1983, a person is disqualified from holding a Firearms Licence if they have within the previous 10 years been convicted, or released from custody after being convicted of what type of offences ? (6 things)
- Importing “prohibited firearm or ammo” without permit
- Selling, Possession, carrying, using, assembling Prohibited items, Manufacturing certain items
- Serious Violence offence, (under s. 86A of Sentencing Act)
- Other Serious Offences under Crimes Act
- Certain Drugs Offences
- Has had a Protection Order out against them in last 10 years
Firearms - Revocation if holder becomes disqualified
When does Section 22H not apply to previous convictions of a person who is an existing firearms licence holder, at the date of the commencement of Sect. 22H ?
- An existing licence holder, convicted of an offence (under 22H) in March 2020, or who previous to 24th Dec 2020 had a Protection Order made against them - is not disqualified, as orders made before s. 22H commenced
- An existing licence holder, convicted of an offence (under 22H) in February 2021, or who had a Protection Order made against them AFTER 24th December 2020 - is a disqualified person, as orders made after commencement of s. 22H (24th December 2020)
- A person who is not a Firearms Holder convicted of an offence specified in S.22H in last 10 years is a disqualified person regardless
NOTE: The licence holder CANNOT apply for a review or appeal to the District Court in relation to this revocation
Firearms - Trespass Act 1980
Under section 12 the Trespass Act 1980, any person who commits an offence against that Act, and at the time was carrying or had with them a weapon, may be disqualified by the court from holding firearms license or any other license or permit under the Arms Act for a period of how long ?
Not exceeding 2 years from the date of conviction
Firearms - Trespass Act 1980
What is a “Weapon” as described under section 12 the Trespass Act 1980, where it states that any person commits an offence against that Act, and at the time was carrying or had with them a weapon … ?
Weapon means any:
Gun, Rifle, Airgun, or Air-rifle; and includes any kind of weapon or device from which a shot, bullet, arrow, tranquilising dart, or other missile can be discharged
Firearms - Disqualification
Does disqualification under section 12 of the Trespass Act 1980, prevent any person from having their F/L revoked ?
NO … consideration should be given to revocation under section 27 of the Arms Act 1983 as to whether they are a fit and proper person to possess firearms
Firearms - Police Safety Orders
If a bound person holds a firearms licence and they are issued with a Police Safety Order, what actions should then be taken ?
The Bound person’s F/licence is:
* Suspended
* Must immediately surrender to Police their F/L and any weapons in their possession or under their control
* During this period Police should assess whether they are a fit and proper person to possess firearms. A notice of consideration of revocation of the firearms license or a notice of temporary suspension may then be issued
Firearms - Section 176 of the Family Violence Act 2018 requires when Police receive a copy of the Temporary or Final Protection Order under section 174 (2) of the Act, they must immediately establish if the respondent and any associated respondent named on the order, holds a firearms license. Police must then arrange for the appropriate person to immediately consider whether the power to revoke should be exercised under section 176 (3)
When does section 176 not apply ? (4 things)
Does not apply, if the order received by Police:
* Discharges a protection order, OR
* Discharges an order made under Part 5 of the Family Violence Act 2018, AND
* No other protection order is made in substitution of the discharged order, OR
* The order varies an order made under Part 5
“Firearms” - What are the three standard conditions of every protection order under section 98, being that the respondent must … do what with their firearms ?
- Not possess or have under their control any weapon (includes a firearm), AND
- Not hold a firearms licence, AND
- Surrender to a Constable on demand any weapon and firearms licence in their possession or control
Firearms - The standard conditions under section 98, (Family Violence Act 2018) relating to Firearms can be removed or changed under Section 157. If the weapons condition has been discharged or modified and the respondent applies for a firearm license, are the Police considering the application obliged to issue the firearms licence ?
* Even if the weapons condition is discharged under the Family Violence Act, meaning that the person is not prevented from applying for a firearms license …
* The combined effect of sections 23(1)(c) and 22H(b) of the Arms Act 1983 is that the person is not eligible to apply for a firearms license for 10 years from when the final protection order was made
Failure of a provision of the Arms Act 1983 or regulations … The basis for belief of “Failure” is that the Police employee must reasonably believe that the licence holder is doing what and proved to what standard?
- Failing
- has failed, OR
- Is likely to fail
- To comply with a provision of the Arms Act, regulations made under the act or any condition on a licence, an endorsement, or a permit
- There needs to be an objective credible basis for the belief.
- The belief should be based on evidence which can be proved “ On the balance of probabilities”
Firearms - Being a fit and proper person to hold a firearms license
Police will review a persons fit and proper status, and correspondingly the continuation of their firearms licence when they demonstrate … what ? (4 things)
- Unlawful, dangerous, or unsafe behaviour, OR
- Non-compliance with licence, endorsement or permit conditions, OR
- Behaviour which indicates lack of judgement, OR
- Poor decision-making
Firearms - Revocation or Suspension of licence
The assessment of a persons fit and proper status requires consideration under a two-stage process … explain ?
- Whether a firearms license holder is involved in specific behaviours, offending or circumstances defined in section 24A(1)(a)-(n) or 24A(2) or as considered relevant. Then …
- Whether the severity and recency of the circumstances, individually at first and then collectively when considered overall. One significant matter may suffice, or more less significant matters. This includes all matters deemed relevant.
Firearms - Revocation or Suspension of licence
MUST KNOW - Examinable
Section 24A (1)(a)-(n) … For a person to be found “ NOT a fit and proper to be in possession of a firearm”, they will have to meet one or more of the circumstances listed here … name them ?
Police may find a person it’s not a fit and proper person to possess firearms and if the police member is satisfied that one or more of the following circumstances exist:
(a) Charged with or has been convicted of an offence in New Zealand or overseas that is punishable by a term of imprisonment (Includes offences involving violence, drugs, or alcohol):
(b) Charged with or has been convicted of an offence under this Act:
(c) Charged with was been convicted of an offence against -
(i) s.231A, C.A. 1961 (entry to agricultural land to commit offence), OR
(ii) the Game Animal Council Act 2013; OR
(iii) the Wildlife Act 1953; OR
(iv) the Wild Animal Control Act 1977:
(d) Has, or has had at any time, a temporary protection order made against them:
(e) Has inflicted, or is inflicting, family violence against another person and that other person has grounds under the Family Violence Act to apply for a Protection Order:
(f) Has, or has had at any time, a restraining order made against him under the Harassment Act 1977:
(g) Has engaged in any conduct involving non-compliance with any requirements of -
(i) this Act, OR
(ii) any Regulations made under this Act, OR
(iii) Any conditions to which a permit, licence, or endorsement previously issued to the person under this Act was subject:
(h) Shows, or has recently shown, symptoms of a mental or physical illness or injury may adversely affect their ability to safely possess firearms:
(i) Abuses alcohol, or is dependent on alcohol, to an extent that affects detrimentally their judgement or behaviour:
(j) Uses drugs (illegal or legal) in a way that affects detrimentally their judgement or behaviour:
(k) Is a member of, or his close affiliations with, a gang or an organised criminal group:
(l) Has shown patterns of behaviour demonstrating a tendency to exhibit, encourage, or promote violence, hatred, or extremism:
(m) Has been assessed as a risk to a State’s National Security:
(n) Satisfies any criteria prescribed in regulations made under section 74(1)(bb) …
And Section 24A(2) also applies …
Firearms - Revocation or Suspension of licence
MUST KNOW - Examinable
Section 24A (2) - In determining whether, for the purposes of this Act, a person is a fit and proper person to be in possession of a firearm or airgun, the member the police may take into account … what ? (4 things)
(a) whether the applicant -
(i) Has a sound knowledge of the safe possession and use of firearms:
(ii Understands the legal obligations of a holder of a firearms licence,
including the endorsements that may be made on a firearms license; AND
(b) Any other criteria prescribed in regulations made under section 74(1)(bc); AND
(c) Any other relevant matters the member of the Police considers appropriate
Firearms - Threshold for consideration of Revocation of licence
MUST KNOW - Examinable - Section 24A(1) or (2)
Once it has been established that a person has fallen under one of the provisions under section 24A(1) or (2), the fit and proper assessment can continue … Stage 1 …
Before a license holder can be considered NOT fit and proper, police should then consider … what ? (2 things)
- The severity and recency of the circumstances (specific behaviours, offending), both individually and then
- Collectively when considered overall. This takes into account all other matters deemed to be relevant.
Firearms - Threshold for consideration of Revocation of licence
MUST KNOW - Examinable - Section 24A(1) or (2)
Stage 2 - Fit and Proper person Assessment
Factors that police should consider but are not limited to include … what ?
Seriousness of Failure
* Type of Conduct (ie: Consider maximum penalty of relevant offence if an offence is involved, risk to safety)
* Specific conduct alleged
* Risk of Harm
Circumstances surrounding the offending
* Recency
* Assessment of all information available, e.g. health practitioners report
* Other mitigating or aggravating circumstances around offending / behaviour
Totality of Behaviour
* Multiple incidents / breaches
* History of compliance / non-compliance
* Escalation in offending / harmful behaviour
* Risk of Harm
Firearms - Notice of consideration of Revocation of licence
This process is initiated by a Commissioned Officer issuing a notice of consideration of revocation of firearms license to the license holder.
Natural justice principles and Case Law require that police must do what ?
- Disclose to the license holder the adverse information relied upon when making the decision to consider revoking his license, AND
- Provide the license holder a reasonable opportunity to explain or refute the information (14 days will usually suffice).
Firearms - Temporary Suspension of F/L pending possible Revocation
Under section 60A(1), Police may issue a notice of temporary suspension of license to … who?
- The holder of a firearms licence who Police are satisfied is not a fit and proper person to possess a firearm or airgun, which includes a case where:
- Failed or refused to secure any arms items or any ammunition in the persons possession in accordance with the Act; OR
- Failed to comply with any conditions imposed on their licence, OR
- Failed to comply with an improvement notice issued under section 60; or
- Police are satisfied on the basis of a notice given under section 92 by a Health Practitioner; OR
- The licence has been seized under section 18 of the S & S Act 2012
- The holder of a dealers licence who Police consider is not a fit and proper person to hold the licence, OR
- The holder of a firearms licence if Police believe ACCESS to that person’s firearm or airgun is reasonably likely to be obtained by:
* A person whose firearms licence application has been refused; or
* A person who’s firearms licence has been revoked; or
* A person who in the opinion of Police is not a fit and proper person to be in possession of a firearm or airgun or ammunition; or
* a Person whose firearms licence has been temporarily suspended
Firearms - Notice of consideration of Suspension of licence
For the purposes of regulation 28C the Commissioner has directed that only a Commissioned Officer may make decisions to temporarily suspend a licence under Section 60A - True or False
Firearms - Notice of Suspension of licence
Police must ensure that the grounds stated in the notice of Temporary Suspension are drawn from Section 60A(1) - and linked to considerations from other parts of the Act, such as section 24A (Not fit and Proper person).
Revocation under section 27C following a suspension has to be on the grounds stated in the original notice. If revocation is not justifiable on the ground set out in the original suspension notice, what can Police do ?
If Further matters of concern are identified, a further suspension notice may need to be issued
Firearms - Revocation of Licence
What is the standard of proof that a Commissioned Officer must be satisfied of, in regards to grounds for section 27(2), Revoking a F/L ?
The balance of probabilities
Firearms Licence - Revoking under 27C (after Temporary Suspension Notice issued).
A member of police (Commissioned Officer) may revoke a firearms license under this section if ?
- They have considered any submissions made by the licence holder on whether their firearms license should be revoked on the grounds stated in the temporary suspension notice, AND
- They are satisfied on the balance of probabilities that the licence should be revoked on those grounds.
A written notice to revoke a firearms licence should be made and served promptly after the decision is made.
“NOTE”: Police decision to revoke firearms licences under section 27 is different to and can be made independently of whether any criminal charges have been considered or filed against a licence holder
Firearms Revocation
When is the firearms licence deemed to be revoked - being when police make a decision to revoke it under 27(2), 27(C) or 62C ?
The point when the Commissioned Officer signs the notice of revocation
Firearms Revocation
Pursuant to s. 28, a person whose licence has been revoked or surrendered must immediately do what when served, and what is Max. Penalty ?
- Surrender license
- Ceases to be licensed to possess any firearm or ammunition, AND
- Must on demand deliver every firearm in the possession or under their control to police
- May any time within 3 months or such longer period as the Commissioner may allow, sell or otherwise dispose of any firearm, pistol, restricted weapon owned by them to a person approved by Police
- Commits offence liable to imprisonment 6 months or $10,000 fine, if without reasonable excuse contravenes ss. 1 (not surrendering licence) or 2(b) (not delivering arms or ammo to Police)
Firearms - Search and Surveillance Act 2012
NOTE: Examinable !!!
Section 18 - Warrantless Searches associated with Firearms … ss(1) - A constable who has reasonable grounds to suspect that any one more of the circumstances in subsection (2) exist in relation to a person may, without warrant do any or all of the following – what ?
- Search the person
- Search anything in the persons possession or under his or her control (including a vehicle)
- Enter a place or vehicle to carry out any activity under paragraph (a) or (b)
- seize and detain any arms found
- seize and detain any licence under the Arms Act 1983 that is found
Firearms - Search and Surveillance Act 2012
NOTE: Examinable !!!
Section 18 - Warrantless Searches associated with Firearms … ss(2) – Search and Seizure from Person - what are circumstances to be able to use this Power?
Circumstances are that person is carrying arms, or in possession of them, or has them under his control, AND
- They are in breach of the Arms Act 1983; OR
- They are by reason of his/her physical or mental condition (however caused)
- incapable of having proper control of the arms; or
- may kill or cause bodily injury to any person; OR
- That under the Family Violence Act 2018
- A protection order or police safety order is in force against the person; OR
- there are grounds to make application for a Protection order
Firearms - Search and Surveillance Act 2012
NOTE: Examinable !!!
Section 18 - Warrantless Searches associated with Firearms … ss(3) - A constable may, without a warrant, enter a place or vehicle, search it, seize any arms or licence under the Arms Act 1983 found there, and detain the Arms or Licence … if what ?
If Police have reasonable grounds to suspect there are Arms in the place or vehicle;
- In respect of which a category 3 or 4 offence, or offence against Arms Act 1983 has been, is being, or is about to be committed; OR
- May be evidential material in relation to a category 3 or 4 offence, or offence against Arms Act 1983