Fire Protection Flashcards
What fire protection systems are fitted for the engine?
detection and fire extinguishing system
How many loops are there in the engine system?
If a loop is broken will it still work?
How many extinguisher bottles are available for the engines?
How does pulling the fire handle do?
shut off the hydraulic pump valves, bleed OP/SO, HP, PR/SO, and fuel shut off valves.
How do you fire a bottle?
by rotating left or right for DISCH 1 and DISCH 2
What can you do if the fire handle cannot be pulled?
by depressing the latch override button installed behind the handle.
What indications is there of bottle pressure?
Agent low pressure light “LO 2”
Describe an engine fire warning?
Alert 3 (chimes, MWL, MFDU), Fire handle red and fuel lever white.
Describe an engine fire warning test?
normal test 1 or 2: level 3 alert relevant fire handle on relevant fuel lever light on FIRE EN 1/2 messages on MFDU ENG 1/2 alert light on at the SAP (SAP in back up)
What fire protection is fitted or the APU?
fire detection one loop and ire extinguishing
Describe an APU fire warning and the result
Fire warning alert 3 is presented. the APU fire shut off valve closes in fuel system automatically, and the APU shuts down. If on ground a warning hor also sounds in nose wheel.
APU fire on ground: What is the purpose of the warning horn?
to let ground staff know that there is a APU fire.
Describe an APU fire test
press APU fire test button: level 3 alert APU fire light on APU panel FIRE APU on MDU FIRE APU alert at the SAP (SAP in backup)
APU: How long will a fire warning remain active?
as long as the fire condition exists
How do you know the bottle has been fired?
Agent LOW pressure light on APU panel
What back up is there if an APU bottle doesn’t fire automatically
a discharge switch on APU fire panel.
What warning is there of cargo smoke?
a smoke warning is presented. Level 3, local light.
CARGO: What happens when you select DISCH 1 or 2
1: immediate total discharge of agent 1. simultaneously agent 2 is discharged at a reduced rate.
2: same agent 1 and 2
What warning is there of smoke in a toilet and what is the result?
alert level 2. MCL with message. Nothing happens, crew have to manually check it.
Describe a smoke warning system test
press smoke test, if no loop faults exists, triple chime, MWL and cargo smoke lights come on. plus smoke message is displayed on MFDU.