Automatic Flight Control and Augmentation System Flashcards
How man flight control computers are there?
2 or 3
Which FCC serves which side?
1 serves left, 2 serves right FD and AP.
What is the effect of FCC failure?
Alert 1 AP disengaged (in flight), FD disappears, amber FD at PFD, amber fault light on the FCC pb
How many IRS’s are required for AP engagement?
2 (in NAV or ATT)
How can you disengage the autopilot?
via disengage button on control column. the disconnect bar on FMP
In HDG HOLD mode, how do you obtain a new heading?
by setting a new heading and then pulling heading control knob.
How do you activate V/S mode?
by rotating the VS wheel or upon AP/FD engagement when not in TO mode.
In ALT HOLD mode, how do you obtain a new altitude?
pre set value, then select vertical mode (VS, LVLCH or pulling alt control knob [when not in PROF])
How can you activate LVLCH?
By pressing LVLCH pb or pulling alt control knob [when not in PROF]
What is the difference in aircraft reaction between VS and LVLCH?
VS is more prompt, LVLCH is slow to ensure passenger confort.
In V/L mode, when does the VOR capture occur?
turn to the required intercept heading using HDG and press V/L. Captures at approx half a dot.
In APP mode, when is the localizer captured?
2 dots deflection
How can you set up a NAV capture?
select intercept heading and arm NAV by pressing NAV pb
When cruising in PROF mode, what must you do to initiate descent?
set the FMP altitude to lower or higher (pending the profile).
In LAND mode, what is the difference between LAND and LAND2?
LAND will arm LOC and GS to capture and track a ILS localiser and glide-slope.
LAND 2 is auto land using two ILSs
How do you arm LAND mode?
press LAND pb.
What limit is there to localizer and glide slop capture?
if intercept is more then 90 degrees. GS capture can only occur after LOC capture.
How do you select GA mode? What should happen?
TOGA triggers
How do you engage TO mode? How should the aircraft be aligned?
pull TOGA triggers for approx one second. ACFT must be aligned with runway centreline.
Which pitch angles will be displayed during take-off in TOGA mode?
10 degrees pitch up
How many ATS channels are there and what do they drive?
2 channels as part of FAC
What happens if one ATS channel fails?
the other channel will drive both thrust levers via a clutch tie.
How is ATS engaged? disengaged?
on ground. armed via ATS pb and engages when TOGA triggers are pulled.
In flight, ATS pb.
Automatically with alpha mode is active or when TOGA triggers are pulled.
to disengage, pressing either ATS disconnect on the trust levers. automatically at touch down or in RTO with reverse thrust.
Can you override the ATS?
Yes, normal force.
Why does the ATS declutch at 80kts? How do you know it has done so?
to prevent accidental thrust lever retardation during critical stage of takeoff.
indicated by two WHITE D’s adjacent to the EPR tapes.
What precautions should you take with the ATS if taking off into a strong headwind?
engine should be manually accelerated to 1.3 EPR before pulling TOGA to prevent possible early declutch.
How is the stabilizer trimmed automatically, manually and if both FAC channels fail?
automatically by FAC with AP on. manually by by pilot (AP off), ad mach trim compensation.
if fails, via trim wheel.
What is the effect of operating only one half of the stab trim switch?
if more then 15seconds, the trim switch will disconnect
What happens if the pilots operate the trim switches in opposite directions?
nothing, no trim takes place.