Fire Protection Flashcards
Which areas of the aircraft have fire extinguishing capability?
Lower Cargo
**Main wheel well only detects fire, doesn’t extinguish it
*For Freighter fire extinguishing capability, see the Systems Handbook [800F].
What fire protection functions are available without battery power?
Detection requires DC Battery Bus (engines and APU) or DC Bus 1&2 (Lower Cargo Compartment) Protection requires DC Hot Battery Bus
Can you discharge the fire bottles using only battery power?
How is the fire warning bell silenced?
- FIRE WARN lights
light on the Glare
shield. - Silence the fire bell warning
*Reset the system for
future warnings
*silence the remote
APU fire warning horn
How is an engine fire extinguished?
Two engine fire extinguisher bottles containing halon with a nitrogen pre-charge, located in the left main wheel well. Either or both engine fire extinguisher bottles can be discharged into either engine.
Powered by the Hot Battery Bus
Which systems are affected by pulling an engine fire switch and how are they affected?
o Closes both associated
engine fuel and spar
fuel SOV’s
o Closes engine bleed air
o Closes hydraulic SOV
(ENG HYD pump
light is inhibited).
o Trips the associated
generator control relay
and breaker.
o Disables thrust reverser
o Arms one discharge
squib on each engine
fire extinguisher bottle.
o Allows the engine fire
switch to be rotated
for discharge.
- Those panels which are
light grey in color on
the overhead panel.
How is a dual loop failure of an Engine Fire Detection System indicated?
The FAULT light will illuminate in the event of a dual loop failure.
How many fire extinguishing bottles are provided for the APU?
Does the APU have automatic fire extinguishing?
What happens when pulling the APU fire switch?
- Provides backup for the
automatic shutdown
feature. - Closes APU Fuel SOV
- Closes the APU Bleed Air
Valve. - Closes the APU Air Inlet
Door. - Trips the APU Generator
Control Relay & Breaker. - Allows the APU Fire
Switch to be rotated for
discharge. - Arms the APU Fire
Extinguisher Bottle Squib
Rotating the APU fire switch in either direction will elec. fire squib, discharging halon into APU
Where is the APU Fire Ground Control panel located?
Right Main Wheel Well.
What does placing the fire detection TEST switch to FAULT/INOP test?
Tests the ability to detect a fault or inoperative equipment.
It tests the engine and APU fault detection and shows the lights associated with faults in the system.
The indications of a successful FAULT/INOP test include the following lights that ill’:
Absence of any of these lights indicates a failed test
What does placing the fire detection TEST switch to OVHT/FIRE test?
Tests the overheat and fire detection loops on:
*Both engines.
* Wheel well
A successful OVHT/FIRE
test are:
* Fire warning bell
* both Master FIRE WARN
red lights illuminate.
* both Master Caution
lights illuminate.
* OVHT/DET System
Annunciator light
lights illuminate.
*Engine fire & APU
switches illuminate.
* both engine start
switches illuminate
(MAX & 900ER only).
What is indicated by the illumination of the DETECTOR FAULT light on the CARGO FIRE panel?
One or more detectors in the lower cargo compartment have failed.
What fire protection and extinguishing equipment is available in the lower cargo compartments?
Forward and aft cargo compartments each have smoke detectorss in a dual loop config’
Two halon fire suppression bottles, a high rate, & a low rate
* First bottle fires high rate
and initiates a
fifteen-minute timer.
* At the end of the 15
minutes, the low rate
bottle releases
* Provides a total of 195
minutes of fire
180 plus 15 minutes of