LAFD is the ___ largest Fire Department in the Nation
Los Angeles City cover __ square miles
470 miles
Los Angeles City has a population of over ___ Million people
LA City Fire ESB has a total of ___ Fire Stations
LAFD Emergency Operations is made up of ___ Geographic Bureaus and the EMS Bureau
For the convenance of the user, ___ language is written into the 2023 L.A. Fire Code
Title 19
The Board has the authority to hear and act upon slight variances from the Fire Code and waive
requirements for specified Code ___ under the Fire Department’s Jurisdiction.
The Administrative Services Bureau is responsible for conducting pre-disciplinary hearings and making appropriate recommendations the ___ for corrective action.
The Fire Prevention Bureau is separated into ____ Sections
There are __ Inspectors under the direction of theFire Marshal (Deputy Chief) supported by an Assistant Fire Marshal.
Los Angeles City Council passed an ordinance on December 8, __, creating a Volunteer Los Angeles Fire Department.
In ___ Ordinance Number 205, establishing a paid Fire Department with the Chief Engineer (Fire Chief), Assistant Chief and 31 firefighters reporting for duty at three fire stations.
The earliest fire prevention regulations appeared in the LA Municipal Code in ___ when the Fire Prevention Bureau was created. However, the modern City of Los Angeles Fire Code, Article 7, Chapter 5 of the City’s Municipal Code, as we know it today, became law on December 31, 1959.
The LA City Council has passed Ordinance # __ (operative Oct, 2023) to amend Chapter 5 Article 7 of the LA Municipal Code and to adopt by reference the 2022 edition of the CFC and the 2021 International Fire Code herein shall be called the 2023 edition of the City of Los Angeles Fire Code.
The last major LA City Fire Code overhaul occurred in
Starting with the California Fire Code as printed, replace the pages as directed in the City of LA FireCode amendment package. The result will be a complete City of LA Fire Code without reference to the California adoption matrix. If code sections are not adopted into the code, they are deleted in the replacement pages. The only exceptions will be Appendices __?
E,f,g,i & p
Chapter ____ is the General Administrative provisions for the City of LA Fire Code.
___ amendments have been added or deleted to Chapter 1 of the California Fire Code.
Chapters 2 through___are CaliforniaFireCode as printed with Los Angeles amendments .
Chapter ___ is a chapter added by Los Angeles to address requirements on an occupancy basis.
Chapters 48 through___areCaliforniaFireCodeasprintedwithLAamendments.
Chapter___is CaliforniaFireCode standards as printed with La amendments .
Appendices Chapter 4, D, H and O are adopted as part of the ___ Fire Code.
LA city
AppendicesE,F,G,I and P are printed for____use only.
This symbol -> indicates the deletion of the ?
IFC ( international fire code)
CFC ( California fire code )
This symbol LALA indicates City of LA amendment has been added to the ___ Fire Code?
CFC - 2022
The codes, which are updated regularly, include safeguards that allow for emergency action when required for health and ___ reasons.
NFPA ___ is a standard, which provides Basic Requirements and Job Duties of a Fire Inspector.
Developmental Committees: The content of sections begin with a __ designation is maintained by another code development committee:
The___ is a model code that regulates minimum fire safety requirements for new and existing buildings, facilities, storage and processes.
IFC ( international fire code)
Anyone submitting code change proposals will need to understands which code development committee is responsible for the section of the code. For further information on the Code Development Committee responsibilities, please visit?
ICC- International Code committee web site
The ___ provides a total approach of controlling hazards in all buildingsand sites, regardless of the hazard being indoors or outdoors.
The ___ is a design document. For example, before one constructs a building, the site must beprovided with an adequate water supply for fire-fighting operations and a means of building access for emergency responders in the event of a medical emergency, fire or natural or technological disaster.
The Fire Code a is divided into ___ Parts
7 parts
General Requirements and Emergency Planning and Preparedness is part?
Chapter 1 is largely concerned with maintaining “___ ” in enforcing the regulations contained in the body of the code. Only through careful observation of the administrative provisions can the code official reasonably expect to demonstrate that “equal protection under the law” has been provided.
Due process of law
Where understanding of a term’s definition is especially key to or necessary for understanding of a particular code provision, the term is shown in ___ wherever it appears in the code.
Per Chapter 7, “Fire Resistance Rated” is a Key Component in a ___ Fire Prevention Philosophy
Part 1 includes Chapters(s)?
1 & 2
Part 2, General Requirements, includes Chapters(s)?
3 & 4
Special Occupancies and Operations is Part?
Referenced standards is Part?
Adoptable and informational appendices is Part?
Hazardous materials is Part?
Building and equipment design features is Part?