FIRE CODE CHAPTER 1 (BOOK 57) Flashcards
This Fire Code, which is a portion of the Los Angeles Municipal Code “LAMC” shall be known as the Los Angles Fire Code and whenever the word ___ is used it shall mean the LA Fire Code?
The Scope of the Fire Code include all the following ?
The hazard of fire and explosion arising from the storage, handling or use of structures,
materials or devices.
b. Conditions hazardous to life, property or public welfarein the occupancy of structures or.
c. Fire hazards in the structure or on the premises from occupancy or operation.
d. Matters related to the construction, extension, repair, alteration or removal of fire suppression or alarm systems.
e. Conditions affecting the safety of fire fighters and emergency responders during emergency operations
f. Such other LAWS ( not ordinances ) as it may be the duty of LAFD to enforce.
The intent of the 2023 LAFD Fire Code is to establish ___ requirements consistent with Nationally recognized good practices?
The ___ shall establish the Advisory Committee?
The chief
PTQ. The Advisory Committee is required to make recommendations to?
The fire chief
The purpose of the Fire Code Advisory Committee shall be to assist the ___ in any revision of this code by submitting recommendations.
The fire chief
The wearing of LAFD Badges was adopted by the Board on June 12
Every member receiving a badge is required to sign for the badge. If lost the member shall reimburse the City for the standard cost price as determined by the ___?
Nothing in this code shall be construed to prevent the enforcement of other laws which prescribe?
More restrictive limitations
The Fire Chief is to report to the Board regarding the Fire Code Review___ as necessary
From time to time
The design and construction of new structures shall comply with__?
California building code
Residential Code: Structures are designed and constructed in accordance with the California Residential Code. The provisions of this Fire Code shall apply to construction and design provisions pertaining to the ____ of the structure shall
Access and interior
Exterior structure and interior systems shall apply to which code?
California residential code
Historic Buildings shall be classified by?
Classified by State or Local Jurisdiction
The 2023 LAFD Fire Code adopts the ___ California Fire Code?
The Fire Marshal, who shall be the Chief Fire Prevention ____ of the Bureau of Fire Prevention and Public Safety.
Conflicts: Where conflicts occur between provisions of this code and referenced codes and standards, the provisions of ___ shall apply.
This code
The Fire Chief has the power to perform all the following
a. Recover Cost b. Enforce the (STATE) (not marshal) rules c. Sign Certificates d. Sign Notices e. Make Inspections f. Assign Fire Marshal
Who has the right to grant slight variances of the Fire Code?
Is the City liable or responsible for damages or injuries caused from an inspection?
_____designates the Deputy Fire Chief as the Fire Marshal
Fire chief
Who is the Fire Code Advisory Committee Chairperson?
The fire marshal
The Intent of the Fire Code is to Establish minimum requirements consistent with ____ recognized good practices
Who will determine the cost of “actual cost” occurred by the FPB?
The board
The Fire Marshal shall, under the direction of ___, have control of all matters pertaining to the Bureau of Fire Prevention and Public Safety
The chief
Bureau of Fire Prevention and Public Safety was created by Ordinance No. 34,352 N.S., approved June 19, ___?
Fire Code Official shall be appointed and removed as provided by ____.
City charter
FPB shall administer and enforce the fire prevention and life safety provisions of this code and shall include, but not be limited to the following
The investigation of the cause, origin, and circumstances of fire or life safety hazards.
c. The elimination of fire and life safety hazards in any building or structure, including those
under construction, any premises, marine vessel, aircraft, vehicle, or the appurtenances and
equipment thereof.
d. The maintenance of fire protection equipment and systems.
e. The regulation of storage, use, and handling of hazardous materials and hazardous
The ____ is hereby authorized to enforce the provisions of this code.
Fire code official
The _______shall have the authority to render interpretations of this code and to adopt policies, procedures, rules and regulations in order to clarify the application of its provisions.
Fire code official
Every Rule of General Application to be followed by the public shall be authorized only by order or resolution of the Board and shall be published _____and shall take effect upon such publication.
Once in a daily newspaper
Where the fire code official has reasonable cause to believe that there exists in a building or on any premises any conditions or violations of this code that make the building or premises unsafe, dangerous or hazardous, the fire code official shall have the authority to enter the building or premises ____ to inspect or to perform the duties imposed on the fire code official by this code.
At all reasonable times
If such building or premises is unoccupied, the ____ shall first make a reasonable effort to locate the owner, the owner’s authorized agent or other person having charge or control of the building or premises and request entry.
Fire code official
If LAFD is denied access to enter while trying to make an Inspection, the Police may assist. In some cases ___ may be required to gain access?
A warrant
Fire Prevention Records shall be retailed for not less then __ years?
The ______is authorized to require the owner or owner’s authorized agent to provide, without charge to the jurisdiction, a technical opinion and report.
Fire code official
Is the City liable or responsible for damages or injuries caused from an inspection?
The ___ or officer of the LAFD in charge at the scene of an emergency is authorized to place ropes, guards, barricades or other obstructions across any street, alley, place or private property
The chief
The ____ shall have the authority to investigate the cause, origin, and circumstances of every fire, explosion, or other emergency occurring within the City.
The chief
Fire Prevention Non-Compliance fee’s are __ hours minimum?
If the owner fails to pay a noncompliance fee imposed within 30 days, the Department shall send a second notice in the same manner described above. If the property owner fails to pay the fee within 10 days after the second notice is mailed, a collection fee equal to ___percent of the original noncompliance fee shall be imposed.
Any property owner upon whom a noncompliance fee has been imposed may appeal in writing to the Board of Fire Commissioners within ____ of the date of service of the billing.
The Chief and ____ are hereby given the powers of peace officer(s).
All sworn members
The ___ shall cause an investigation to be made of every application for a variance or waiver. At the conclusion of the investigation, transmit the application with a recommendation, to the Board of Fire Commissioners
Fire marshal
Certified Fire Safety Officer: Whenever the Chief determines that a Certified Fire Safety Officer is required, payment shall be the rate established in the existing LAFD MOU for Fire Inspector I Payment for a Certified Fire Safety Officer shall be based on the following requirements
a. 4- hour minimum workday.
b. Time and one-half after 8 hours.
c. Time and one-half for Saturdays and Sundays.
d. Time and one-half for holidays identified by the existing LAFD MOU for Fire Inspector 1.
Request for Fire Safety Officer: Not less than 24 business hours in advance of the need. For weekend assignment or when a holiday will intervene, the request shall be made ___hours in advance of the need.
There shall be ___ types of permits
Where more than one permit is required for the same location, the _____ is authorized to consolidate such permits into a single permit provided that each provision is listed in the permit
Fire code official
This permit allows the applicant to use, install or modify systems and equipment or conduct an operation for which a permit is required by Section 105.7.
Specific action or project
The Fire Code describes Five types of permits: To conduct an Operation for a prescribed period or until renewed or revoked is what type?
Where equipment replacement and repairs must be performed in an emergency situation, the permit application shall be submitted within ___ to the fire code official
Next working business day
An application for permit for proposed work shall be deemed abandoned after 180 days. An extension shall be granted up to 90 day by?
Fire code official
On or after January 1, 2019, every permit issued shall become invalid unless the work on the site authorized by such permit is commenced within ___ months
The fire code official is authorized to grant, in writing, one or more extensions of the time period of a permit for periods of not more than _____ days each.
Where permits are required and on the request of a permit applicant, the fire code official is authorized to issue a _____ to occupy the premises or portion thereof before the entire work or operations on the premises is completed
Conditional permit
An Operational Permit shall be posted ___ on the premises
In a conspicuous place
Permits are to be filed at
Office of finance
Who grants. Permits?
The fire chief
If the application is for a permit for assembly occupancies, it shall be accompanied by ___ copies of a floor plan
The ___ shall investigate application for a permit
Fire marshal
“ if it says investigate usually the answer is FIRE MARSHAL
The _____ shall determine the allowable occupant load permitted for an assembly or institutional occupancy based upon the aisle and exit provisions of Chapter 10.
The chief
Only the Fire Chief can deny a permit. If a permit is revoked or demined by the Chief, a notice of hearing will be served in __ days
Bonds may be filed with the Office of Finance for each Oil Well in Operation. Each Well bond is $___.
All Fee Collections are made by?
All applications for permits required by Section 105.6 (Operational) shall be filed with the Office of Finance and shall be in writing on forms provided by the ____?
_____shall have the power to revoke, suspend, or deny the granting of any permit, Special Permit, general approval, or Certificate of Fitness required pursuant to the provisions of this code, f
What is the charge for duplicate permits?
10 bucks
Only the Fire Chief can deny a permit. If a permit is revoked or denied by the Chief, a notice of hearing will be served not less than __ days and not more than 10 days?
The Fire Chief has the authority to condemn an appliance or prohibit the manufacture &/or sales. No permit is revoked or denied until a hearing by the Chief. A written notice is served within _ days
LAFD has the authority to recover cost for abatement Nuisances. An Administrative cost of ___% of the abatement cost of work will be added but not less than the sum of $100?
If an owner requests a wavier or a variance, the applicant must file for variance?
At the FPB
If an owner requests a wavier or a variance, the investigation shall be conducted by?
The fire marshal
Who establishes fees for a uniformed Safety Officer?
The board
Fire Safety Officers on a safety watch shall receive 1 1⁄2 after __ hours of Watch
Who has the authority to issue a “Stop Work Order”?
The LAFD Fire Code shall not nullify any provisions of ___, ___ or ____
Local, State or Federal law
No changes to a structure that would place a structure into a different Division unless structure complies with the?
California Building code
Owners may file for two or more variances and?
Only pay one fee
A Certificate of Fitness is valid for how many years?
Renewal fees are __% of original fee if filed prior to expiration
All appeals shall be in writing to the Board within 15 days. The fee shall be?
50 dollars
The Fire Safety Officer shall be paid in minimum of ____ hours?
Fire Safety Office Watch shall receive ____pay on Saturdays and Sundays
1 1/2 x
When requesting an assignment for a Safety Officer, request shall be made __ hours in advance
Who is a uniformed Safety Officer?
Officers at the FPB
Who establishes fees for a uniformed Safety Officer?
LAFD may take pictures during Inspections, as necessary and?
With owners approval
An application for permit for proposed work shall be deemed abandoned after___ days
An extension for an application for permit for posed work can be granted up to __ days?
General Approval expire in 3 Years and may be renewed in ___periods
3 year
Can a permit be transferred to another name?
Yes, same location and business sold
Persons violating the code are guilty of a misdemeanor and is punishable of a fine punishment of not more then ______or imprisonment not to exceed 6-months
LAFD Badges are the property of?
The retention of construction documents shall be retained for __ days after competition?
All fees collected shall be deposited with?
City treasure
Who has the Authority to require Plans, Drawings and or Sketches?
Hydrant Review Fee is an Inspector Hourly Rate with a __ hour(s) minimum.
The Fire Department access field inspection fee for Hydrant and Access review within the scope of Sections 503.1 through 503.1.6. the fee shall be based on the inspector’s hourly rate, with a __hour minimum.
Certificate of Fitness is at the discretion of the ___?
Persons who possess a valid Certificate of Fitness shall notify LAFD with ___ days when they have a change of address?
.Certificate of Fitness retest Fees are __ % less if paid for 90 days before expiration.
All the following are exempt for maintaining a valid Certificate of Fitness
Evacuations: Who has the Authority to Order an Evacuation of any occupied Building
Operational Permits 104 to 120
104.Regardless the quantity, all the following materials require a permit except?
Regardless the quantity , which product requires an Operational permit
An Operational Permit is required to store, handle or use Class I liquids in excess of 5 gallons in a building or in excess of ____ gallons outside of a building, except that a permit is not required for the following
The maximum amount of Class 1A Flammable Fluid exempt from permit is ___ gallons?
The maximum amount of Class III Combustible Fluid exempt from permit is ___ gallons?
The maximum amount of Flammable Fluid Combo A, B and C exempt from permit is ___ gallons
The maximum amount of Small Arms Ammunition exempt from permit is ___ net weight pounds?
The maximum amount of Ammonium Nitrate exempt from permit is ___ net weight pounds?
A Permit is required if Flammable Solids exceed __ pounds?
A Permit is required if Flammable Gases exceed __ cubic feet?
A Permit is required if Ammonium Nitrite containing more than 60% nitrite weight exceeds ___ lbs.
.A Permit is required if Black Sporting Powder exceeds ___ lbs
A Permit is required if Corrosive Material Solids exceed ___ lbs
A Permit is required if Explosive Material Class B exceeds __ lbs.
.A Permit is required if Flammable Lose Fibers exceeds ___ cubic feet
A Permit is required if Toxic Material Gas exceeds ___ cubic Feet
A Permit is required if Oxidizing Material Gas exceeds ___ cubic Feet
Annual Permit Renewal is Payable each year during two-months preceding the first day of?
Underpayment or overpayment of fee collection of $___or less will stand without notification to permittee.
All the following topics are covered during “Hazardous Substance Training”
Use of Emergency Equipment b. Coordination with Local Emergency Responders c. Methods of handling
Not haz mat fees
No person shall, without a valid ________ as required by this article, may conduct any test or
certify fire protection equipment or systems
Cert of fitness
“Unified Hazardous Waste and Hazardous Material Regulatory Management Program” consolidated permit best describes?
Unified program facility permit
Lubricating oils are exempt from the Unified Program permit if less then __ gallons.
Under the UPFP On Site Treatment shall be consistent with the following
a. California Health and Safety Code – Division 20
c. California Code of Regulations
In order to be exempt from the Unified Program Permit, Physicians and Dentist shall not have
more then ___ cubic feet of Oxygen or Nitrous Oxide.
Failure to pay fees within 30 days, a 2nd notice is issued. Within 10 days __ % of original Fee will be added as a late fee
Who has the Authority to deny a UPFP Permit?
Fire chief
Where shall the posting of the UPFP be placed?
Conspicuous place on premises issued
Can a UPFP Permit be transferred to s a new owner?
UPFP Fees are determined by the board with concurrence of the?
City Administrative Officer
.Amendments to the Unified Program the Board shall transmit the order to the Mayor and City Council for consideration. Majority vote by Council is required. Changes not deemed approved if ____ days passes
.Lubricating Oils are exempt from the UPFP Program permit if less then 55 Gallons of each type of oil at a single business. If lubricating oil exceeds ___ gallons in total then subject to disclosure
Disclosure of Hazardous Substance: The Duty of each _____ of a business to assure compliance.
On site manager
Disclosure of Haz Substance is Consistent with Federal Regulation Title ___
Disclosure of Haz Substance: Business plans are required; late submission is a $__ penalty
Disclosure Permit: Each business shall file a permit if they handle or intends to handle Haz Mat or a mixture at any one time during the reporting year equal to, or greater than, a total weight of ____ pounds?
Disclosure Permit: Each business shall file a permit if they handle or intends to handle Haz Mat or a mixture at any one time during the reporting year equal to, or greater than, a total Volume f ___ Gallons?
Every appliance, device, equipment, or system for which a general approval has been granted shall have attached there to a ____?
LAFD metal label
Hazardous materials release response plan and inventory program. The requirements are in accordance with of the _____?
Health and safety code
Underground storage tank program. The requirements are in accordance with of the _____?
The UPFP is issued pursuant to Chapter 6 of Division 20 of the California ____ Code
Health and safety code
“Unified Hazardous Waste and Hazardous Material Regulatory Management Program” consolidated permit best describes?
Unified program facility permit
Unlawful Acts: It shall be unlawful for a person, firm or corporation to erect, construct, alter, repair, remove, demolish or utilize a building, occupancy, premises or system regulated by this code, or cause same to be done, in conflict with or in violation of any of the provisions of this code. If found Guilty, separate offenses for ___?
Each day in violation
Unlawful Acts: Fine not more than $___ or not exceeding 6 months imprisonment?