Finals: Motivation And Emotion Flashcards
An inherit d disposition to activate specific behavior patterns that are designed to reach certain goals
The view that organisms learn to engage in behaviors that have the effect of reducing drives
Drive-reduction theory
Unlearned, or physiological drives
Primary drives
Drives acquired through experience or learned
Acquired drives
The tendency of the body to maintain a steady state
Maslow hierarchy of needs
Self-actualization Esteem needs Love and belongingness Safety needs Physiological needs
Self-initiated striving to become what one is capable of being
Motive for reaching one’s full potential, for expressing one’s unique capabilities
State of being satisfied in digestive tract
A central area on the underside of the hypothalamus that appears to function as a stop-eating center
VMN (Ventromedial Nucleus)
Characterized by excessive eating
An area at the side of the hypothalamus that appears to function as a start-eating center
Lateral hypothalamus
Characterized by undereating
Persistent,gross disturbances in eating patterns
Eating disorders
Life-threatening eating disorder characterized by dramatic weight loss and a distorted body image
Anorexia nervosa
An eating disorder characterized by repeated cycles of binge eating and purging
Bulimia nervosa