Finals 1 - Groundwater Engineering and Hydrogeology Flashcards
any water located beneath the surface of the ground with soil pores or fractures of rock.
all water flowing through or stored within the ground, in both rocks and soils
is the analysis, monitoring and often modelling of this water to better understand how much remains and if the water can be used.
Groundwater engineering
Processes of the Hydrologic Cycle
Rainfall/Precipitation Evaporation Transpiration Evapotranspiration Runoff Infiltration
is the ultimate source of all fresh water, and when it (rainfall) lands on the ground surface, it is dispersed through evapotranspiration, runoff or infiltration
3 types of precipitation
- Convectional precipitation
- Frontal precipitation
- Orographic precipitation
Common in the tropics, the air close to the warm earth gets heated and rises due to its low density, cools to form cauliflower clouds which finally bursts into a thunder storm.
Convectional Precipitation
When two air masses due to contrasting temperatures and densities clash with each other and condensation occur at the surface of contact, called “front” or “frontal surface”
Frontal Precipitation
Mechanical lifting of moist air over mountain barriers causing heavy precipitation on the windward side.
Orographic Precipitation
Loss of water either from the water surface and soil surface or from plant leaves.
if the loss is coming from free water surfaces (reservoirs, lakes, ponds, river channels, etc.) and soil surface (esp. when the groundwater table is very near the soil surface)
The process by which the water vapor escapes from the living plant leaves and enters the atmosphere
Surface water flow into streams and rivers.
Seepage to the ground of runoff to become groundwater
is the ability of a rock to transmit water through its interconnected voids
Permeability is measured by _____________ k, also known as coefficient of permeability
hydraulic conductivity
flow through a unit area of a material in unit time with unit hydraulic head (m/s, m/day)
Hydraulic conductivity
If k is high, permeability of the rock is high, thus it transmits water ______
Rocks can be classified due to permeability
aquifer, aquiclude, aquifuge and aquitard.
Rock with significant permeability suitable for groundwater abstraction (can contain water)
Impermeable rock with static water held in poorly connected soils (clay)
Impermeable rocks with no voids, thus water cannot pass through
Rock with very low permeability, unsuitable for abstraction but significant in regional water balance
The level in the rocks below which all voids are water-filled, it generally follows the surface topography but with less relief, and meets the ground surface at lakes and most rivers
Water Table/Ground Water Table
The unsaturated zone above the water table.
Vadose Zone
The saturated zone below the water level.
Phreatic Zone
When soil and rock particles have high cohesive forces, these tend to produce capillary rise, or the rise of the water table due to surface tension.
Capillary Rise Zone
attraction between like-particles