Final Terms Flashcards
Standard of Ur
This was found in the Royal Tombs of Ur and depicts Sumerian times of War and Peace on either side; a sumerian artifact excavated from the royal cemetery of UR, and it is a hollow box with scenes of war and peace on each side through elaborately inlaid mosaics
Narmer Palette
Egyptian (Early Dynastic, Dynasty 1). 3000 BCE.Mudstone. Hierakonpolis. (Narmer wears crown of Upper Egypt and bull’s tail (strength) triumphing over foes and holds rope around head with papyrus (lower egypt); shows the unification of upper and lower egypt, where on one side it shows Narmer wearing the white crown of upper egypt, and on the other side he wears the red crown of lower egypt
Rosetta Stone
A huge stone slab inscribed with hieroglyphics, Greek, and a later form of Egyptian that allowed historians to understand Egyptian writing.
Chinese oracle bones
Have provided useful information about the rulers of the Shang dynasty; Wrote on them, then heated them until cracks formed and then read them. These “foretold the future and the will of spirits.”
Light detection and ranging;a technology used in archaeology to detect buildings, remains of roads, agricultural terraces, aqueducts, caves; it can produce three-dimensional imaging and can penetrated the forest canopy
Khmer Empire
The most powerful and longest-lasting kingdom on the mainland of southwest Asia, centering in what is today Cambodia; They had no currency, through taxation, the royal court received and distributed large amounts of subsistence goods including rice, fish, salt, honey, oil, and cloth
the study of the human past, combing the themes of time and change
the means of humam adaption based on past experiences in physical/social environments
physical material in which archaeological artifacts are found (dirt)
the group consisting of all modern and extinct Great Apes`
Sahelanthropus tchadensis
Chad (central Africa). oldest know ancestor (7-6mya). flat face, habitual bipedalism
A. Afarensis - Lucy
Hadar, East Africa. 4.2-2.8 mya. Long arms, curved fingers. Bipedal
Homo Habilis
East/South Africa 2.5mya-1.6 mya Increase in Brain size. First stone tool maker
Homo Erectus
East Africa, Asia, Europe. 1.9mya 143kya. First out of AfricaIncrease in brain size (800-1000cc) Totally upright, postcranial skeleton almost identical to modern human
Homo sapiens
200 kya-present. Modern humans. Large brain. Vertical forehead. No brow ridge. Use of LANGUAGE, ART, TECH