Final Review Flashcards
What is the most common unit for equivalent dose?
Linear threshold curve implies biological response is:
Directly proportional to dose
Linear threshold curve implies biological response is:
Directly proportional to dose
T/F: Cataracts, fibrosis and sterility are classified as early tissue reactions
T/F: Cataracts, fibrosis and sterility are classified as early tissue reactions
How is dose area products (DAP) usually specified?
Which action of ionizing radiation is usually most harmful to the human body?
Indirect action
Which action of ionizing radiation is usually most harmful to the human body?
Indirect action
How many different amino acids are involved in protein synthesis in humans?
The prodromal stage of acute radiation syndrome is also called the:
Beginning stage
Total filtration of 2.5 mm aluminum equivalent for fixed X-ray units is required
Total filtration of 2.5 mm aluminum equivalent for fixed X-ray units is required
The human body can incorporate radium into bone because it is chemically similar to:
This projection will significantly lower dose to breast tissue during a routine cxr
Who should determine the exact shielding requirements for a facility?
Medical physicist
Which of the following is not commonly used in CT?
Direct patient shielding
Compton scatter is also known as
Incoherent scatter
Which of the following are most radiosensitive?
Fluoroscopic timers should alarms after:
5 minutes of fluoro