RICS Surveying Safely
Hierarchy of risk control
- Elimination of risks (ie drone instead of working from height
- Subsution of hazardous materials
3.Engeneering controls- scissor lift to avoid working from height
4.Admiinistrative controls - reducing need for lone working - PPE
Health and Saftey at Work 1974 as amended
- duty of every employer to ensure H&S welfare at work for all employees
-Policed by Health and Safety Executive
-criminal offence with fines or impronment
-Corortate requirements
-Risk assessment
-staff training
-Policies and procedures
safe person concept (RICS Guidance note surveying safely)
-each individual assumes own responsiblity
-4 major duties of an emplyer are to provide
- a safe working environment
-safe systems of work
-sage equiptment and competent staff
-competent staff
What is a profit erosion
-how long you can you keep paying loan before you go bust
-most lenders want to see a profit erosion figure of 3 years
Under let
1.capitalise rent passing at NIY
2.capitalise MR @ ARY perp, you need to reflect time value of money and aply Present Value multiplier for a term of years
Over rented
over paying - higher chance of tenant defaulting
Start with bottom slice in which you are capitalising MR
-Bottom slice = MR @ NIA into perp and use PV formula for term to reflect time value of money
-also need to capitalise Top slice = capitalising the difference RP-MR @ARY
What sections specifically in the Estate Agents Act do you refer to
-When instructing agents I have regard to…
-clarity as to the terms of agency work
-specify costs (brochure) and fees in advance and in writing
-specify nature of agency and selling rights to be agreed
-confirm no conflicts of interest
What are the principles of the estate agency act 1979
- Clarity as to the terms of agency (s18)
- Openness regarding personal interests (s21)
What happens if there is a data security breach
-Must be reported to ICO within 72 hours
what are the characteristics of the Equality act 2010?
Service providers’ to make reasonable adjustment to help less-abled persons (physical and mental) access buildings
What is an expert witness
Surveyor who gives expert opinion in court
Must be impartial
What is an advocate
Someone who represents client in court
What is the role of an Ombudsman when a complaint is recieved?
An ombudsman is a person who has been appointed to look into complaints about companies and organisations. Ombudsman schemes are independent, free and impartial
What is UK GAAP?
Regulation body establishing how company accounts must be prepared in the UK
What is ratio analysis
Measures the ability of the company to pay off current liabilities by converting assets into cash
Whats the difference between management accounting and financial accounts
-Management accounts are internal
-Financial are required by law
What does the guidance note RICS Surveying Safely: Health and Safety Principles for Property Professionals, 2nd edition 2018
Guidance for best practice relating to H&S
Key Areas - Personal resonisbilities for members and firms
-Risk assessments
-Visiting premises and site
-fire saftey
-workplace health and safety
Safe person concept - individual assumes behaviour for their self