Final Practical (Lab 6 portion) Flashcards
At the end of the axon are branches called ____ ____ that approach the muscle.
Axon terminals
The place where a nerve fiber (axon) and a muscle cell meet
Neuromuscular junction
A neuron and all the muscle fibers it stimulates
Motor unit
The neuron and muscle fiber membranes do not touch, but are separated by a small fluid-filled gap called the ____ ____.
Synaptic cleft
Mitochondria and vesicles in the axon terminals contains a neurotransmitter called ____.
Acetylcholine (ACh)
What is the antagonistic partner?
What is the antagonistic partner?
Latissimus dorsi
Pectoralis major
What is the antagonistic partner?
Biceps brachii
Triceps brachii
What is the antagonistic partner?
Masseter and temporalis
What is the antagonistic partner?
What is the antagonistic partner?
Fibularis longus
Anterior tibialis
What is the antagonistic partner?
Anterior tibialis
What is the antagonistic partner?
Gluteus maximus
Iliopsoas group
Abducts and medially rotates thigh; steadies pelvis
Gluteus minimus
Synergist of latissimus dorsi–extends, medially rotates and adducts humerus
Teres major
Frontal belly raises eyebrows, occipital belly fixes the galea and pulls the scalp posteriorly
Elevates hyoid, opens mouth, depresses mandible
Elevate hyoid and base of tongue during swallowing; retract hyoid
Superior hyoids
Closes eyes, blinking, squinting, draws eyebrows inferiorly
Orbicularis oculi
Flex hand and fingers
Anterior forearm muscles
Depress hyoid
Inferior hyoids
Closes mouth, purses and protrudes lips
Orbicularis oris
Extend hand and fingers
Posterior forearm muscles
Origin = manubrium of sternum and clavicle
Insertion = mastoid process of temporal
Origin = pubis and pubic symphysis
Insertion = xiphoid process and costal cartilages of ribs 5-7
Rectus abdominis
Origin = inferior margin of glenoid cavity and humerus
Insertion = olecranon process of ulna
Triceps brachii
Origin = short head - coracoid process of scapula; long head - through intertubercular groove and within shoulder capsule
Insertion = radial tuberosity
Biceps brachii