FINAL PBA Flashcards
GH - lateral distraction
EFFECT: increase overall ROM, pain management
PRECAUTIONS: be mindful not to compress ribs & breast tissue
GH - posterior glide
EFFECT: increase internal rotation & flexion, pain management
PRECAUTIONS: do not allow humerus to externally rotate
GH - anterior glide
EFFECT: increase extension, pain management
PRECAUTIONS: anterior joint capsule loose & more lax so don’t over mobilize
GH - inferior glide (90º ABD)
EFFECT: increase ABD & flexion, pain management
PRECAUTIONS: with inferior joint instability use caution, may provoke pain
scapulothoracic - superior glide
EFFECT: increase shoulder elevation & stability, pain management
PRECAUTIONS: use soft & light pressure to prevent mm guarding
scapulothoracic - upward/ lateral rotation
EFFECT: increase lateral rotation & elevation, pain management
PRECAUTIONS: use broad & soft contact for numerous bony prominences
humeroulnar - distraction (#2)
EFFECT: increase overall ROM, pain management
PRECAUTIONS: use caution with median nerve & brachial artery
humeroradial - axial distraction
EFFECT: increase overall ROM, pain management
PRECAUTIONS: grasp wrist proximally, do not pull on carpal bones
proximal radioulnar - anterior glide
EFFECT: increase supination, pain management
PRECAUTIONS: do not compress radial nerve
proximal radioulnar - posterior glide
EFFECT: increase pronation, pain management
PRECAUTIONS: be mindful of median nerve & brachial artery
distal radioulnar - anterior glide
EFFECT: increase pronation of wrist & forearm, pain management
PRECAUTIONS: do not compress the radial and ulnar arteries
distal radioulnar - posterior glide
EFFECT: increase supination of wrist & forearm, pain management
PRECAUTIONS: do not compress radial & ulnar arteries
radiocarpal - distraction
EFFECT: increase overall ROM, pain management
PRECAUTIONS: do not compress radial & ulnar arteries
radiocarpal - radial glide
EFFECT: increase ulnar deviation, pain management
PRECAUTIONS: do not squeeze carpals
radiocarpal - palmar glide
EFFECT: increase wrist extension, pain management
PRECAUTIONS: do not squeeze carpals, be mindful of median & ulnar nerve
SI - axial posterior glide of SI
EFFECT: increase posterior glide, increase SI ROM, pain management
PRECAUTIONS: do not compress patella
AF - axial distraction
EFFECT: increase overall ROM, pain management
PRECAUTIONS: if SI or pubic symphysis unstable or if current groin or knee injury use caution
AF - posterior glide
EFFECT: increase flexion & internal rotation, pain management
PRECAUTIONS: close to inguinal ligament, femoral nerve & artery use caution, place pillow under knee
AF - anterior glide
EFFECT: increase extension & external rotation, pain management
PRECAUTIONS: do not compress sciatic nerve, just lateral to ischial tuberosity, do not hyperextend hip-may stress SI joint
tibiofemoral - axial distraction
EFFECT: increase overall ROM, pain management
PRECAUTIONS: hand placement should be proximal to ankle
tibiofemoral - anterior glide
EFFECT: increase knee extension, pain management
PRECAUTIONS: CI’d for ACL injury or damage
tibiofemoral - posterior glide
EFFECT: increase knee flexion, pain management
PRECAUTIONS: CI’d for PCL injury or damage
ankle - distraction
EFFECT: increase overall ROM, pain management
PRECAUTIONS: dome of talus is sensitive to pressure
ankle - posterior glide of talus on tibia
EFFECT: increase dorsiflexion, pain management
PRECAUTIONS: dome of talus is sensitive to pressure
ankle - posterior glide of tibia on talus
EFFECT: increase plantar flexion, pain management
PRECAUTIONS: anterior tibia may be sensitive to pressure
tarsometatarsal - supination
EFFECT: increase supination of foot, pain management
PRECAUTIONS: tendons & skin of foot are sensitive to pressure
tarsometatarsal - pronation
EFFECT: increase pronation of foot, pain management
PRECAUTIONS: tendons & skin of foot are sensitive to pressure
TMJ - distraction
EFFECT: increase overall ROM, pain management
PRECAUTIONS: CI’d for trigeminal pain (nerve pain)
TMJ - anterior glide
EFFECT: increase anterior translation & jaw opening, pain management
PRECAUTIONS: discontinue if any neurological symptoms
spine - lateral translation (cervical spine)
EFFECT: increase side flexion & ipsilateral rotation, pain management
PRECAUTIONS: if nerve roots irritated may cause neurological symptoms
spine - anterior translation (cervical spine)
EFFECT: increase cervical extension & cervical lordosis, pain management
PRECAUTIONS: if nerve roots irritated may cause neurological symptoms
spine - distraction (cervical spine) - C0,C1,C2
EFFECT: increase overall ROM, pain management
PRECAUTIONS: should be no pain, if pain, ligaments may be injured
spine - anterior translation (thoracic spine)
EFFECT: increase thoracic mobility (overall ROM/ mobility for lumbar), pain management
PRECAUTIONS: soft fingers on or near SPs