Final Neuro - Auditory and Vestibular Systems Flashcards
**Where are the unipolar cell bodies or origin located that direct tooth pain
trigeminal Gasserian semilunar ganglion
What are the three anatomical regions of the ear
This region of the ear directs sound into the ear canal
outer ear
This region of the ear contains the ossicles and window and transmits sound from the tympanic membrane to the cochlea
middle ear
This region of the ear contains the osseous and membraneous labyrinth
inner ear
When sound reaches the tympanic membrane where does it go next
along the bones of the middle ear to the oval window though the membranous labyrinth
Which cavity contains the auditory neuroepithelium
membraneous labyrinth
This is the hollowed-out region of the temporal bone filled with perilymph
osseous labyrinth
This encloses the sensory organs of balance and hearing and consists of a series of endolymph ducts and chambers
membranous labyrinth
What does the membranous labyrinth contain
neuroepithelium of the ear
cochlear duct and organ of Corti
vestibular labyrinth.
What does the cochlear division of the inner ear consist of
scala media (cochlear duct)
The membraneous labyrinth is separated from other channels by what
vestibular membrane above
basilar membrane below
This is the perilymphatic space about the cochlear duct
scala vestibuli
This is the space enclosed by the cochlear duct filled with endolymph and contains the neuroepithelium and basilar membrane
scala media
This is the space below the cochlear duct
scala tympani
What is found within the cochlear duct
scala media containing endolymph
Organ of Corti
The cochlear duct is part of which portion of the membranous labyrinth
This translates vibration and sound into neuron signals
Organ of Corti
This peripheral process of the statoacoustic nerve (CN VII) is in contact with the hair cells of the organ of Corti
tectorial membrane; located above the hair cells
What are the two auditory streams
What does the “what” auditory portion consist of
language processing
dorsal cochlear nucleus