Final Exam Flashcards
Self Disclosure (Ever present and unavoidable) 3 Forms
1) Deliberate
2) Unavoidable
3) Accidental
Positive Feedback
Helps client to discover their strengths, positive assets, and useful resources
Corrective Feedback
Delicate balance between negative feedback and positive suggestions for the future
Negative Feedback
Is necessary when the client has not been willing to hear corrective feedback
Treatment Planning
Specific written goals and objectives that are required by insurance companies and agencies
Human Nature (Self Disclosure with multicultural clients)
1) In ways we are all alike
2) We are like some other people (multicultural counseling)
3) We are all unique as individuals
Dimensions of similarities/differences
1) Race
2) Gender
3) Religion
4) Careers
5) Politics
6) Trauma
Information and advice that might work
- Camping trip with family
- Boot camp
Natural Consequences
The outcome that follows an action is not a product of human intervention
- Don’t brush teeth= fall out/decay
Logical Consequences
Consequences we create
- Don’t brush teeth=dont get candy
Case Management
Requires helping professional to coordinate community services for benefit of CL
Happenstance Theory
Despite all of our planning, we are not the masters of fate like we think we are
Dialectical Behavior Therapy (Marsha Linehan)
Acceptance and change therapy (Understanding and accepting difficult feelings)
Crisis Counseling
Most pragmatic and action oriented form of therapy
In Crisis Counseling (volatile/hostile/trauma/crises situations)
- Be sensible
- Be realistic
- Be practical and reasonably expect
Most Clients are resilient and are diagnosed with _______ instead of PSTD
- Adjustment disorder
- Acute stress disorder
In Crisis Counseling (Steps)
1) Normalize the situation
2) Remain calm and certain
3) Assure safety
4) Take action
5) Debriefing
- Allow client to tell you about the trauma in copious detail and over and over again
Suicide (Signs)
1) Actual threat to harm/kill oneself
2) Seeking access to pills, guns, other means
3) Talking about death/dying/suicide (Giving away objects)
Therapist takes immediate action (Get client assessed)
Self Disclosure(Steps)
1) Listen carefully and asses appropriateness of any self-disclosure
2) Self disclose, briefly, then go back to client
3) Use “I” statements
4) Most effective when used in present tense ( “right now, I sense you have more to say”)
5) Be empathic and genuine
Multicultural Counseling
Self disclosure is more prevalent
Inappropriate Self Disclosure
1) Too extensive (takes away from the client)
2) Self-disclosing too soon
3) Some therapy works well work self-disclosure (psychoanalysis/behavior therapy)
4) Risk disclosing too much (not therapeutic just coffee talk)
Inappropriate Self Disclosure Questions (first priority is to help the client make their own decisions)
1) What would you do if you were me
2) Would you break off this relationship if you were me?
Counselor Feedback
Therapist sharing their experience of evaluation of the client with the client
Unavoidable disclosure
Office location,decor, diaclect
Accidental disclosure
crying in session, body language
Deliberate disclosure
using it therapeutically
Helpful reasons of self disclosure
1) build therapeutic relationship
2) egalitarian
3) build trust
Concerns of self disclosure
1) you are in a position of power and influence so the client may overreact to your disclosure
2) is controversial because it can be helpful and hurtful
How do you demonstrate genuineness
The counselor must truly and honestly have the feelings, thoughts, or experiences that are shared second, self disclosure must be genuine and appropriate in relation to the client
What are the aspects of effective empathic feedback
immediacy, effectiveness, timeliness, and cultural awareness
how others see us is a powerful dimension in human change and it is most helpful if the client solicits feedback
Feedback guidelines
1) client receiebving feedback should be in charge
2) feedback is best receieved when you focus on strengths and or soemthing the client can do soemthinhg about
3) feedback needs to be concrete or specific
4) Feedback is best when it is empathic relatively nonjugdemental and interactive, a central dimension of empathy is to be with the client in a nonjugdemental fashion
5) feedback should be lean and precise
6) check out how your feedback was receiveed
Psychoeducation Skill (steps)
1) Check out your clients interest in learning listening skills
2) role play ineffective listening or a real situation they encountered
3) Debrief the specific behaviors they you both have observed
4) Provide info on the content of the attending behavior
5) Role-play positive communication skills
6) Work with client to take action in the real world
Decisional strategy of logical consequences
1) Listen and ensure that client goals are clear
2) generate alternatives leading to a new story
3) identify positive and negative natural consequences
4) Provide a summary
5)Encourage client decision making and action
Normalize trauma to make sure the client doesn’t feel victimized or depersonalized