Final: Complementary Therapies Flashcards
Complementary therapies
used in conjunction with standard rehabilitation care
Alternative medicine
practices used in place of conventional medical treatments
Complementary medicine
practices used in conjunction and cooperation with conventional medicine, to assist
Integrative medicine
combining mainstream medical therapies and complementary therapies
Complementary Therapies
holistic view of the person and include physical, mental, spiritual well-being
Alternative healing systems
based on an underlying model of the healing process which is often different than the conventional medical model
Examples of Alternative Systems
Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM)
Ayurveda – medical tradition from India
Native American Medicine
Traditional Chinese Medicine
unique system to diagnose and cure illness.
Yin and Yang
complementary and oppositional
Five Element Theory
Water, Wood, Fire, Earth and Metal
Earliest were stones with sharp edges known as Bian
Effects of Acupuncture
focuses on the release of endorphins and regulatory effect on the autonomic nervous system
attempt to regain homeostasis
Feldenkrais- Method:
- Theory that If body’s large muscles and bone perform as much movement as possible then smaller muscles are free to perform precise movements easily.
Alexander Technique:
Bases on bodies posses a natural poise, that is disrupted by unconscious habits
Craniosacral Therapy:
Disruption of flow of the CSF and altered craniosacral rhythm
Rolfing technique:
approach body as group of units
Friction massage focusing on releasing restrictions in deep planes of body
2 main categories in Pilates
Restraint Tolerance Physical exercises Breath Preparation for meditation Concentration Meditation Absorption