Final 2 Semester Flashcards
What did Stalin and Churchill want to control?
Areas of strategic interest to them
What did Stalin open in Europe?
A second front
What was the issue with Poland?
No one could decide how much of it should remain independent
What was the meeting at Yalta?
With Roosevelt Churchill and Stalin
Russia got part of its territory back
What did the Atlantic charter do?
Use democratic processes to work out problems
What was the Tehan conference?
Roosevelt and Churchill went to Iran to speak with Stalin.
Stalin agreed that the Soviet Union would enter the war in the pacific soon after the end of the hostilities in Europe.
Roosevelt promised that the Anglo American second front would be established in six months
Where was the second peace conference?
What did Roosevelt agree that the SU should get and why?
They should get some of the pacific territory that Russia lost to the Japanese because they were helping with the pacific war
What were the parts of the United Nations?
A general assembly in which every member was represented
A security councils its permanent representatives of the five major powers (the U.S., Britain, France, and the Soviet Union) and each had veto power
What two places could not be agreed upon?
Germany and Poland
What were the two views on what should happen to Germany?
Roosevelt said they should reconstruct and reunite Germany
Stalin said they should dismember the nation permanently.
Who controlled zones of occupation in Germany?
The U.S., Britain, France, and Russia
How did Roosevelt die?
A stroke
Who became president after Roosevelt died?
Harry s Truman
How much did Truman say the U.S. Should go get?
85% of what it wanted
Who met at Potsdam?
Stalin, Churchill, and Truman
Who replaced Churchill after the elections?
Clement Attlee
What were the 2 sides of Germany?
Western - United into one nation, friendly to the U.S.
Eastern - the Russian zone with a pro-soviet, communist government
What two Chinese leaders fought eachother?
Chaing Kai-Shek and Mao Zedong (communist)
Who did Truman support in the Chinese arguments?
Who’s idea was containment originally?
George f Kennan
Who was containment used on?
Soviet Union
How much money did Truman request to help Greece and turkey?
$400 million
What was the john birch society?
An anti communist group
Who lead the JBS?
Robert welch
What was wrong with the JBS?
They were totally paranoid
Who’s idea was rollback?
John Foster Dulles
How many Western European nations accepted the Marshall plan and which nations did not?
Russia and its eastern satellites
Which agency administered the Marshall plan?
The economic cooperation administration
How much did European industrial production rise because of the Marshall plan?
What was the atomic energy commission?
It became in charge of overseeing all nuclear research
What oversaw all branches of the armed service?
The department of defense
What governed foreign and military policy?
The national security council
What replaced the office of strategic strategies?
The Central Intelligence Agency
What did the national security act do?
It gave the president expanded powers to pursue international goals
What was Stalin demanding needed to happen if Germany was going to be officially divided?
All the parts of Berlin must be given to the eastern sector
How long did the U.S. Airlift to Berlin continue?
10 months
What was the name of the western side and its capital?
The federal republic
What was the name of the eastern republic?
The democratic republic in the east
East Berlin
What was the North Atlantic treaty organization?
Twelve nations signed an agreement saying that if one of them was atta kid they were all attacked
What alliance did the Soviet Union make?
The Warsaw Pact
What two things really startled Americans?
The Russian atomic bomb
The collapse of chasing Kai-Shek’s government
After China fell to communism, what did some Americans make to support them?
China Lobby
What did people think the end of the war would bring to American?
What did the Ned of the war bring to American?
What was the servicemen’s readjustment act do?
The GI Bill of rights provided housing education and job training to vets
Who ,was the united mine workers on strike?
John l Lewis
What did Truman do to get the railroad workers to work again?
He threatened to make the army work the trains
What was the republican’s slogan to win both houses of congress?
“Had Enough?”
What wa the first thing the republican congress did?
Chip away at new deal reforms
What act damaged unions?
The Taft Hadley act
What were problems that Truman faced with his new campaign?
He was unpopular
Divisions in the Democratic Party
What party did the southern conservatives form and who was the leader?
The Dixiecrat
States’ rights party
Governor strom Thurmond of SC
What did the left wingers make?
The new progressive party
Henry a Wallace
Who did the democrats try to get to run?
Dwight d Eisenhower
Truman wS their second choice
What did the case Shelly v Kramer decide?
Courts could not be used to enforce private convenants meant to bar blacks from residential neighborhoods.
Film noir
Originated in France
Known for its dark lighting
What did most people believe about the nuclear bombs?
It would do more harm than good
Who fought the Korean War?
Both the United States and Russia had troops in Korea fighting the Japanese
Where was Korea divided?
Along the 38th parallel
What happened when the Russians left the north?
They left behind a communist government
Who did the Americans turn their power over to n korea?
Shngman Rhee
Who was the main American General in the Korean War?
Douglas MacArthur
What did MacArthur suggest?
They should directly attack the Chinese
Who did MacArthur write a letter to?
House republican leader Joseph w Martin
Which republican group tried to prove that under democratic rule the government tolerated communism?
The house unamerican activities committee
Who was klaus Fuchs?
A young British scientist sho gave atomic bomb tips to Russians
Who wS the main person who investigated communists?
Who led the afl cio
George meany
What happened to the labor unions?
The became tainted with violence
Pasteur and Joubert
Development of antibiotics
Edward Jenner
Smallpox vaccine
Developed the typhoid vaccination
Jonas Salk
Developed the cure for polio (vaccine)
Albert Sabin
Developed the oral vaccine for polio
Paul muller
Made the pesticide for ddt
What was bell labs?
The research arm of AT&T
What did integrated circuits do?
Helped advance the development of the computer
What’s the first significant computer?
The universal automatic computer
Who made the first computer?
The Remington rand company
Who publicized the first computer?
The international business machines company
What were the first American ICBM’s?
Atlas and Titan
Miss,es thst could travel several states thousand miles
The Polaris
Nuclear miss,w capable of being carried and fired by submarines
What were soviet astronauts?
Which shuttle exploded?
The challenger
David potter
Wrote people of plenty
What was everyone entranced with?
The hula hoop
Who was the most famous suburban developer?
William levitt
Bernard devoto
Shall we let them ruin our national parks?
David brower
Leader of the Sierra club
William h whyte jr
Produced the organization man which described the mentality of s worker in a large burcreatic setting
What were the restless teens called?
The beats or beatniks
Who was an icon of the beats?
James dean
What show did dick Clark host?
American bandstand
Secret payments from producers to DJs to get their music played sooner
Michael Harrington
The other America
Who was the least experienced politician to serve in the presidency?
How did McCarthy die?
After he had been removed from his position, he died of alcoholism
Who was eisenhower’s SOS?
John foster Dulles
Massive retaliation
Dukes idea of using nuclear weapons in situations of co,,units threats
Pushing the soviets to the brink
Who was trying to get power over Vietnam?
Ho Chi Minh and the French also
Who would Roosevelt not support Minh?
He was a communist
Where were treated for Korea and Vietnam both settled?
Who was the nationalist prime minister of Iran?
Mohammed mossadegh
Who was ether leader of Egypt?
General gamal abdel Nasser
Who overthrew the Cuban government and started his own?
Fidel Castro
Who did Castro make and alliance with?
The Soviet Union
What caused Eisenhower and kruschev’s meeting to be cancelled?
There was a bombing of an American plane in Russian territory
Who was the pilot of the plane?
Francis Gary Powers