Final Flashcards
Content Validity
our measure covers all the imporant measures
Face Validity
on the surface, does this measure seem like what it is supposed to measure?
Criterion Validity
weather our measure is related to some real-world oucome we care about
real world behavior
Convergent Validity
weather our measuure is related to other measures that is should be
Divergent (discriminat) Validity
our measure is not related to things it shouln’dt be related to.
Open eded questinns
let people answer how they want
forced ednded quesitons
multiple choise
likehart scale
agree, stonrgu agree
Semantic diffental
raiting someone on a scale, with opposite words at each end . strong vs weak. hot vs cold
leadeing question
leading the witness to the answer you want
double barrled
2 quesitons in one
Acquiescence bias
people agree to everyhting.
fence sitting
picking the netrual option
obersver bias
when the reachers own expections influce what they see
obsrrtve effects
act of obserging changes the behaviuoru of subjects
people changing their behaviour, when they know they are being watched
Masked design
people doing the obsercing are bild to the hypothesis
Un-Biased (or Random) Sampling
- Cluster Sampling
- Statefied Sampling
- Simple Random Sampling
best - everyone in the population has a equal chance of being selected
Non-Randon (Biased) Sampling
- Convinience sampling
- Purposive Sampling
- Quota sampling
- Snowball sampling
Random sampling
for external vlaidtu
Random assigment
for internal validity
frequeuncy claim
how often somehting hapens . ex. 60% collagence students feel stressed
associaiton claim
two thijgs are rlated
cusal claim
one thing influes the other
you need a manipuated mariable (reseachers corntol)
no manipulation, no causation
Which type of sampling is not a way to get non-probility sample?
cluster sampling
cluster sampling
unlike convience, purpose, snowball, everyone has a chance to get seleted.
Unbiased sample
Probability sample
Random sample
Representative sample
freqnecy clasim verbs
occues, is happens
assoction claism verbs
is linked to, associated with, goes with
cuasal claims
reduces, effects, causes
seeing a anserr choice proved
is a red flag