CH 5 Flashcards
Conceptual Definition
Review: Describing Variables
Tells you what the concept means
- is based on theroy
- Abstract
Operational Definition
Tells you how the concept is being measured or manipulated
- What method is being used
- More detailed/specific
What are the 3 Types of measures?
- Self-report
- Observational
- Physiological
The responses people give to questionnaires and interviews
- Most widely used method to capture peoples emotions
- Answers will be based on their perceived experiences
- Research question: do people experience in increase in fear during public speaking?
- Rating scale: How fearful were you while giving the speech? (1 = extremely; 5 = not at all)
- Open ended: How did you feel while giving the speech?
Examples of Self-Report
Involves the direct observation of a participants behaviour
- Can be used to measure anything an animal or person does that researchers can observe
- Observers will be trained individuals that make observations about the behaviour of interest
- Research question: do people experience in increase in fear during public speaking?
- Observes watch the speaker and look for pre-determined markers of anxiety/fear
- Would have multiple observers
Behaviour examples:
* Stuttering
* Redness/flushed
* lack of eye contact
* Shaky voice
Example of Observational
Involves measuring bodily processes
- Often used to assess processes within the nervous system
- I.e., heart rate, blood pressure, blood flow to the brain etc.
Research question: do people experience in increase in fear during public speaking?
Record physiological responses that reflect the internal state of anxiety/fear
- EEG (Electroencephalogram) - measure the brain cell activity
- EMG (Electromyography) - measure muscle tension
- GSR (Galvanic skin response) - measure emotional arousal via changes in sweat
gland activity
Example of Physiological
Reason for choosing type(s) of Measures
- Theoretical Interests
- Methodological Pluralism
- Theoretical Interests
Are you interested in people’s actual abilities or the perceptions of their abilities
- Methodological Pluralism
- Using a variety of measurement
types is encouraged
- Using a variety of measurement
- Keep in mind, the results may
not always align
What is Measurement?
The process of assigning values meaningfully to behaviour, people, attributes, etc.
- The goal is to assign numbers to the variable of interest
Four types of measurement scales:
1. Categorical
2. Ratio
3. Interval
4. Ordinal
What are the Four types of measurement scales:
- Categorical (or Nominal)
- Ratio
- Interval
- Ordinal
Categorical (or Nominal) Scale
Consists of a set of categories that have different names.
- Levels are qualitatively distinct categories
- Have no true quantitative/numerical property but numbers can be assigned to represent the different categories
- Cannot be ordered
Example: I.e., gender, culture, major, country
Ordinal Scale
Consists of a set of categories that are organized in an ordered sequence.
- Numbers represent rank ordering (2 is “more than” 1)
- Higher numbers present more of the quality being measured
- Distance between the values are NOT equal
Example: I.e., tase preference (1 = Cola, 2 = Pepsi, 3 = root beer)
Interval Scale
Consists of ordered categories that are all intervals of exactly the same size.
- Distance between the values ARE equal
- Difference between 1 and 2 is equal to the difference between 3 an 4
- Zero is arbitrary, it does not mean nothing and therefore there is no true zero
Example: I.e., thermometers, IQ