Ch 3 Flashcards
Somehting we can measure and the measurement values vary.
Potential vlaues are called levels.
is a vlaue that could posibly vary, but in a particular research study, it has just one level.
Measured variables
are observed, and the levels are recorded.
When conduciting reseach, most variables are measured.
Recording it’s natual level.
Maniputlated variables
(aka controlled variables)
are within the researchers control.
e.g., assigning reseach subject to different levels of the variable. (30mg, 50mg, no drug, placebo)
Conceptual Variable
Define what it means
Abstract; definitons
Operational variable
How we will measure the conceptual definiton?
Helps us define specific research operations we need to follow to collect our data.
3 Research Claims
Frequency Claims
Associaiton Claims
Causal Claims
Key feature of Frequency Claims
Only 1 single individual variable
key feature that distinguishes frequency from Associaiton and Causal claims.
Frequency Claims
describe a particular level, rate, or degree of a single varibale.
Always measured variables
Typically emerge from descriptive reseach studies (e.g.. surveys)
* simply describe an individual variable.
* no associaitons
1 variable at a time.
Association Claims
describe a relationship between two or more measured variables.
association and correlation are synomones
Associated variables Covary
As value of one variable changes, the value of the other variable will also change.
If associated, we can predict the value of one variable by knowing the value of the other variable.
Positive Slope
two variables move in the same direction.
Can be a upward or a downward direction, as long as both variables move in the same direction.
Possitve Association
Negative Slope
two variables move in the oppositve direction of one another.
Negative Association
Zero Slope
No associaton b/w two variables.
Causal Claims
focus on the relationshop b/w two variables that covary.
Argues one varibale is responsible for changing the other.
1st varibale is causing changes in the second variable.
Emerge from experimental research stuides.
Bold Claims
3 criteria Nesseary to establish Causal Claims
- Covary (correlation)
- Temporal Precedence
- Internal Validity