Fiber Decorticator PAES 228-229:2005 Flashcards
slender and greatly elongated natural filament of fiber plant
decorticator mechanical device used for extracting fibers by crushing, beating and scraping actions effected by the rotating cylinder with equally spaced blades and breaker or scraper block (Fig. 1)
fiber decorticator
refers to the physical, chemical and morphological properties of fibers extracted
fiber quality
ratio of the dry weight of fiber extracted and total fresh weight of stalks / leaves, expressed in percent
fiber recovery
weight of the raw materials (fresh stalks / leaves) fed to the machine per unit time, kg/h
input capacity
part of the decorticator where raw materials are beaten up and crushed
scraper block breaker block
Abaca (Fiber Recovery, % minimum )
Banana (Fiber Recovery, % minimum )
Maguey (Fiber Recovery, % minimum )
Pineapple (Fiber Recovery, % minimum )
Ramie (Fiber Recovery, % minimum )
Sisal (Fiber Recovery, % minimum )
Noise Level, dB (A), maximum
Fiber of this grade is of good cleaning and its color ranges from ivory white to light ochre. This grade shall be free from any shade of purple, red and greenish streaks.
In all fiber of this grade the cleaning process has been properly and carefully carried out. There are practically no scales in the fiber. The cleaning is good and the color is dull white.
Produced when the fiber is properly decorticated and dried. The fiber is almost free from scales, epidermal layers and pulps. The cleaning is good and the color varies from ivory white to almost white
Fiber washed simultaneously or immediately after decortications with fresh water. It’s completely free from bark, sticks (broken stems) or foreign matters. The color ranges from light straw or light greenish to light yellowish ivory or creamy and the cleaning is good. Sisal
In all fiber of this grade the cleaning has been properly carried out. There are practically no scales in the fiber. The cleaning is good and the color is dull white.
the method or extent of extracting (by retting or decorticating) the fiber from the leaves
principal factor which determine the grade of a fiber
distance between the outermost points along the cylinder base axis
cylinder length
equivalent linear speed of the cylinder tip when running at normal operating speed
cylinder peripheral speed
elasticity or stretch of a fiber before rupture
distance between the scraper block/breaker block and blades in order to separate fiber elements from the non-fiber elements of the plant
effective allowance
diameter outside diameter generated by the outermost point of the cylinder decorticating elements
effective cylinder
ratio of the amount between the total weight of the fiber extracted to the total amount of fiber content on a dry basis
extraction efficiency
difference between the total amount of fiber content and amount of fiber extracted on a dry basis
extraction loss
indicator of the quality or the characteristics of the physical property of a fiber
number of persons needed in the operation of the fiber decorticator
labor requirement
properties of the fiber which deal with its anatomical characteristics such as length, diameter, lumen and wall thickness
morphological properties
dry weight of the fiber at 13-14% moisture content extracted per unit time
output capacity
inherent strength and behavior of fibers under applied force which determines the mechanical serviceability or usefulness in commerce such as tensile strength, cleaning and color
physical properties
electric motor or internal combustion engine used to run the decorticating machine
Test materials to be used shall be commonly or locally grown and newly harvested fiber crop. The amount of test materials to be supplied shall be at least ___ of input capacity (kg/h) of decorticator.
75 %
Air dry the extracted fiber and when the moisture content is around ______ record the weight.
13% - 14%,