Abaca Stripper PAES 254-255:2011 Flashcards
mechanical device used for extracting primary fibers by scraping action from blade
and stripping block
abaca stripper
method that uses bolo to partially cut (leaving the upper layer 1 mm to 2 mm thick
uncut) crosswise the middle of the inner portion of the leaf sheath to be able to extract
the tuxies
bacnis method
refers to the physical properties such as tensile strength, length, color and texture
(fineness and coarseness) of fibers extracted
fiber quality
method that uses tuxying knife to thrust one side of the leaf sheath and make a cut
between the upper and the inner portions of the material to be able to extract the
locnit method
weight of the output fiber extracted from the abaca stripper per unit time, kg/h
output capacity
soft tissue or non-fibrous material attached to the fiber
parenchymatous material
summation of the dry weight (moisture content of 14%) of extracted fiber using
manual or mechanical abaca stripper and unextracted fiber manually obtained
potential fiber content
ratio of fresh weight of fiber extracted and the total fresh weight of input abaca tuxies
to the abaca stripper, expressed in percent
potential fiber recovery
extracting the fiber from abaca tuxies using abaca stripper
part of the abaca stripper that provides friction and where raw materials are being
locked in position during fiber extraction
stripping block
ratio of the total dry (moisture content of 14%) weight of the fiber extracted to the
potential fiber content of abaca tuxies, expressed in percent
stripping efficiency
metal plate, non-serrated or serrated, that provides stripping action
stripping knife
the outer layer of abaca leaf sheath which contains the primary fiber
separating the outer layer from inner layer of leaf sheath which is at most 1.8 mm of
abaca leaf sheath either by locnit method (using tuxying knife) or bacnis method
(using bolo)
Type of abaca stripper that uses serrated blade and stripping block to be able to
extract abaca fiber (
Improved manual stripping device “Hagotan”
Operating by rotating the flywheel and spindle using a prime mover.
Spindle type mechanical stripping
Abaca stripper with pneumatic tires.
Abaca stripper without transport mechanism
The noise emitted by the abaca stripper shall not be more than
96 dB(A)
Prime mover shall be _____ to ______ kW
diesel engine.
3.73 kW to 5.22 kW
Mobile spindle stripping machine designed by Fiber Industry Development
Authority (FIDA) shall be able to extract abaca fiber from a minimum of ____ per one stripping process.
5 tuxies
For Hagotan, minimum potentia fiber recovery shall be ___ of the weight of fresh tuxy
For spindle type stripping machine, minimum potential fiber recovery shall be ____ of the weight of fresh tuxy
Stripping efficiency of the mechanized stripping machine shall be at least ______ and
Maximum stripping loss shall be ______.
Fiber Industry Development Authority
difference between the potential fiber content of abaca tuxies and dry weight
(moisture content of 14%) of the actual fiber extracted using abaca stripper, expressed in percent
extraction loss
distance between the horizontal supporting plane surface and the horizontal plane
touching the uppermost part of the stripping machine
NOTE: All parts of the abaca stripper projecting upwards are contained between these two planes.
overall height
distance between the vertical planes at the right angles to the median plane of the
abaca stripper and touching its front and rear extremities
Note: All parts of the stripper, in particular, components projecting at the front and at the rear are
contained between these two planes. Where an adjustment of components is possible, it shall be set at
minimum length.
overall length
distance between the vertical planes parallel to the median plane of the machine, each
plane touching the outermost point of the stripper on its respective side
NOTE: All parts of the stripper projecting sidewards are contained between these two planes.
overall width
summation of the weight of extracted fiber using manual or mechanical abaca stripper
and unextracted fiber manually obtained
potential fiber content
preliminary operation of the machine to make various adjustments prior to the
conduct of test until the operation is stable.
running-in period
ratio of fresh weight of fiber extracted and the total fresh weight of input abaca tuxies
to the abaca stripper, expressed in percent
potential fiber recovery
There shall be a minimum of ___ test trials
During each test trial, three samples each weighing approximately _____ shall be
randomly collected to be analyzed in the laboratory
10 kg