Fever in returning traveller Flashcards
Causes of Fever in returning travller
Malaria (check prophylaxis) Dengue (rash) Typhoid Rickettsia Bacterial Diarrhoea UTI Pneumonia HIV Seroconversion Brucella Viral Haemorrhagic Fevers (Ebola/lassa fever) etc Timing is key
Typhoid pathogens
Salmonella typhi and paratyphi
Anaerobic Gram -ve bacillus
Enteric fever infecting Peyers patches
Transmitted by food and water
Symptoms of typhoid
Fever, headache, abdo pain, diarrhoea or constipation Rose spots (30%), relative bradycardia (non-specific and
Diagnosis of Typhoid
Blood cultures
Management of Typhoid
IV Fluids
Oral or IV antibiotics
Notifiable disease
V severe malaria >2% parasitaemia
48 hr rhythm (tertian)
Blood Film: Young trophozoites (rings) in the absence of mature trophozoites and schizonts. Crescent shaped gametocytes.
Most common esp Africa and Asia
P Falciparum
Treatment for P Falciparum
If stable 1 week Quinine then Doxycycline, Clindamycin, Fansidar
Chronic liver stage (hypnozites)
48hr rhythm
Blood film: Schuffner’s dots, >20 merozites?schizont
P Vivax
Treatment for P Vivax
Cholorquine then primaquine
Chronic Liver stage (hypnozites)
48 hr rhythm
Schuffner’s dots
P Ovale
P Ovale
Chloroquine then primaquine
72 hr rhythm (Quartan)
Similar mophology to Plasmodium Knowlesi
P Malariae
P Falciparum Ix
Thick film - parasitaemia
Thin film - distinguish species
Various antigen test
Bloods: WCC rarely raised, 70% reduced platelets, 50% deranged LFTs, 30% anaemia
Signs of P Falciparum
COmmon - fever, splenomegaly, No signs
Uncommon - Focal neurology, Reduced GCS, coma, Shock, Hepatomegaly
Symptoms of P Falciparum
Common - Fever + rigors (also from septicaemia) Flu-like illness Headache Back Pain Myalgia Nausea + Vomiting
Uncommon - Diarrhoea
Abdominal cramps
Dark Urine