Fetal Genitourinary System Flashcards
Fetal kidneys are developed and ascend into their normal position by week __
Week 9
Most common renal anomaly
Duplex collecting system
Urachus is located
Between the apex of the bladder and the umbilicus
Fetal urinary bladder normally fills and empties once every ___
30-45 minutes
The kidneys can be seen sonographically by ____
11 weeks transvaginally
12 weeks transabdominal
VACTERL stands for:
Vertebral Anal atresia Cardiac TraceoEsophageal atresia Renal Limb
How many abnormalities listed in VACTERL need to be present for patients to have this association
3 of the abnormalities must be present
Most frequent cause of oligohydramnios
Renal abnormalities
The most worrisome consequence of oligohydramnios is:
Pulmonary hypoplasia
Sign associated with renal agenesis:
“Lying down” adrenal sign
What are the arrowheads pointing to?
Adrenal gland in a flattened, parallel position
What sign is this? What is it associated with?
“Lying down” adrenal sign. Associated with renal agenesis
Most likely cause of bilateral enlarged, echogenic kidneys in utero
Fetal syndrome associated with microcephaly, occipital encephalocele, polydactyl, polycystic kidneys
Meckel-Gruber syndrome
Sonographic difference between ARPKD and ADPKD
With ADPKD a normal AFI volume is present and urinary bladder is visible
MCDK is caused by
An early renal obstruction
- Small, echogenic kidneys with peripheral cysts,
- thick walled bladder
- oligohydramnios
Obstructive Cystic Dysplasia
Most common fetal abnormality noted during obstetric exam
Enlargement of the bladder
Measurement of the renal pelvis is made in what plane?
Anterior posterior plane
Before 20 weeks, renal pelvis should not exceed ____
After 20 weeks, renal pelvis should not measure more than ___
10 mm
3 most common areas of obstruction
Most common cause of hydronephrosis in neonate and most common form of fetal renal obstruction
UPJ is more often in ____(male or female)
Fetal pyelectasis can be a marker for what chromosomal anomaly
Trisomy 21
Sonographic sign for posterior urethral valves(PUV)
Keyhole sign
Triad of absent abdominal musculature, undescended testis, and urinary tract abnormalities describes
Prune Belly syndrome
Sonographic sign of prune belly syndrome
Keyhole sign
What sign is this? What abnormalities is it associated with?
Keyhole sign. Associated with PUV and prune belly syndrome
Least common cause of hydronephrosis in the fetus
Bladder located outside the pelvis
Bladder extrophy
Most common solid fetal renal mass
Mesoblastic nephroma
Sonographic finding of bladder extrophy
Lower abdominal wall mass inferior to umbilicus, absent bladder, normal kidneys
The sex of the embryo depends on the:
Ovum always contributes a ___ chromosome
Most common malignant abdominal mass in neonates
Most common fetal genitalia abnormality in the female is
Abnormal ventral curve of the penis resulting from a shortened urethra
No visible bladder seen, combined with this finding suggests
Bladder extrophy
Most common urethral obstruction in females
Cloacal malformation
Most common bladder outlet obstruction in males
Posterior urethral valves(PUV)
Prune belly syndrome aka
Eagle-Barrett syndrome
Most common cause of fetal bladder rupture