What do feminists argue that the digital world focuses on?
The exclusion of women from the history of technology.
Haraway - technological advancements
Women should not be excluded, and instead be part of them and inform them.
How does exploitation happen according to feminists?
Because men largely control governments and legal systems worldwide.
How is globalisation linked to the exploitation of women?
As national boundaries have become less significant, the illegal movement of people has become much easier to coordinate.
Arlaccki - globalisation and female exploitation
Exploitation has been one of the most undesirable consequences of globalisation.
What did the Child Exploitation and Online Protection Centre report in 2012-13?
That 790 children were subject to safeguarding or protection as a result of online activity.
What are two of the many negative impacts of exploitation of women?
Physical, sexual and emotion abuse.
Women becoming something to be bought or sold.
When did the fourth wave of feminism emerge?
Between 2000-2010 and uses technology as a method of communication.
What do many women in parts of the world become part of?
A muted group.
What did the Girl Guides organisation introduce?
A campaigning and activism badge this year.
What did Cochrane find from a survey on Mumsnet?
59% of users consider themselves a feminist.
What did Bates and Chemaly set up?
A campaign against misogynistic pages on Facebook.
What practical response have feminists had to globalisation?
Write blogs about the structures in place that have kept women from raging in digital humanities.
What have feminists been criticised for?
- Too pessimistic.
- Outdated.
- Conflicts within the perspective.
Haraway - cyborg metaphor
Problems with feminism and capitalism might be overcome through greater understanding of identity through cyborg theory.
Ethnic minority women are gaining an increasing presence in digital communication and this enables their particular interests.
CEOP findings.
18,887 reports relating to child sexual exploitation and 192 were arrested when suspected of this crime.
Types of sexual exploitation on the internet include: bride trafficking, sex tourism and live sex shows through videoconferencing.
What is the main issue with the feminist view?
Contradiction, some feminists believe it reproduces patriarchy and others are optimistic that digital communication will give women the chance to express themselves.