feminism 2 Flashcards
what did Mary Wollstonecraft argue in A Vindication of the Rights of Women?
women ought to have an education , claiming that women are essential to the nation because they educate its children and because they could be “companions” to their husbands, rather than mere wives
When was A Vindication of the Rights of Women published?
what did the second wave of feminism achieve?
wide, sweeping legal reforms as well as more wider ranging contraception
what did the Women’s Liberation Movement engage in?
consciousness raising
what was the third wave of feminism centred around?
micro politics - allowing women to define feminism for themselves
what was the fourth wave of feminism centred around?
internet tools
what are some examples of internet led feminist campaigns?
me too, everyday sexism
how can second wave feminism be criticised?
white, middle class women centred - at the same time, women of colour were at risk for state sanctioned sterilisations
what are the 3 principle claims of standpoint theory?
(1) Knowledge is socially situated
(2) Marginalized groups are socially situated in ways that make it more possible for them to be aware of things and ask questions than it is for the non-marginalized
(3) Research, particularly that focused on power relations, should begin with the lives of the marginalized
what is a criticism of liberal feminism?
encouraged the ‘metamorphosis’ of women into men
how were consciousness raising groups so effective?
allowed women to recognise that their individual problems actually had a structural basis
what is the radical feminist perspective on prostitution?
prostitution continually affirms and reinforces patriarchal definitions of women as having a primary function to serve men sexually it also is a heavily class and race-based profession
what is the radical feminist perspective on pornography?
charge that the production of pornography entails physical, psychological, and/or economiccoercionof the women who perform and model in it. This is said to be true even when the women are presented as enjoying themselves, fosters rape myths
how can radical feminism be criticised?
often trans-exclusionary
in what year did Engels write about the plight of women under the capitalist system?
how does Engels relate the social phenomena associated with female sexual purity to capitalism?
being due to men trying to ensure their inheritance is only passed onto their offspring
what do some Marxist feminists advocate?
women to get paid for their labour, thus moving them into the public sphere
How does Federici, a Marxist feminist, criticise women’s involvement in the labour market?
“double day”
what idea of Marx’s do socialist feminists reject?
Rejects Marx’s opinion that once capitalism is gone, gender subordination will collapse
what is the basis of psychoanalytic feminism?
gender inequalitycomes from early childhood experiences, which lead men to believe themselves to bemasculine, and women to believe themselvesfeminine
what is the postmodern feminist goal?
to destabilize thepatriarchalnorms entrenched in society that have led to gender inequality
how do post modernists believe human experience is shaped? (Frug)
through discourse
why do post modern feminists reject universal truths for women?
as it can minimise individual experience
why do some feminists dislike postmodern feminism?
Some feminists believe post-modern feminism undermines the attacks on patriarchy they are trying to fight for
what concepts do existentialist feminists emphasise? (3)
freedom, interpersonal relationships, and the embodied experience
what factors do existentialist feminists believe limit change? (2)
self-deception and the anxiety caused by the possibility of change can limit it
what key quote by Simone de Beavouir is used to describe the sex/gender distinction?
“One is not born but becomes a woman”
who is a key advocate for black feminism?
bell hooks
why did women getting the vote have little affect for black women?
white women voted like their husbands and fathers
what percentage of white women voted for trump in 2016?
what percentage of black women voted for trump in 2016?
how did the civil rights movement also fail black women?
The black movement itself defined freedom as participating in the current system, which still oppresses women
what does hooks highlight to illustrate the difference in how white and black women were treated by feminism?
Whilst white women were dismissing the role of housewife, black women were celebrated for their role
what does hooks highlight to illustrate the difference in how white and black women were treated within society?
Whilst women were fighting for the Equal Rights Amendment, black women were fighting to stop lynchings in their communities