Female Urinary Incontinence Flashcards
What are the components of the upper urinary tract?
Kidneys and ureters
What are the components of the lower urinary tract?
Bladder and urethra
What is the vesico-ureteric mechanism?
Protects the nephrons from any damage secondary to retrograde transmission of back pressure or infection from the bladder
Which nerve is responsible for storage?
Hypogastric nerve (sympathetic)
Which nerve is responsible for voiding?
Pelvic nerve (parasympathetic)
Which nerve is responsible for voluntary urination?
Pudendal nerve (somatic)
What is urinary incontinence?
Any involuntary leakage of urine
What is stress urinary incontinence?
Involuntary leakage on effort or exertion, on sneezing or coughing
What is urge urinary incontinence?
Involuntary leakage accompanied by or immediately preceded by urgency
What is mixed urinary incontinence?
Involuntary leakage accompanied by or immediately preceded by urgency and on effort or exertion on sneezing or coughing
Risk factors of UI
Age Parity Menopause Smoking Increased intra abdo pressure Surgery Pelvic floor trauma Denervation Connective tissue disease
Post voiding residual volume assessment
UI management
Lifestyle changes
Medical treatments
When does stress urinary incontince occur?
When intra-abdominal pressure exceeds urethral pressure, resulting in leakage
Lifestyle changes
Stop smoking
Lose weight
Eat more healthily to avoid constipation
Stop drinking alcohol and caffeine
Medication for UI if PFMT fails
Pelvic floor muscle training
What is overactive bladder syndrome?
A symptom complex usually, but not always, related to urodynamically demonstrable detrusor overactivity
Risk factors for urge incontinence
Advanced age
Classes of pharmalogical treatment of overactive bladder
Tri-cyclic anti depressants
Antimuscarinic pharmalogical treatment of overactive bladder
Trospium Chloride
Tri-cyclic anti depressants pharmalogical treatment of overactive bladder