feeding calves Flashcards
calve at
22-24 mo
newborn calve
remove calf from dam asap (30-60) min
disinfect navel
feed colostrum
plce calf in housing and wean at 8 weeks
5 c’s of successful calf rearing
colostrum calories comfort cleanliness consistency
5 q’s of colostrum
quality quantity quickness squeeky clean quantifying the results
why is colostrum important
syndesmochorial placenter
immunoglobulins cannot ccross the fetus
calf is not protected
failure of passive transfeer
less than 10 mg/ml of igg
igg will
reduce treatment and mortality
improve growth rate and feed efficiency
decreased age at first calving
increased first andsecond lactation
for highest quallity colostrum
harvest with in 1-2 hours, 6 hr max
how to increase colostrum quality
dry cow nutrition
avoid long or short dry periods
vaccinate when dry
harvest within 2 hours
how much igg in the average calf
10 mg/ml
how much to feed at first feeding
10% of body weight,
about 1 gallon
why feed within 1-2 hours
calf is born with an open gut, then closes
nutriton program: birth to weaning
doouble birth wt by 56 days
1.6-1.8 lb/day
develop functional rumen and be weaned by week 7-8
Pre Ruminant
Birth to 3-4 weeks do not have a functional rumen can't digest solid feed abomasum does the work dependant on liquid diet of milk/milk replacer (need morein the winter 3-4 quarts twice a day or 2-3 twice a day in summer) calf starter and water (free choice) water only after day 3 rumen lacks papillae
abomasonal digestion in pre-ruminant
milk clots in the abomasum within 10 minutes
chymosin (rennin)acts on caisin
whey has many proteins
milk clot is slowly digested by pepsin and hcl and released into
milk proteins are best digested
intestinal digestion of pre-ruminant
sugars are poorly digested
except lactose
until week 3-4
pancreatic protein enzymes increse after birth (trypsin and chymotripsin)
Transition Phase (week 3-4 to weaning)
milk, grain and water begin developing functinoal rumen takes 3 weeks but continues as long as milk is fed grain feeding promotes butyric and propioic acid production llowers the ph increses bacterial growth rumen wont develop if milk only graaaiiinn!!! not forage.
Ruminant phase
at 225 lbs around 8 weeks milk is discontinued post weaning diet 1-2 weeks: grain and water 3 weeks: grain, water and forages