Feedback September-October Flashcards
Why do you need English in your live?
[correct the sentence] For what?
What for?
[pronunciation] course
O (not ‘У’)
There are a lot of disadvantages here in comparison to Russia, ______ services, banking and so on. (с точки зрения)
a lot of disadvantages … in terms of…
[stress] communicate
[stress] concentrate
[stress] criticize
I can’t share the screen because I’m __ a phone.
I’m on a phone
но если ты не согласна…
But if you don’t agree (not ‘not’)
[stress] And I’ve realized that…
Our group __ relate to the last guy.
could relate to
I’m not sure if I’ll ever ___ [get] a native speaker level of English.
get to a native speaker level
I want to ____ (достигнуть уровня, при котором я буду видеть сны на английском).
get to a level where I see dreams in English.
It is difficult to _______ a conversation with someone who only says Yes and No. [поддерживать разговор; keep]
keep up a conversation with…
I guess a good intonation is about practice, not about your talent.
It’s like ______ [ear / music]. Anyone can learn this.
having an ear for music
I ______ (не использовала) German for a long time.
I haven’t used [a period of time that includes now => present perfect]
I think when you live in an English speaking country, you can pick up _____ [how can you continue the sentence? new expressions? new level? your English?]
- *pick up** new expressions
- *pick up** [some English/a lot of English]
NOT ‘your English’
What about your experience __ immersing yourself in a new culture?
experience of
_____ that I have an ear for French pronunciation. [Слава богу…]
Thank God
(NOT ‘thanks’)
Do you know anyone who has immersed ______ in French?
Olya, could you _____ (напомнить мне)…
could you remind me
[pronunciation] synonym
[pronunciation] author, authenticate, audio, etc
/ˈɔːθə/, /ɔːˈθentɪkeɪt/, /ˈɔːdiəʊ/ etc
[pronunciation] highly qualified
BrE /ˈkwɒlɪfaɪd/
AmE /’kwɑːlɪfaɪd/
..and in this situation I can _____ something new. [=узнать]
learn something new
(not ‘know’)
I don’t know if I enjoy this or not. ______ (зависит от ситуации).
It depends.
It depends on the situation.
(not ‘Depends on.’)
I’ve heard that the Royal family is very good __ small talk.
I’ve heard that the Royal family is very good at small talk.
I’ve heard that the Royal family is very good at small talk.
_____ (я им так позавидовала).
I was so + adj
I + verb + ___
I was so envious. (adjective)
I envied them so much.
It depends on what you pay attention __. [preposition]
It depends on what you pay attention to.
They’re good at ______ (смол толк)
small talk - uncountable
(NOT ‘talks’)
It depends on ______ (на что ты обращаешь внимание)
It depends on what you pay attention to.
(put the preposition at the end, not at the beginning)
[find one thing to improve] I try to listen, to find out what this person is like, what he likes…
I try to listen, to find out what this person is like, what they like…
There are two people here ___ (с которыми я могу поладить).
There are two people here [who] I can get along with.
[pronunciation] blouse
He would be too __ [snob] in a museum.
Option 1: with a noun
Option 2: with an adjective
He would be too much of a snob in a museum. [noun => ‘of’]
He would be too snobbish in a museum.
maybe he’s arrogant.. [reformulate] I feel something arrogant when I look at him..
There’s something arrogant about him.
He has an air of arrogance.
[pronunciation] colleague
BrE /ˈkɒliːɡ/
AmE /ˈkɑːliːɡ/
He reminds me __ one of my colleagues.
He reminds me of one of my colleagues.
I’m _____ at small talk. [=I’m really, really bad]
I’m rubbish at small talk.
‘pretty’ or ‘pretty much’?
I’m ___ reserved.
I get along with _____ everyone.
pretty much + verb [gone back to their lives / wasted / done]
pretty much + ‘absolute’ words (all people, everything, everyone, nobody)
pretty + gradable adjectives
pretty reserved, good, big
I get along with pretty much everyone.
[pronunciation] conceited
тщеславный, самодовольный
[pronunciation] imaginative
Is it your connection or mine? You’re just _____ (пропадаете).
You’re just breaking up.
A good start-up founder should be ____
(= good at finding ways of doing things and solving problems, etc.)
A good start-up founder… He has to be imaginative and resourceful.
A good start-up founder… THEY have to be imaginative and resourceful.
What do you think about being being witty - is that an ____ ability or can it be learned? (врождённая)
an innate ability
[add a word] Sometimes I may come across as shy person.
Sometimes I may come across as a shy person.
[pronunciation] It may be difficult to communicate with certain types of people.
[pronunciation] It may be difficult to communicate with certain types of people.
Reneta, how long _____ (ты живёшь) in Montenegro?
Reneta, how long have you lived in Montenegro? [a period of time that includes now]
have you been living
NOT ‘do you live’
Something idiotic… [reformulate] I don’t have an example in my mind. >> I can’t th….
I can’t think of anything / anyone.
[add ‘definitely] I’m not sure I’ll take their course, but I’ll take at least one consultation with the creator of the course.
I’m not sure I’ll take their course, but I’ll definitely take at least one consultation with the creator of the course.
I’m not sure I’ll take their course, but I’ll take at least one consultation with the creator of the course, definitely.
[add ‘utterly’] You know, I always feel exhausted after I’ve had a full working day, and then maybe a meeting and then a lesson.
You know, I always feel utterly exhausted after I’ve had a full working day, and then maybe a meeting and then a lesson.
[add ‘first’] I visited London in 2001. And I loved it.
I first visited London in 2001. And I loved it.
I try not to ____ my training, unless I’m utterly exhausted.
I try not to skip my training, unless I’m utterly exhausted.
- *skip** lessons
- *skip** breakfast
Let me make an educated guess about you…
[add ‘presumably’] So you live in Budva, right? So, you swam in the sea last summer, right?
So, presumably you swam in the sea last summer, right?
So, you swam in the sea last summer, presumably, right?
The skill I want to talk about is ___ (слепая печать).
The skill I want to talk about is touch-typing.
/ˈtʌtʃ taɪp/
I learned to touch type, and now I spend ____ (намного меньше времени) typing.
I learned to touch type, and now I spend a lot less time typing.
[reformulate] I’d love to learn how to touch type in English. That would be very useful >> come in…
I’d love to learn how to touch type in English. That would come in really handy.
[pronunciation] 1960s
the Sixties
[pronunciation] 2000s
the two thousands
[pronunciation] 1900s
the nineteen hundreds
[pronunciation] ecotourism
BrE /ˈiːkəʊtɔːrɪzəm/
AmE /ˈiːkəʊtʊrɪzəm/
Maybe the word was _____ earlier. [=created]
Maybe the word was coined earlier.
‘Maybe ’spacecraft’ appeared around the time Gagarin flew to space?’
‘Not _____ (не обязательно, не факт)’
Not necessarily
(literature) фантастика
/ˈsaɪ faɪ/
[reformulate] It was difficult for me to concentrate on this text - I mean, I read it but I couldn’t remember anything.
>> I couldn’t ____ it __.
[reformulate] It was difficult for me to concentrate on this text - I mean, I read it but I couldn’t remember anything.
>> I couldn’t take it in.
[pronunciation] apps
life hack
What’s the worst thing _____ (be) a celebrity?
What’s the worst thing about being a celebrity?
Face-to-face classes … I wouldn’t ____ that [= я бы не сказала] they’re on the way out. For instance, I teach three-year-olds - and for them, online classes are not an option.
Face-to-face classes … I wouldn’t say that they’re on the way out. For instance, I teach three-year-olds - and for them, online classes are not an option.
Please _____ [объясни мне это]
Explain this to me
NOT объясни меня - ‘explain me’
[pronunciation] automatic
Evgenia said that online lessons are convenient because they save time for the way and can be more _____ (доступные) in terms of prices.
Evgenia said that online lessons are convenient because they save time for the way and can be more affordable.
[reformulate - clarify what is meant] A lot of office managers have lost their coffee time with colleagues. And this may cause a lasting change in the communication outside of work
A lot of office managers have lost their coffee time with colleagues. And this may cause a lasting change in the way people communicate outside of work
[grammar talking about ongoing change] I think there ___ a steady shift to making cooking more simple
I think there has been a steady shift to making cooking more simple
[reformulate] the way how people start to appreciate offline meetings and dinners has ongoing changes
There have been some ongoing changes in the way people view offline meetings and dinners.
[formulate - clarify what exactly is on the increase] social media / still / on / increase
The use of social media is still on the increase. /s/
[Instagram celebrity] Maybe she cried to keep her ____ (аудитория) engaged.
Maybe she cried to keep her audience (аудитория) engaged.
In IT companies, ______ (звонить коллегам - моветон)
In IT companies, it isn’t done to call colleagues.
BrE isn’t the done thing to
_______ (процент) of people who are depressed is getting bigger and bigger.
The percentage of people who are depressed is getting bigger and bigger.
or the proportion
The percentage of people who are depress is getting bigger and bigger. [reformulate: ______ bigger]
The percentage of people who are depress is getting increasingly bigger.
I love Italian _____ (кухня).
I love Italian cuisine.
I like to try out new ____ (кулинарные ресепты).
I like to try out new recipes.
[reformulate] I’m without a camera today, apologies.
I don’t have a camera today
My camera isn’t working today
I can’t switch on my camera today
____ (почти незаметная) difference
[NOTICE >> the same word family]
a barely noticeable difference
(not ‘unnoticed’ - незамеЧЕННая)
which articles?
I really regret _ rapid rise in the use of mobile phones.
There’s been _ rapid rise in the use of microwaves.
which articles?
I really regret the rapid rise in the use of mobile phones.
There’s been a rapid rise in the use of microwaves.
[pronunciation] increase - noun
What vocabulary learning strategies have you tried so far?
[fix the mistake] I used Brainscape.
What vocabulary learning strategies have you tried so far?
[fix the mistake] I’ve used Brainscape.
[pronunciation] I spend 5-10 minutes a day reviewing the cards.
[pronunciation] I spend five to ten minutes a day reviewing the cards.
(not ‘five ten’)
[fix the mistake] This example means today I didn’t finished reviewing the cards.
[fix the mistake] This example means today I haven’t finished reviewing the cards.
I ___ (become) more confident leading meetings.
I ___ (get) more confident leading meetings
I’ve become more confident leading meetings
I’ve got more confident
I’ve been getting
I ___ (visit) Italy this summer.
I visited Italy this summer.
you mention a specific point in the past => past simple
I have been __ Italy as well!
I have been to Italy as well!
I ___ (take) IELTS twice, and I ___ (also / pass) exams at a European university.
I‘ve taken IELTS twice, and I‘ve also passed exams at a European university.
I ___ (start) swimming when I was twenty.
I ____ (swim) since I was twenty.
I started swimming when I was twenty.
I‘ve been swimming since I was twenty.
It was surprisingly easy to understand that grammar reference - I’ve never ____ ___ a book that was so clear. (не встречала)
It was surprisingly easy to understand that grammar reference - I’ve never come across a book that was so clear. (не встречала)
[pronunciation] emailing
Olya, would you mind ___ (go on mute).
Olya, would you mind going on mute?
I’ve been meaning to find a ____ (массажистка)
BrE /mæˈsɜːz/
AmE /məˈsuːs/
[can a family survive after one partner cheated on the other?] They may decide it’s part of their marriage and ____ (закрывают на это глаза)
They may decide it’s part of their marriage and turn a blind eye to this.
Sometimes Kirkoroff can demonstrate e________ taste.
Sometimes Kirkoroff can demonstrate exquisite taste.
I’ve been meaning to finish ___ (ремонт в доме)
I’ve been meaning to finish doing up my place.
It looks like ___ (она вот-вот разрушится/развалится)
It looks like it’s about to come apart.
I need a __ (обогреватель)
I need a heater.
[pronunciation] oven
[pronunciation] cupboard
I had to hang up new _____ (обои)
I had to hang up new wallpaper.
uncountable - not plural!
Something happened and the toilet ___ clogged.
Something happened and the toilet got clogged.
[pronunciation] finally
What is this called?
bunk bed
There’s mold - probably it’s ___ (сыро) here.
There’s mold - probably it’s damp (сыро) here.
I / currently / rent a perfect place.
I’m currently renting a perfect place.
I’m not tight __ space at all.
I’m not tight for space at all.
до школы моего сына можно дойти пешком (из моей квартиры)
My son’s school is within walking distance.
or: you can reach it on foot.
[improve] Education in Oxford may run into the thousands.
The cost of education / the expenses can run into the thousands.
[pronunciation] revamp, distraction, grab, laptop
[collocation] what can we ‘round up’?
money / people (some loyal followers, some volunteers, etc)
If I had to decorate on a tight budget, I’d probably go cheap on the furniture and buy something that ___ (be) in use, because I’m OK with second hand furniture.
If I had to decorate on a tight budget, I’d probably go cheap on the furniture and buy something that has been/had been in use, because I’m OK with second hand furniture.
before => use a perfect tense
Actually I’m going all out of my son’s education and it/cost me a fortune.
Actually I’m going all out of my son’s education and it’s costing me a fortune.
My partner is quite stingy and he goes cheap on everything - but ______ (в долгосрочной перспективе) this is more expensive.
My partner is quite stingy and he goes cheap on everything - but in the long term this is more expensive.
My son’s education is costing me a fortune, but I hope it will ____ (окупится…)
My son’s education is costing me a fortune, but I hope it will pay off.
Oh, I’m dreaming about having high-speed internet - and Mary does have good internet. Maybe she / live / here for ages and she knows some secrets.
Oh, I’m dreaming about having high-speed internet - and Mary does have good internet. Maybe she’s been living here for ages and she knows some secrets.
My new place is _______ (в пяти минутах ходьбы) from the nearest underground station.
My new place is within a 5-minute walk from the nearest underground station.
My new place is _______ (в пяти на машине) from the nearest underground station.
My new place is within a 5-minute drive from the nearest underground station.
Our apartments are located in the very centre of Oxford so you probably will not need the taxi, because everything important is _____ (можно дойти пешком).
Our apartments are located in the very centre of Oxford so you probably will not need the taxi, because everything important is within walking distance.
Sara __ (ignore) him.
Sara __ (ignore) him.
Maybe he ___ (ask) her about something.
Maybe he is asking her about something.
He’s holding something in his ____.
He’s holding something in his hands.
‘I want to be in your ___’
‘I want to be in your arms’
I think Alex ___ (not / pay attention) to what Sara ___ (say).
I think Alex isn’t paying attention to what Sara is saying.
Didn’t you like the film?
____ (нет, мне он понравился)
Didn’t you like the film?
Yes, I did.
It was _____ (несколько) expensive.
It was somewhat expensive.
This is ___ (или) sarcasm __ (или) a straightforward reply.
This is either sarcasm or a straightforward reply.
[pronunciation] sarcasm
Harry Potter got on the broom for the first time and he flew amazingly. The boy’s a _____ (= very good at something without having to learn how to do it, or who has all the right qualities for a particular job)
Harry Potter got on the broom for the first time and he flew amazingly. The boy’s a natural. (= very good at something without having to learn how to do it, or who has all the right qualities for a particular job)
[pronunciation] appropriate
My current boss insists on ____ (write) up a summary of what we’ve done every single day, and it’s driving me mad.
My current boss insists on us writing up a summary of what we’ve done every single day, and it’s driving me mad.
or: insists that we should write up..
appropriate >> negative suffix
Sometimes I need to ___ ____ _____. (=выпустить пар)
Sometimes I need to let off steam. (=выпустить пар)
or ‘blow off steam’
[pronunciation] disagree, disagreement
/s/, not /z/!
A lot of authorities use ___ (канцелярит)
excessively formal = излишне формальный /ɪkˈsesɪvli/
(other collocations: excessively complicated / depend on something excessively / apologize excessively / praise someone excessively)
or: stilted language
I think they proposed this bill to ____ увести attention from other things.
I think they proposed this bill to draw the public’s attention away from other things.
[pronunciation] Napoleon
He was very ____ (настойчивый) - he didn’t give up until he got his way.
He was very persistent - he didn’t give up until he got his way.
I’m not angry - I’m ____ (смирилась с этим)
I’m resigned to this.
[pronunciation] Maybe Arabic will be the next international language?
[pronunciation] Mandarin
__ (китайцы) are workaholics.
The Chinese
(a group described with an adjective: the + adjective)
I don’t know how your monologue connects to this question
I’m afraid you lost me there
I’m not sure how what your said is connected to this questions
If they’re restricting the use of English in Russia, that’s a ____ (звоночек) for me.
If they’re restricting the use of English in Russia, that’s a red flag for me.
[talking to someone who’s in Tashkent] What’s the difference in meaning?
How long are you here for?
How long have you been here for?
How long are you here for? - I’m leaving in 2 weeks. (a question about the future)
How long have you been here for? - I came here 2 weeks ago (a question about the past)
I don’t like Moscow. I’d ___ live here in Tashkent.
I don’t like Moscow. I’d rather live here in Tashkent.
(= ‘I’d prefer to…’)