Extra vocabulary topics Sep-Dec Flashcards
My cupboard doors in my kitchen are _____ing ___ _____ ______. (свисают с петель)
My cupboard doors in my kitchen are hanging off their hinges.
My fridge can’t regulate the temperature anymore
so all the fresh food ____ ___ twice as fast (=портится в два раза быстрее)
My fridge can’t regulate the temperature anymore
so all the fresh food goes off twice as fast.
If I had to decorate on a tight budget, I’d at least redo the floors and ____ __ some nice wallpaper.
If I had to decorate on a tight budget, I’d at least redo the floors and hang up some nice wallpaper.
The plastic __ ______ ___ (=отваливается).
The plastic is coming off.
a new sofa, arm chair, maybe a TV stand and _____ ____ (стеллаж) might do to begin with until I can round up some more cash.
a new sofa, arm chair, maybe a TV stand and shelf unit might do to begin with until I can round up some more cash.
Yeah, a few years ago I went cheap on my kitchen so
now I have to ____ (мне надо её переделать) and it’s going to cost a bloody fortune.
Yeah, a few years ago I went cheap on my kitchen so
now I have to redo it and it’s going to cost a bloody fortune.
I might __ ____ ____ wallpaper (может быть избавлюсь от обоев) this time as it gets ripped, and go for painted walls instead
I might do away with wallpaper this time as it gets ripped, and go for painted walls instead
I’m a bit _____ ___ _____ (у меня маловато места, тесно) in my house so if I had the finances, I’d do a loft conversion
I’m a bit tight for space in my house so if I had the finances, I’d do a loft conversion
There’s a n____ smell coming from the washing machine. (=жуткая вонь)
There’s a nasty smell coming from the washing machine.
You try to ______ (залить туда жидкость) it to unblock (прочистить) the sink, but it’s still _______ (забита).
You try to bleach it to unblock the sink, but it’s still clogged.
I’m a bit tight for space in my house so if _ ___ ___ ________ (= если бы у меня были деньги на это), I’d do a loft conversion
I’m a bit tight for space in my house so if I had the finances, I’d do a loft conversion
I could install a new _____ _______ (=светильник), too.
I could install a new light fitting, too.
It’s been suffering from years of neglect because I simply haven’t had __ ____ __ ___ ____ to do the place up.(у меня не было ни времени, ни денег на то, чтобы привести квартиру в порядок)
It’s been suffering from years of neglect because I simply
haven’t had the time or the cash to do the place up.
Installation costs can ___ ____ the _________ (может дойти до тысяч долларов) and I haven’t even started on the appliances yet!
Installation costs can run into the
thousands and I haven’t even started on the appliances yet!
If I had to decorate __ _ _____ ______ (пришлось делать ремонт с очень ограниченным бюджетом), I’d at least redo the floors and hang up some nice wallpaper.
If I had to decorate on a tight budget, I’d at least redo the floors and hang up some nice wallpaper.
You can ____ __ (buy) some furniture ___ _________ (по адекватной цене) prices from some large stores.
You can pick up some furniture for reasonable prices from some large stores;
. Yeah, a few years ago I went cheap on my kitchen so
now I have to redo it and it’s going to cost a b____ f______ (стоить как крыло самолёта)
. Yeah, a few years ago I went cheap on my kitchen so
now I have to redo it and it’s going to cost a bloody fortune.
a new sofa, arm chair, maybe a TV stand and shelf unit might do to begin with until I can _____ __ some more cash. (=надыбать, поднакопить)
a new sofa, arm chair, maybe a TV stand and shelf unit might do to begin with until I can round up some more cash.
And the rest of the furniture needs ___ (чтобы её заменили) too.
And the rest of the furniture needs replacing too.
I would love to __ ___ ___ __ decorating my flat. (пуститься во все тяжкие, сделать всё возможное)
I would love to go all out on decorating my flat.
I might also get a couple of cupboards, to provide more _______ _____ (=место для хранения вещей).
I might also get a couple of cupboards, to provide more storage space (=место для хранения вещей).
It’s been suffering from years of _______ (= годами не следила за ней) because I simply haven’t had the time or the cash to do the place up.
It’s been suffering from years of neglect because I simply
haven’t had the time or the cash to do the place up.
My whole flat needs to be __v_____. (нуждается в обновлении - inf)
My whole flat needs to be revamped.
Yeah, a few years ago I ____ _____ __ my kitchen (купила дешёвую кухню) so now I have to redo it and it’s going to cost a bloody fortune.
Yeah, a few years ago I went cheap on my kitchen so
now I have to redo it and it’s going to cost a bloody fortune.
My sink is _______ (засорилась) and no ______ (хлорка) helps.
My sink is clogged and no bleach helps.
There are signs of _____ up the wall (плесень по всей стене).
There are signs of mould up the wall.
I’d definitely try to ____ ___ __ the limited space (оптимально использовать ограниченное пространство) by being effectively minimalistic.
I’d definitely try to make (optimal) use of the limited space by being effectively minimalistic.
but it’s still clogged so you need to kind of ____ __ _ __________ (вызвать ремонтника)
but it’s still clogged so you need to kind of call in a specialist
I might re-tile the walls and install a new light fitting too, to b_______ the place __ a bit. (=make it more colourful/lively, освежить/украсить)
I might re-tile the walls and install a new light fitting too, to brighten the place up a bit.
You had a ___ (= a loud, angry argument - скандал - BrE) with your boyfriend at 10 o’clock in the morning.
You had a row (= a violent argument) with your boyfriend at 10 o’clock in the morning.
Yes. We had a ___ (= a loud, angry argument - скандал - BrE) and I left her here.
Yes. We had a row (= a loud, angry argument - скандал - BrE) and I left her here.
Over the years, we’ve watched happy young couples move in here and before you know it, they’re a_ e_ o_ th_(= грызутся), and within weeks or months, they’re moving out.
Over the years, we’ve watched happy young couples move in here and before you know it, they’re at each other’s throats (= грызутся), and within weeks or months, they’re moving out.
From the outside, it does not look this _ (= spacious, настолько просторным).
From the outside, it does not look this roomy.
(Let’s) cooperate, let each other know what we’re doing, that kind of thing, so as we don’t _ _ each _ w_ (= чтобы не мешать друг другу).Yeah.
(Let’s) cooperate, let each other know what we’re doing, that kind of thing, so as we don’t get in each other’s way. Yeah.
This is one of our more _ cottages. (= roomy, просторный)
This is one of our more spacious cottages.
Mama and I were still fighting, and being c_ _ (взаперти, в тесноте without being able to leave, e.g. to move out) in that shack (хижина, лачужка) didn’t help.
Mama and I were still fighting, and being cooped up in that shack (хижина, лачужка) didn’t help.
It’s getting a bit c_ in here (= too little room and too many people), so off you go.
It’s getting a bit cramped in here, so off you go.
Glossary: off you go - very direct, идите-ка отсюда, normally addressed to kids
(if we started dating= We’d be _ _ _ throats in a month. (=we’d start arguing constantly)
We’d be at each other’s throats in a month.
He wouldn’t like being _ up here. (= сидеть взаперти, в четырёх стенах).
He wouldn’t like being cooped up here. (= сидеть взаперти, в четырёх стенах).
It’s _ (= spacious), but it’s got a good view of the garbage cans.
It’s roomy, but it’s got a good view of the garbage cans.
Exactly my point. We keep chasing the same target… we’ll keep g_ _ _ _ way. (=мешать другу)
Exactly my point. We keep chasing the same target… we’ll keep getting in each other’s way.
Catholics and Protestants living side by side, at each _ _ (= hating each other and arguing constantly), divided by the Falls Road.
Catholics and Protestants living side by side, at each other’s throats, divided by the Falls Road.
[sorting your email] Why are these tasks that seem really m_, why are they so stressful and anxiety inducing?
(= boring tasks that aren’t supposed to require skill or cognitive effort - like washing dishes and cleaning floors)
Why are these tasks that seem really menial, why are they so stressful and anxiety inducing?
There’s all these essentially micro decisions. Looking at this email, do I need this?
And so each of those decision _ (требует) a little bit more of _ _ (когнитивных усилий).
And so each of those decision requires (требует) a little bit more of cognitive effort.
notice ‘effort’ is uncountable here!
When you add 2,000 of those [micro decisions], you end up with no power to make any other important decisions after that, if you d_. (истощённым)
When you add 2,000 of those [micro decisions], you end up with no power to make any other important decisions after that, if you depleted. (истощённым)
What we found was that checking email more frequently throughout the day was associated with feeling more stressed and o_. (= перегруженный информацией, тонешь в информации)
What we found was that checking email more frequently throughout the day was associated with feeling more stressed and overwhelmed.
In the study, one group of people were asked to check their email wh_ they wanted throughout the day …
In the study, one group of people were asked to check their email whenever they wanted throughout the day … (когда бы им ни захотелось)
In the study, one group of people were asked to check their email whenever they wanted throughout the day while the other group had to do it _ b_. (“партиями”, группируя похожую работу)
In the study, one group of people were asked to check their email whenever they wanted throughout the day while the other group had to do it in batches. (“партиями”, группируя похожую работу)
Why are these tasks that seem really menial, why are they so stressful and a_ _? (вызывающие тревогу?)
Why are these tasks that seem really menial, why are they so stressful and anxiety inducing? (вызывающие тревогу?)
/æŋˈzaɪəti ɪnˈdjuːsɪŋ/
**Notice /ŋ/, not /ng/!
The switching (of attention) in and of itself actually requires cognitive effort and so you end up more d_ at the end of the day. [истощённый]
The switching (of attention) in and of itself actually requires cognitive effort and so you end up more depleted at the end of the day. [истощённый]
The switching (of attention) _ and _ i_____ (= само по себе) actually requires cognitive effort and so you end up more depleted at the end of the day. [истощённый]
The switching (of attention) in and of itself actually requires cognitive effort and so you end up more depleted at the end of the day.
[Some things that I do] is I do have s_ (запланированные) ‘do not disturb’ times which you can set on your phone when you know basically no notifications come in.
[Some things that I do] is I do have scheduled (запланированные) ‘do not disturb’ times which you can set on your phone when you know basically no notifications come in.
In general, I do k_ my phone _ s_. (держу в беззвучном режиме)
In general, I do keep my phone on silent. (держу в беззвучном режиме)
Today, 35 percent of Americans practice cognitively d_ professions. (= когнитивно сложные, требующие умственного труда)
Today, 35 percent of Americans practice cognitively demanding professions. (= когнитивно сложные, требующие умственного труда)
Even when you _ (clean) your mailbox and you _ (not actually do) hard cognitive work, you kinda actually _.
Even when you’re cleaning your mailbox and you’re not actually doing hard cognitive work, you kinda actually are (notice the short form here!).
The brain is deciding what’s important and what’s not and that _ effort. (требует усилий, расходует их)
The brain is deciding what’s important and what’s not and that takes effort. (требует усилий, расходует их)
The frontal cortex which is involved in cognitively d_ tasks (когнитивно сложные задачи) helps us m_ focus (сохранять, поддерживать фокус внимания).
The frontal cortex which is involved in cognitively demanding tasks helps us maintain focus.
On average we _ _ (переключаемся между задачами) every three minutes.
On average we switch tasks every three minutes.
By some measures we’re _ _ more than 63 notifications a day. = нас постоянно забрасывают оповещениями
By some measures we’re bombarded by more than 63 notifications a day.
learn how to be more focused and b_ our productivity. (сильно увеличить)
learn how to be more focused and boost our productivity.
Attention, much like your daily allowance of money, is a _ _ (ограниченный ресурс).
Attention, much like your daily allowance of money is a limited resource.
We did a study not in an organization but on campus where we asked students to find a building _ (или) with their phones _ (или) without the help of their phones.
We did a study not in an organization but on campus where we asked students to find a building either with their phones or without the help of their phones.
Every time you get distracted by a notification you have to _ your attention (переключить) and _ it _ (переключиться обратно).
Every time you get distracted by a notification you have to switch your attention (переключить) and switch it back (переключиться обратно).
Notifications on our phones _ our attention _ _ (отвлекают наше внимание от) the task at hand so completing it may ultimately require more effort.
Notifications on our phones draw our attention away from (отвлекают наше внимание от) the task at hand so completing it may ultimately require more effort.
Notifications on our phones draw our attention away from the task _ _ (=задача, которой вы в данный момент занимаетесь) so completing it may ultimately require more effort.
Notifications on our phones draw our attention away from the task at hand (=задача, которой вы в данный момент занимаетесь) so completing it may ultimately require more effort.
also: concentrate on the problem at hand, instead of dealing with the issues at hand,
Notifications on our phones draw our attention away from the task at hand so completing it may u_ (в конечном счёте) require more effort.
Notifications on our phones draw our attention away from the task at hand so completing it may ultimately (в конечном счёте) require more effort.
_ (чем выше) the cognitive load, _ (тем более подвержены, уязвимы - susceptible) we are to new distractions.
The higher the cognitive load, the more susceptible we are to new distractions.
The higher the cognitive load, the more s_ (подвержены) we are to new distractions.
The higher the cognitive load, the more susceptible we are to new distractions.
So, to tame new technologies, we may first need to r_ h_ and w_ we rely on them. (= пересмотреть)
So, to tame new technologies, we may first need to reconsider how and when we rely on them.
So what can we do as cell phone users to m_ that? (= reduce the scale of the problem, смягчить эффект)
So what can we do as cell phone users to mitigate that? (= reduce the scale of the problem)\
notice that the stress is on the first syllable
_ (wish) a M_rry Christmas to all my friends, family and colleagues who celebrate.
Wishing a Merry Christmas to all my friends, family and colleagues who celebrate.
What can you say if you want to поздравить с Рождеством but you’re not sure the person celebrates it?
Happy Holidays!
Season’s Greetings.
How else do they spell ‘Christmas’ in ‘Merry Christmas’?
Merry Xmas.
Happy Holidays _ you and your family!
Happy Holidays to you and your family!
Вays that are important for a person/family, e.g. birthdays, weddings, wedding anniversaries, graduation days, are s_ o_.
Вays that are important for a person/family, e.g. birthdays, weddings, wedding anniversaries, graduation days, are special occasions.
/ˈspeʃl əˈkeɪʒnz/
I had a headache, so I _ _ _ _ (= взяла выходной).
I had a headache, so I took a day off (= взяла выходной).
‘off’ is stressed in ‘a day OFF’
Days that are traditionally celebrated by many people, e.g. New Year’s Day, Christmas, Easter are called _.
Days that are traditionally celebrated by many people, e.g. New Year’s Day, Christmas, Easter are called festivals.
Days when people don’t work (but not because of a traditional festival) - ‘праздники’ like March, 8 or the Independence day - are called a _ holiday in the UK, or a _ holiday in the US.
Days when people don’t work (but not because of a traditional festival) - ‘праздники’ like March, 8, Independence day - are called a bank holiday in the UK, or a national holiday in the US.
Notice they both have the same vowel (гласная): /bæŋk/, /ˈnæʃnəl/ (not ‘bunk’)
I don’t know what to _ my dad for Christmas. [= подарить]
I don’t know what to get my dad for Christmas. [= подарить]
[word formation]
Do you do anything to create a ____ [FESTIVAL] mood and start to feel Christmassy?
Do you do anything to create a festive mood and start to feel Christmassy?
[word formation]
Do you do anything to create a festive mood and start to feel _ [Christmas]?
Do you do anything to create a festive mood and start to feel Christmassy?
Let’s put some _ on the Christmas tree.
Let’s put some tinsel on the Christmas tree.
In England, there’s a tradition of kissing under the m_. (= омела)
In England, there’s a tradition of kissing under the mistletoe.
Let’s put some _ on the Christmas tree.
Let’s put some baubles on the Christmas tree.
Let’s put some _ on the Christmas tree.
Let’s put some lights on the Christmas tree.
Do you p_ _ Christmas decorations in your hourse?
Do you put up Christmas decorations in your house?
Sitting with the cat in my lap always p_ me _ a cozy mood.
Sitting with the cat in my lap always puts me in a cozy mood.
[word formation]
What Christmas and New Year ___ [FEST] are happening in your town? Will you be attending any of them?
What Christmas and New Year festivities are happening in your town? Will you be attending any of them?
Here’s a l_ _ for you. (= кое-что)
Here’s a little something for you.
It want to g_ the kitchen a bit of a Christmas t_ (= make it look Christmassy)
It want to give the kitchen a bit of a Christmas touch (= make it look Christmassy)
What do you do to _ a festive mood before the New Year?
What do you do to create a festive mood before the New Year?
Y_ food (=tasty), ch_ (= too romantic) and possibly the stranges I’ve seen) film.. It felt c_ (= comfortable) and happy.
Yummy /ˈjʌmi/ food, cheesy (and possibly the stranges I’ve seen) film.. It felt comfy /ˈkʌmfi/ and happy.
[pronunciation] comfy
What kind of quote is this?
It’s a bit _
What kind of quote is this?
It’s a bit cheesy. (too romantic OR not very good or original, and without style, in a way that is embarrassing but funny)
H_‘_ _ (=будем надеяться) next year we get to spend Christmas with family in person.
Here’s hoping next year we get to spend Christmas with family in person.
Who in your family is the most _ [OBSERVE] and gives the best gifts that people enjoy the most?
Who in your family is the most observant and gives the best gifts that people enjoy the most?
= наблюдательный
/əbˈzɜːvənt/ - notice the two schwas